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 BusinessWeek Podcast Series'

Regularly scheduled podcasts enhance some of our most popular weekly features with additional analysis and insight.

  The Business Week >>

In "The Business Week," Assistant Managing Editor Jim Ellis interviews BW writers and editors on the weekケs top business news. A fast-paced wrap-up with interviews and analysis by leading commentators, and advice to make your financial life richer and easier to manage.

  Behind This Week's Cover Story >>

Get the story behind the cover story. On Thursday evenings, we'll complement the new issue's cover story with an extensive interview with its writers and editors. Listen in as they delve deeper, offering impressions, insights, and analysis that add extra dimensions to the print story.

 Innovation of the Week >>

Every Tuesday, we talk to the people making innovation happen. From authors to architects, CEOs to car designers, these pioneers share their stories and strategies.

  The Welch Way >>

"The Welch Way" features Jack & Suzy Welch's answers to readers' questions about business, managing, and careers. Drawing on Jack's experience as the legendary former CEO of General Electric and Suzy's background as the former editor-in-chief of the Harvard Business Review, the pair debate and discuss the issues addressed in their highly popular BusinessWeek column.

  Tech & You >>

Every Thursday, BusinessWeek Tech Maven Steve Wildstrom offers tips on tech in a Q&A; with BusinessWeek Technology Editor Peter Elstrom. Tune in for Steve's savvy take on getting the most out of the latest personal-tech gadgets and services.


"Smart Answers" features veteran small-business and entrepreneurship writer Karen E. Klein leading a weekly discussion on a compelling small-business topic.

  Mandel on Economics >>

"Mandel on Economics" features BusinessWeek Chief Economist Michael Mandel's unique take on the economy and financial markets.

  Ask the Innovation Guru >>

"Ask the Innovation Guru" features BusinessWeek Contributing Editor Bruce Nussbaum, who answers readers' questions about--you guessed it--innovation.

  CEO Guide To Technology >>

New technologies are revolutionizing the way that companies from Web startups to Dow titans, are managing their businesses. This monthly podcast series--"CEO Guide To Technology"--highlights innovation in areas like next-generation Web applications, IT security, and even podcasting.

  Inside Wall Street >>

"Inside Wall Street" features Gene Marcial"s insightful analysis of stocks based on his conversations with top investment pros

  Inside the BW 50 >>

"Inside the BW 50 features interviews with executives with the best-performing companies in the U.S.

Resource Series:


How do I get an interview for a job? What should I do to get the best possible start in a new leadership position? BW's new podcast, Climbing the Ladder, tackles these questions and more -- drawing on the experience of Executive Editor John A. Byrne


Every Friday "Savvy Selling" columnist Michelle Nichols answers questions submitted by readers looking for advice on ways to sell more effectively. Nichols enlists the help of her far-flung network of gurus & sales experts to offer immediate solutions.


"Making the Leap" features women who gave up a shot at the CEO suite in a big company to become entrepreneurs. They talk about how their corporate experience prepared them--or did not--for entrepreneurship, their experiences getting funding for their new companies, and the challenges of trying to create a new corporate culture in a business world that is still predominantly run in accordance with stereotypically male values.



In partnership with the Industrial Designers Society of America (IDSA), each Wednesday BusinessWeek.com will take a close look at how innovation happens inside large corporations. Corporate heads of design from companies around the world will offer listeners best practices in managing creativity, integrating design thinking into corporate settings, sparking new ideas, and bringing innovative products to market. Topics range from spotting design trends to innovating in emerging markets. Podcast episodes will include interviews with design award winners and top corporate designers.

  Web Smart >>

Web Smart In ways large and small, in places near and far, the Internet is changing just about everything. Each month this podcast series will spotlight one of the innovative companies or organizations that is using the Web to improve sales, management, customer service, marketing, and more.

  TECH 101 >>

Technology should make life easier. When it doesn't, it's not your fault. Need help? Ask us. Each Tuesday Senior Technology Writer Arik Hesseldahl answers your toughest tech questions–in plain English.


Each Monday "10 Cutting-Edge Designers" will profile pioneers who are pushing the limits of design. Spanning ten weeks, this special series will highlight the opportunities that emerge on the fertile edges of innovation, where architecture blurs with branding, information design becomes a business tool, video games morph into training tools, and more


Each month BusinessWeek editors will distill useful insights and practical guidelines from select stories in BusinessWeek magazine. Playbook: Best Practice Ideas will explore the broad spectrum of issues facing top managers.

 Top Givers: The Stories Behind the Gifts >>

Each Monday, this series on the most generous philanthropists features interviews with top givers such as Gordon Moore and David Rockefeller.

 International Story of the Week >>

Each Friday we will focus on the most compelling business story of the week from abroad. Drawing on the reporting prowess of BusinessWeek's network of correspondents in Europe, Asia, and Mexico, the podcast will highlight the trends and events that matter most to listeners interested in such vital topics as globalization, international energy markets, Asian technology, and foreign trade.

 The Cutting Edge >>

Listen to the latest in the digital media revolution, from blogs and podcasts to open-source journalism on Wikis. Every Wednesday, BusinessWeek's Heather Green, co-author of Blogspotting.net, talks with startups and traditional companies alike about the latest in social media, collaboration, sharing technologies, and online video.

  The Wireless Way >>

If it seems like every productive person you know these days has a Blackberry, an iPhone or other smart phone, you're not imagining it. In Wireless Way Senior Technology Writer Arik Hesseldahl demonstrates ways to get the most out of these devices to get things done from wherever you happen to be.

  Best Young Entrepreneurs >>

In this weekly series, we talk with finalists from our third annual search for the most promising U.S. entrepreneurs age 25 and under. The impressive founders talk about getting started and offer practical advice for aspiring business owners

  Entrepreneurs Notebook >>

BusinessWeek profiles entrepreneurs to find out what drives them and what tips they have for those who want to follow their own dreams of staring a business. The weekly video podcast begins April 2nd. A new episode will premiere each Monday for eight weeks. From raising money, to marketing, to creating and managing a product or service, we explore the challenges associated with forging one own path in the workplace. Among those wel introduce you to is a clothing designer who left the corporate world to establish her own label, and the creator of a popular ice cream treat now helping others become snack food entrepreneurs


Everybody wants to know the latest hot stock tip. Buy this. Buy that. Yet that like handing a hungry man a fish when what he really needs is to learn how to fish for himself. This weekly podcast series will help people learn how to invest by covering the mutual fund managers, institutional investors, and hedge fund hotshots who wracking up scorching returns. Part personal profile and part investment expose, it will examine the investment philosophies of the masters in plain and simple terms so that BW listeners learn how to manage their own investments.

 Cruise Control >>

Cruise Control, a nationally syndicated automotive radio show now available here as a podcast, takes viewers on an inside tour of the car industry with reviews and interviews with industry designers, engineers, and executives. With plenty of trivia contests and giveaways, Cruise Control is the radio show for car enthusiasts who enjoy racing and restoring all kind of vehicles.

  BusinessWeek Market Report >>

Twice daily BusinessWeek reports on the stocks making news and moving markets. The Early Edition offers insight into news that will impact the day trading. After the closing bell the Late Edition offers a market wrap up. Both reports are shot at the NASDAQ MarketSite in Times Square, New York

And check back here for more weekly podcast features coming soon.

  So, What Is a Podcast, Exactly?

A podcast is a simple yet sophisticated transfer of audio content over the Internet. It allows audio files to be shared among people around the world with a minimum of manual work.

Podcasts are usually MP3 audio files that are available for downloading onto your computer and transferred to an iPod or any portable digital-media device that can play MP3 files. Note that MP3 files can also be played right on your Windows, Linux, or Macintosh computer. MP3 is rapidly becoming the de facto standard for audio content.

  OK, I Get It. Now, How Do I "Get" It?

If you have a computer that's connected to the Internet, you're ready to start. The most common way of receiving a podcast is through a podcast receiver, which is a piece of software that's similar to a Web browser. Several popular podcast receivers are available, almost all of them are free. If you are using Windows or the Mac, we suggest using iTunes, which can be freely downloaded from Apple:

Download iTunes.

iTunes makes it easy to subscribe to podcasts and manage and purchase music.

Another option, which we suggest for those on Linux or FreeBSD is Juice.

Download Juice

It's very easy to download and install. Just follow the instructions on the download page.

  Now What?

The next step is to let the podcast receiver know which podcasts you want to receive. You do this by "subscribing" to particular podcasts, such as BusinessWeek's podcasts. Setting up a subscription is usually as simple as copying a URL from a Web browser to the podcast receiver. Use the following URLs to subscribe to BusinessWeek's podcasts:

For the Podcast on Podcasting: http://www.businessweek.com/search/podcasts/podcasting.rss

Subscribe to the Podcasting podcast with iTunes 4.9.

For Top Givers, our series on philanthropy: http://www.businessweek.com/search/podcasts/philanthropy.rss

For Steve Wildstrom's Tech and You: http://www.businessweek.com/search/podcasts/techmaven.rss

Subscribe to the Tech & You Podcast with iTunes 4.9.

For Cover Stories: http://www.businessweek.com/search/podcasts/cover_stories.rss

Subscribe to the Cover Stories Podcast with iTunes 4.9.

If you're using the Ipodder receiver, go to the Subscriptions tab and press the large green button with the plus sign (the "add new feed" button). Copy the link above to the URL field in the dialog box. Press Save, and this podcast will appear in the list of subscriptions in the upper half of the Subscriptions tab.

At this point, a subscription has been set up, but no podcasting has been done. On Ipodder's Subscription tab, press the leftmost button (it's green with two arrows on it) to check for new podcasts. If there are any, they'll begin to download (This may take a minute or two to complete.)

  Whee! Now I'm Podcasting!

Yes, you now have at least one podcast on your computer to enjoy. Select one in the Episodes section of the Subscriptions tab and press the right mouse button. Ipodder will offer to open it and play it for you.

  Going Mobile

The best thing about podcasts is that they're not only ready to play when you're ready to listen but they can also go anywhere you go via iPods or other portable MP3 devices.

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The Business Week Video Edition

The week's top business and economic news. Hosted by Assistant Managing Editor Jim Ellis, and featuring BusinessWeek's writers and editors.