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Market Research White Papers - Business Exchange
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Market Research

Results 1 - 25 of 59Sort Results By: Published Date | Title | Company Name
By: IBM Unica     Published Date: Sep 08, 2011
This SiriusDecisions vendor profile features Unica, which offers a marketing automation platform that includes online and offline campaign management, Website and content personalization, activity-based campaign triggers, lead management, and customer data and Web analytics.
Tags : ibm, unica, siriusdecisions, vendor profile, field marketing, automation platforms, integrated enterprise, demand creation provider grid
     IBM Unica
By: IBM Unica     Published Date: Sep 08, 2011
Quality organizations are under pressure to reduce costs and improve quality, while being hit with new technologies and practices. Agile practices, rich-client technology and cloud platforms are creating disruption in the testing tools market.
Tags : ibm, unica, gartner, magic quadrant, crm multichannel, campaign management, mccm, marketing
     IBM Unica
By: Crowd Science     Published Date: Jul 14, 2011
This position paper has been developed to shed some light on the importance of creating a high quality survey questionnaire.
Tags : crowd science, scale, audience research, display advertising, targeting, demographics, website demographics, market research
     Crowd Science
By: Bazaarvoice     Published Date: Jul 12, 2011
We surveyed top CMOs to get the real story about how they use social media. See how CMOs use and measure social media.
Tags : bazaarvoice, cmo, social media, social roi, social media planning, social marketing activity, customer voice, user-generated content
By: Bazaarvoice     Published Date: Jul 12, 2011
Learn what's next in social from thought leaders like Clay Shirky, Jeremiah Owyang, and Facebook's Dan Rose and brands like P&G; and Best Buy.
Tags : bazaarvoice, social commerce trends, social media, customer centricity, digital democracy, consumer insights, input, business impact
By: Bazaarvoice     Published Date: Jul 12, 2011
In this report, top CPG brands share tips for enhancing cross-channel marketing, building brand loyalty, and measuring social ROI.
Tags : bazaarvoice, consumer packaged goods, cpg, social media, customer-centric, social commerce, brand loyalty, multi-channel marketing
By: Bazaarvoice     Published Date: Jul 12, 2011
We surveyed CMOs with The CMO Club to learn how social media measures up in their organizations -- and their answers may surprise you.
Tags : bazaarvoice, cmo, social media, social roi, social media planning, social marketing activity, customer voice, user-generated content
By: Bazaarvoice     Published Date: Jul 12, 2011
Thought leader Shel Israel shares ways to integrate customer intelligence into your business.
Tags : bazaarvoice, customer intelligence, customer insights, customer centricity, shel israel, customer feedback, thought leader, customer experience/engagement
By: Bazaarvoice     Published Date: Jul 12, 2011
Consumer use multiple touchpoints to engage with your brand before they buy. Leading CPG brands share how to be a part of the conversation.
Tags : bazaarvoice, consumer packaged goods, cpg, social media, customer-centric, social commerce, brand loyalty, multi-channel marketing
By: Bazaarvoice     Published Date: Jul 12, 2011
By making ticket-buying social, Ticketmaster connects with and empowers their customers. Learn how Ticketmaster leverages social to interact with customers and drive new sales.
Tags : bazaarvoice, ticketmaster, social shopping, social media, social commerce, social futurist, customer interaction, customer experience/engagement
By: G+     Published Date: May 17, 2011
Gerson Lehrman Group Inc.'s panel of experts discusses the commercial, clinical, and regulatory challenges unique to orphan drug development.
Tags : g+, gerson lehrman group, orphan drug, regulatory challenges, drug development, commercialization, clinical, interactive/pr agencies
By: G+     Published Date: May 17, 2011
The objective of this research was to learn how doctors react to existing online communication methods and communities, and to learn about their feelings and attitudes about communicating directly with pharmaceutical companies.
Tags : g+, gerson lehrman group, online focus group, oncologist, e-detailing, online network, interactive/pr agencies, interactive marketing
By: Switzerland Trade and Investment     Published Date: Jun 02, 2011
Switzerland Trade & Investment Promotion continues to rank at the top of key FDI indicators and is a strong location for North American companies looking for fast and sustainable growth in Switzerland and the European market. Watch this online discussion about globalization trends, drivers and opportunities and how they affect today's business strategies.
Tags : switzerland, globalization, european market, swisstrade, swiss market, international growth, global network, import
     Switzerland Trade and Investment
By: Cvent     Published Date: Jun 01, 2011
With the right technology, it can be easy to collect customer feedback, improve satisfaction metrics and increase customer retention. But you need to have the right tools.
Tags : cvent, web surveys, online surveys, feedback management, feedback software, market research, enterprise feedback management, marketing research
By: Cvent     Published Date: Jun 01, 2011
Surveys that not created using a systematic approach, the results can be inconclusive or irrelevant. These ten tips are designed to help create effective surveys that will deliver meaningful business intelligence.
Tags : cvent, web surveys, online surveys, feedback management, enterprise feedback management, create surveys, design surveys, survey design
By: Cvent     Published Date: Jun 01, 2011
There is a common misconception that feedback initiatives are too cost-prohibitive and require significant expertise. However, best-in-class organizations rely on feedback for everything from lead generation to product development to customer satisfaction measurement.
Tags : cvent, web surveys, online surveys, feedback management, enterprise feedback management, efm, customer voice, voice of the customer
By: IBM Software     Published Date: May 24, 2011
This white paper will explore the practical applications of performance management and business analytics.
Tags : ibm, business analytics, data analysis, performance management, customer, roi, cognos software, interactive/pr agencies
     IBM Software
By: Citrix     Published Date: Mar 10, 2011
At a recent conference of the Society for Human Resource Management (SHRM), 377 HR professionals in a master session were surveyed on "the competencies they believed required the most focus and development to prepare HR to meet future challenges and uncertainties." The number one response: Strategic Thinking.
Tags : productivity, citrix webinars, citrix, employee performance, employee performance management, webinars & web conferencing, market research, online video marketing
By: Moreover Technologies     Published Date: Mar 09, 2011
Looking for the proverbial business intelligence needle in a haystack? Need online media monitoring that's laser-focused on business-not consumer-interests? Want both news and social media posts unified and delivered to you through a convenient single-portal report? If so, look beyond Google for focused, customizable business information.
Tags : moreover, google, consumer, business information, social media, news, bi, business intelligence
     Moreover Technologies
By: Aprimo     Published Date: Mar 07, 2011
With the right guidelines-and the right tools-Digital Marketing can provide valuable new ways to connect with customers and grow your business.
Tags : aprimo, cmo, roi, measurement, b2b, b2c, digital media, marketing
By: Adobe Systems Inc.     Published Date: Mar 04, 2011
Learn how easy it is to create and send a single PDF Portfolio using Adobe Acrobat X Pro. See how to create a rich, branded PDF Portfolio containing many types of documents, each with a rich preview experience. Discover how to embed web pages and streaming media and even output the entire portfolio experience as a web page.
Tags : adobe, pdf, portfolio, acrobat, pro, rich media, content management systems, marketing software
     Adobe Systems Inc.
By: SkillSoft MKG     Published Date: Nov 05, 2010
What does it really take to be a leader at our company? Will this program enable tomorrow's leaders to see the forest for the trees and initiate a plan to protect and grow that forest?
Tags : leadership development, benchmarking, talent management, talent development, leadership capacity, business intelligence, market research
     SkillSoft MKG
By: Cotendo     Published Date: Sep 01, 2010
The company wanted a high-performing CDN partner that understood and supported AdBrite's vision and provided the same transparency in its services.
Tags : cotendo, case study, adbrite, high-speed ad delivery, cdn, content delivery, content integration, content management system
By: Hitwise     Published Date: Feb 17, 2010
What is the state of credit card comparison websites? Learn the answer to this question and more with the latest research report from Hitwise. You will learn what types of consumers are shopping around for credit cards, how that is changing and whether more consumers are seeking out store cards or specialty cards.
Tags : hitwise, credit card, comparison, credit, payment, ecommerce, spending, trends
By: Hitwise     Published Date: Feb 16, 2010
The latest report by Experian Marketing Services provides critical data and trend information spanning the marketing ecosystem, presenting marketers with a more complete and accurate understanding of the digital consumer. This report has key customer data statistics and tips for digital marketers as well as insight on the multichannel attitudes and behaviors of consumers today.
Tags : hitwise, webcast, affiliate, mobile, ad management, smartphones, digital, traffic management
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