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Today's Tip November 2008 Archives - BusinessWeek
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Archives: November 2008

Accomplishing Goals With the Help of a Business Advisor

Posted by: Rod Kurtz on November 28

Just as an athlete needs a coach, an entrepreneur needs an advisor. Whether you're a one-person company or running an enterprise, the right business advisor can help minimize costly mistakes...

Keeping on Track During Tough Times

Posted by: Rod Kurtz on November 27

In times of economic uncertainty, it can be tempting to become protective, and to expend your energy speculating about what this means for your business, or whether in fact you...

Evaluating an Idea or Opportunity

Posted by: Rod Kurtz on November 26

As experts in our business, most of us think we will know a good idea or opportunity when we see it. That might be true, but it leaves the business...

Keeping Your Creative Culture Alive

Posted by: Rod Kurtz on November 25

As your business grows, it becomes important to ensure that what started as a creative enterprise doesn't become stagnant and resistant to change. Here are some ways to keep your...

Go Green by Kicking the Paper Habit

Posted by: Rod Kurtz on November 24

One of the ways you can reduce expenses while also reducing your carbon footprint is by working to go paperless. Sound daunting? Here are some tips on getting started: •...

Your Customer's Experience on Your Web Site

Posted by: Rod Kurtz on November 21

To truly understand a customer's experience with your Web site or Web-based application, you need to know exactly what end-users are seeing at all times. For this purpose, Web performance...

Determine Your Web Site's Breaking Point

Posted by: Rod Kurtz on November 20

Few things are more frustrating to a consumer than trying to visit a Web page only to be greeted with an error message—or worse, no message at all. Web site...

The Evolution of Employee Training

Posted by: Rod Kurtz on November 19

Experienced, knowledgeable employees are an organization's most important asset. So why then are training and employee education programs the first to get the ax in an economic downturn? The problem...

Keeping Your Capital Flowing During a Credit Crisis

Posted by: Rod Kurtz on November 18

As dismal as things may sometimes seem, it is possible to make your small business thrive even when credit is tight. Here are seven keys to keeping your capital flowing:...

Monitoring Your Web Site

Posted by: Rod Kurtz on November 17

If the performance monitoring tool you use only tells you what's happening on your Web site when users are there, your site could go unmonitored for a significant portion of...

Avoid the Greatest Loan Risk

Posted by: Rod Kurtz on November 14

The greatest risk in working with any lender is that you will get the poorest and the most expensive loan available. Since it is hard to find out this information...

Increase Revenues While Decreasing Costs

Posted by: Rod Kurtz on November 13

In an uncertain economy, your customers may be watching their pennies. If you are working to increase your profits, you may feel like you are swimming against the tide. However,...

Keeping on Track During Tough Times

Posted by: Rod Kurtz on November 12

In times of economic uncertainty, it can be tempting to become protective, and to expend your energy speculating about what this means for your business, or whether in fact you...

Where to Find Microloans

Posted by: Rod Kurtz on November 11

Whether you are a startup company or a small business that is growing, the SBA Microloan Program may be just right for you. The SBA funds nonprofit, community-based lenders to...

How to Borrow Money in Tough Times

Posted by: Rod Kurtz on November 10

We are living in interesting times, but as small business owners, that does not mean we can suspend what we need to do, reset the game, or choose not to...

Retailers: Surviving the Credit Crunch

Posted by: Rod Kurtz on November 07

For retailers, the current credit crisis means the majority of customers will be putting a much-reduced spending limit on their purchases. As a result, retailers will see a change in...

Manufacturers: Surviving the Credit Crunch

Posted by: Rod Kurtz on November 06

When credit markets fail, it becomes a cash and carry world. The credit crunch extends to small businesses in a very direct way: You will have a harder time getting...

Facing Down Electronic Discovery

Posted by: Rod Kurtz on November 05

These days e-discovery is becoming a fact of life for most companies—even if they don't know it yet. E-discovery refers to the identification, collection, preservation, and production of electronically stored...

Using Independent Contractors

Posted by: Rod Kurtz on November 04

A lot of businesses would prefer to treat workers as independent contractors rather than employees for various tax and liability reasons. However, it's important to have a good understanding of...

Setting Your Marketing Budget

Posted by: Rod Kurtz on November 03

Creating an effective marketing program means investing in it on an ongoing basis regardless of how good or bad business is. Investing a percentage of revenues is a common way...


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To submit a tip for consideration, first check our archive of previous tips to make sure you're not repeating a tip someone has already contributed. Then send the tip to Small Business channel contributor Michelle Dammon Loyalka. Because of the volume of material she receives, she may not respond to each individual.

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