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Reporters Without Borders Network Partner Organizations

Published on Wednesday 28 September 2011.
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JOURNALIST IN DANGER (JED) – Democratic Republic of Congo Created in November 1998, this organization defends media freedom in the Democratic Republic of Congo. With correspondents in Lubumbashi, Mbuji-Mayi and Matadi, and contacts in areas controlled by rebels, it gathers information about physical attacks, threats or arrests affecting journalists. Without JED, many journalists would be imprisoned without the public, state authorities and international organizations knowing anything about it. Its members visit prisons regularly to meet jailed colleagues and give them assistance. JED also organizes meetings and conferences to remind Congolese journalists of basic journalistic ethics and professional conduct. Every year it publishes a detailed annual report on the state of media freedom in the Democratic Republic of Congo.

Address: Journaliste in Danger
374 Avenue Colonel Mondjiba
Complexe Utexafrica
Galerie Saint Pierre
B.P. 633 - Kinshasa 1
Democratic Republic of Congo
Email: jedkin[at]jed-afrique.org
Website: http://www.jed-afrique.org

ASSOCIATION OF ERITREAN JOURNALISTS IN EXILE - Eritrea Created in Washington in January 2002, this young association consists of about 30 Eritrean exile journalists based in the United States, Canada, Europe, Africa and Saudi Arabia. It aims to defend media freedom, establish a truly independent press, and protect the rights, freedom and safety of those who work for Eritrean news media. It promotes cooperation between Eritrean and international citizens and institutions, and with organizations that are interested in the media and journalistic activities in Eritrea. It plans to create its own website to make the information it obtains available to the public, to cooperate with existing Eritrean websites and to transmit documentation to Eritrean journalists. It also plans to organize conferences and workshops on the situation of journalism in Eritrea.

Email: aejexile[at]gmail.com

NATIONAL UNION OF SOMALI JOURNALISTS (NUSOJ) - Somalia A young association that was created in 2002 and became a union in 2005, NUSOJ defends media freedom in Somalia. Its members work in the information and media sector (including print and broadcast media). It monitors and investigates violations of media freedom and fundamental rights. NUSOJ’s partnership with Reporters Without Borders goes back to 2004. It helps Reporters Without Borders to gather information and identify potential recipients of assistance grants. It is one of our historic partners.

Address: National Union of Somali Journalists (NUSOJ)
Taleex Street, KM4 Area, Hodan District
Mogadishu, Somalia
Tel/fax: +252 1 859 944
Email: nusoj[at]nusoj.org
Website: http://www.nusoj.org

ZIMBABWE JOURNALISTS FOR HUMAN RIGHTS (ZJHR) - Zimbabwe Created in 2003, ZJHR did not get off the ground because of the Mugabe regime’s relentless persecution of the media in the mid-2000s. It was relaunched in September 2009 but still lacks any support structure and receives only ad hoc support when specific events are organized. It works closely with Zimbabwe Lawyers for Human Rights (ZLHR), a Harare NGO that is well-established. It organized a march on 3 May 2010 in honour of World Press Freedom Day. Reporters Without Borders would like to support this association’s efforts, especially as Zimbabwe continues to be hostile to media freedom, to be a country where journalists are subject both to the government’s desire to control the news and to abuse of authority by the army, police, intelligences services and other state agencies.

Contact: Guthrie Munyuki
2036 Marzowe Crescent
Glen Norah A.
Harare, Zimbabwe
Email: gmunyuki[at]googlemail.com


CEPET - Mexico Founded in Mexico in 2003 by the journalist Leonarda Reyes, the Centre for Journalism and Public Ethics (CEPET) was not originally dedicated to the defence of freedom of expression but this quickly became its priority from 2004 onwards. In the fight against impunity, CEPET often acts a link with other organizations for large-scale actions. For example it was behind the creation of the En Memoria commission – in which Reporters Without Borders was a participant – with the aim of shedding light on the 2004 murder of El Mañana editor Roberto Mora in Nuevo Laredo.

CEPET launched the Ni Uno Más (Not One More) movement, which staged simultaneous demonstrations in 16 cities and 10 states following the murders of journalists in 2006. It also created a freedom of expression commission consisting of three journalists – one based in Mexico City and two based on the northern border – which acts as an alert network in the event of any attack on a news media.

Address: CEPET
Calle del Puente No. 222, Col. Ejidos de Huipulco
Tlalpan, 14380, D.F.
Tel: +52 55 5483 2020
Email: cepet[at]cepet.org o libex[at]cepet.org

Ceso-FIP - Colombia The Centro de Solidaridad (Ceso or Solidarity Centre) was created in Bogotá in 2002 at the prompting of the International Federation of Journalists (whose initials in Spanish are FIP) as a response to the extreme difficulties that most Colombian journalists have to endure. Interacting with the government, especially the interior ministry, Ceso-FIP provides emergency humanitarian aid to journalists (and their families) who have been the victims of violence. It also offers training modules and supports solidarity initiatives within the media profession. With its support, 16 regional journalists’ organizations have been launched since its creation.

Address: CESO-FIP
Carrera 8a, No. 1435
Edificio Andes, Oficina 607
Bogotá, Colombia
Tel: +57 1 2433230 / +57 1 2811590
Email: contactenos[at]fipcolombia.com

FECOLPER - Colombia The Colombian Federation of Journalists (FECOLPER) was officially launched in Medellín on 2 May 2007, coinciding with the presentation of the UNESCO/Guillermo Cano award. With “National unity for free, responsible and safe journalism” as its motto, FECOLPER currently has around 1,300 members from 22 Colombian departments. It takes action to defend both freedom of expression and the right to work. Its current president is Eduardo Márquez González, recently the target of threats from paramilitaries.

C/ 26 Número 13-A ; piso 3
Santa Fe de Bogotá
Tel: (571) 2825691
Fax: 3348265
Email: glatbo[at]terra.com.co

C-LIBRE - Honduras The Comité por la Libre Expresión (C-LIBRE or Committee for Free Expression) was created in the Honduran capital of Tegucigalpa in June 2001 to combat political initiatives threatening public access to state-held information and the ability of journalists to work freely. Operating with a few full-time staff members and counting on the participation of members of other civil society organizations, it has been campaigning for a transparency law that would facilitate citizen oversight of public policy and a real professional ethics charter for the Honduran media. Above all, C-LIBRE has made a major contribution since the June 2009 coup d’état by combating the Honduran mainstream media’s silence about the fate of opposition journalists who were targeted in the wake of the coup.

Address: C-LIBRE
Col. Rubén Darío
Calle Palermo No.2244B
Tegucigalpa, Honduras
Email: buzon[at]clibre.info
Tel/fax: (504) 239-8246


THE BANGLADESH CENTRE FOR DEVELOPMENT, JOURNALISM AND COMMUNICATION (BCDJC) – Bangladesh The BCDJC has been monitoring media freedom for the past eight years. It also provides Bangladeshi journalists with training, especially about human rights and election coverage, and publishes works on journalism, the media and communication.

Address: Bangladesh Centre for Development, Journalism and Communication
53 Central Road (2nd Floor)
Dhanmondi, Dhaka 1205
Tel: 880-2-8620539
Fax: 880-2-8616977
Email: bcdjc[at]citechco.net

BURMA MEDIA ASSOCIATION (BMA) - Burma A young organization that brings together Burmese exile journalists and journalists of Burmese origin. Based in many countries, these journalists have launched a website and a news network that provides information about media freedom in Burma including journalists and writers who are imprisoned.

Contact: Maung Maung Myint
Email: myintm[at]bma-online.org, myintm[at]mac.com

TRIBAL UNION OF JOURNALISTS (TUJ) – Pakistan Founded in 1987, the TUJ has more than 150 members in the eight Federally Administered Tribal Areas that border Afghanistan. Its headquarters are in Peshawar. Reporters Without Borders has supported its activities, including demonstrations or news conferences after murders of journalists. It has also supported initiatives undertaken by the TUJ and KUJ (Khyber Union of Journalists) to help dozens of journalists who had to flee the Swat valley and Tribal Areas because of military operations. Reporters Without Borders and the TUJ exchange information regularly.

JOURNALISTS FOR DEMOCRACY IN SRI LANKA (JDS) – Sri Lanka An organization formed by Sri Lankan exile journalists, writers, artists and human rights activists, JDS campaigns for democracy, human rights and freedom of expression in Sri Lanka.

Address: Journalists For Democracy in Sri Lanka
IMRV, Herdentorsteing 38
28195 Bremen, Germany
Website: http://www.jdslanka.org/


GLASNOST DEFENCE FOUNDATION (GDF) - Russia A press freedom organization, GDF has been monitoring violations of media freedom since 1991 in Russia and other countries that were part of the former Soviet Union. It provides legal aid to journalists who are the targets of lawsuits, organizes training seminars and advises officials and journalists about media legislation. The GDF is recognized in Russia and abroad as one of the most effective and credible Russian NGOs.

Address: Glasnost Defence Foundation
4 Zubovsky Boulevard, Office 432
119992 Moscow, Russia
Tel/fax: (495) 637-4947, 637-4420
Email: boris[at]gdf.ru, fond[at]gdf.ru
Website: http://www.gdf.ru

BELARUSIAN ASSOCIATION OF JOURNALISTS (BAJ) – Belarus Founded in 1995 and boasting 110 members from a wide range of media throughout Belarus, BAJ aims to defend freedom of expression and independent journalism. It has been an associate member of the International Federation of Journalists since 1997 and signed a partnership agreement with Reporters Without Borders in 2003. It received the Golden Pen of Freedom award from the World Association of Newspapers the same year and the Sakharov Prize for Freedom of Thought from the European Parliament the following year.

BAJ gathers and reports information about violations of freedom of expression and journalists’ rights in Belarus and follows events linked to the media’s coverage of political campaigns. Its legal centre for the protection of the media supports journalists and media in difficulty, representing them in court and providing legal advice. Its lawyers also produce proposals for improving Belarus’ media legislation and bringing it into line with international standards.

Address: Belarusian Association of Journalists
Pl. Svabody 17-304
220030 Minsk, Belarus
Tel: +375 17 203-63-66, 226-70-98
Fax: +375 17 203-63-66, 226-70-98
Email: baj[at]baj.by
Website: www.baj.by

JOURNALISTS IN DANGER - Kazakhstan Journalists in Danger was created by 16 journalists in 2001. It aims to help develop the quality of the news media in Kazakhstan, promoting appreciation and respect for diversity of opinion, defending freedom of expression and media rights and, when media are under attack, providing them with all the help they need, including legal and material assistance. It is headed by Rozlana Taukina, the Reporters Without Borders correspondent.

Address: Journalists In Danger
Rozlana Taukina
21 Abay Ave. 20/17
Almaty, Kazakhstan 050013
Tel: +770 1729-0676
Email: rozlana.t[at]gmail.com

MEDIA MONITORING AGENCY – Romania A Reporters Without Borders partner since 2004, the Media Monitoring Agency is a Romanian NGO that defends media freedom and diversity, denounces violations of the rights of journalists in Romania and monitors respect for journalistic ethics and professional conduct by the state-owned media during elections. Reporters Without Borders and the Media Monitoring Agency have carried out several joint activities, including monitoring a presidential election, fact-finding visits to the provinces and drafting joint press releases. Beginning in 2011, an annual report on the media freedom situation in Romania will be published every year.

Address: Media Monitoring Agency
Calea Plevnei Str, Nr. 98, Bl. 10C
Sector 1 Bucharest, Romania
Tel: 021-313.40.47
Fax: 021-637.37.67
Email: office[at]activewatch.ro
Website: www.activewatch.ro


JOURNALISTIC FREEDOM OBSERVATORY (JFO) – Iraq A Baghdad-based independent NGO created in 2004 by Ziyad Al-Ajili, JFO actively monitors the media freedom situation in Iraq. It merged in July 2010 with the Kurdistan-based Metro Centre to Defend Journalists, which now operates as JFO’s branch in northern Iraq’s autonomous Kurdish region.

Email: info[at]jfoiraq.org / bashar[at]jfoiraq.org
Mobile phone: +964 7901 514862 / +964 7901 966750
International mobile: +47 97 101 18


THAI NETIZEN NETWORK (TNN) - Thailand Created in December 2008, TNN is a network of Internet users that defends the right to Internet access and online freedom of expression, as well as other online civil liberties, privacy and anonymity. It wages campaigns on behalf of cyber-freedoms, publishes press releases and organizes seminars to increase citizen awareness and encourage Internet users to help promote democracy. Led by a team of seven people, it has more than 200 supporters.

Address: Thai Netizen Network
409, 2nd floor Soi Ratchada 14
Huay-kwang, Bangkok
Thailand 10320
Tel/Fax: +66-2-6910574
Website: http://thainetizen.org/
Twitter: @thainetizen




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