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Tuesday, October 11, 2011

And the winner of the Ann Curry's Loss is Your Gain giveaway is ...

Huge thanks to all who participated in my Ann Curry's Loss is Your Gain giveaway. I loved reading each of the entries and appreciate the kind thoughts and good wishes. You were all so generous.

Alas, I can only choose one winner, and I did so using a random number generator. The prize of Ann Curry's signed copy of THE OTHER LIFE goes to ...

Rae Rae!

Congrats, hon! Send me your mailing address and I'll get the book right out to you. Hope you like it!

And Ann Curry? Your loss, baby ...

Monday, October 10, 2011

Want to win a Dorothy Parker t-shirt?

To celebrate my 10,000th follower on the Dorothy Parker Facebook page I'm giving away this great t-shirt:

Click here for details. (If you haven't yet "liked" the page, you'll have to do that before you enter.)

Tomorrow I'll announce the winner of THE OTHER LIFE with Ann Curry 's signature.

Good luck!

Wednesday, October 05, 2011

Ann Curry's Loss is Your Gain!

A few months ago I tried sending Ann Curry a signed copy of THE OTHER LIFE, because I thought she'd enjoy it. Alas, it never got to her as the NBC mailroom returned the package unopened. I tried again, but those heartless gatekeepers still refused delivery.

So now, after spending the money on postage twice, I'm left with a $25 hardcover book inscribed to Ann Curry.

I won't try again, so if Ann Curry wants a copy of THE OTHER LIFE she's just going to have to buy one.* Meanwhile, her loss is your gain, as I'm giving this one away in a random drawing to someone who responds in the comments section below with an answer to the following question:

Why should Ann Curry read THE OTHER LIFE?

 Every response counts as an entry and multiple responses are welcome. Offer ends midnight October 10. U.S. residents only. Good luck!

*Who am I kidding? If Ann Curry wants a copy of the book, all she has to do is contact my publicist, who would be thrilled to book me on The Today Show. 


Wednesday, September 28, 2011

What would YOU do if you ruled the world?

My blog post is up over at the Girlfriends Book Club blog. It's called IF I RULED THE WORLD. Check it out.

Sunday, September 25, 2011


A very short play

ME: It's not that I don't want the Yankees to win. It's just that I'd like the Red Sox to win, too.


ME: I have a lot of friends who are Red Sox fans.


ME: It means so much to them, you see.


ME: I guess I'm not what you'd call a true fan.

MIKE: Honey, you're the opposite of a fan.

Thursday, September 22, 2011

Also at my t-shirt store ...

An original poem! (Well, using Dorothy Parker's "Resume" as a template. Consider it an homage.)

Click here to order. You can customize it for any style or color.

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Why you don't have to worry about someone stealing your work

One of the most common questions I get from aspiring authors pertains to protecting their work from plagiarism. I can't speak for screenwriting, but in the publishing world it's a misplaced worry.

As a writer, you simply have to take a leap of faith that no one wants to steal your work. It just doesn't happen. Agents and editors are not sitting at their desks, rubbing their hands together as they await their next victim. Nor are other writers trolling the Internet looking for ideas to steal. I mean sure, you can probably find a few examples to prove me wrong. But you can also find examples of people choking to death on water. The point is that the odds are so astronomically low that they don't merit concern.

The sad truth behind this is that it is so difficult to make any money from writing that there's no incentive for theft. We all believe in our work, and cling to the hope that we have the next million dollar idea. But realistically, why would someone risk plagiarizing, only to have to spend a year researching and queryng agents, rewriting the letter again and again as it gets rejected? And that's not even considering how many months of rewrites will follow before there's even a slim chance at publication and an even slimmer chance of making any real money at it.

And one final point. As the author, you automatically own the copyright to your work and have legal protection. So try to relax and not let these fears get in your way.

Instead, worry about the real things ...  Are you creating believable characters your readers will care about? Are your storylines fresh and exciting?  Are your sentences exquisite and evocative? Is there enough coffee, vodka, or red wine in the house to get you through the week? (Water, as you know, can kill you.)

Now get back to work ...