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Today's Tip September 2009 Archives - BusinessWeek
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Archives: September 2009

What You Must Know About Your Company's Culture

Posted by: Rod Kurtz on September 30

Choreographing, or at least dancing in step with your organization's culture, is critical to leadership. Move well with it, and it enables you to get great things done. Buck it...

Clearly Define Success and Failure

Posted by: Rod Kurtz on September 29

Entrepreneurial leaders are often clearer than others about defining measures for success. Yet a definition of success alone falls short of illuminating the full spectrum of outcomes leaders must consider....

Why Business Ethics Matter

Posted by: Rod Kurtz on September 28

Ethics in business remains one of the hottest topics in corporate boardrooms and B-schools today. This is certainly not a new issue for owners and managers of organizations, or for...

Your Multigenerational Workplace

Posted by: Rod Kurtz on September 25

It is not unusual for us to find four generations of employees in our workplaces today. As a reminder, they are the Silent Generation, born from 1925-1945; the Boomers, born...

Encouraging Excellent Performance

Posted by: Rod Kurtz on September 24

When you hear the word "excellence" what do you think about? Some people think perfection. But if you think that excellence is synonymous with perfection, then excellence cannot be achieved....

To Avoid Liability, Create a No-Driving-While-Texting Policy

Posted by: Rod Kurtz on September 23

Cell phone usage and texting have grown to become a leading factor in automobile accidents. As of this writing, only nine states have legislated against driving while texting. That means...

Treat People Like People, Not Roles

Posted by: Rod Kurtz on September 22

How do you feel when someone treats you as a role, rather than as a person? Think, for example, of the salesperson or customer service representative who treats you like...

Being Trustworthy Does Not Build Trust

Posted by: Rod Kurtz on September 21

The idea that being trustworthy does not necessarily build trust may seem like a ridiculous concept to you. But haven't you had the experience of people questioning your motives or...

I Don't Have Time!

Posted by: Rod Kurtz on September 18

The No. 1 excuse I hear from managers about why they don't do the things they know they need to do to be more effective leaders is "I don't have...

Focusing on Purpose in an Uncertain Environment

Posted by: Rod Kurtz on September 17

During these tough economic times, it is important to avoid descending into panic mode. Rather, we must refocus on the fundamentals that make us, and our organizations, strong: our purpose...

Ideation Sessions on Campus

Posted by: Rod Kurtz on September 16

With the proliferation of innovation programs and courses at colleges and universities, business owners and managers can take advantage of the opportunity to work with college students on a problem...

Failing Forward

Posted by: Rod Kurtz on September 15

Though adaptation and change are inevitable for any business, they sometimes result in significant and costly mistakes. Though it is a natural reaction to try to bury the mistake and...

Getting into a Breakthrough Frame of Mind

Posted by: Rod Kurtz on September 14

During this time of economic recovery it can be an opportune period to rediscover and even reinvent your business. The following ideas can help create the conditions for breakthrough thinking:...

Branding Does Not Require a New Logo

Posted by: Rod Kurtz on September 11

Branding is a hot topic—but what does it really mean? Branding is the impression that you leave on everybody who interacts with your company at every touchpoint. Therefore, it's critical...

How to Accelerate Growth Now

Posted by: Rod Kurtz on September 10

The economic indicators are starting to look better, and there's hope in the air that perhaps we are truly at the bottom of the deep well we've been descending into...

Two Questions Every Entrepreneur Should Answer

Posted by: Rod Kurtz on September 09

Every business needs money. As an investor, I've developed a good understanding of what to look for in pitches for investment money. Often, what business owners and entrepreneurs seeking money...

Strategies Marketers Can't Afford to Ignore

Posted by: Rod Kurtz on September 08

As we continue to muddle through the worst economy many of us have ever seen, it can be tempting as a marketer to avoid rocking the boat and sticking with...

Do More Marketing and Achieve Better Results with Less

Posted by: Rod Kurtz on September 07

While the spring and summer rally on Wall Street and the various proclamations from many leading U.S. economists declaring the end of the recession give reason for optimism, the truth...

Why You Should Recycle Old Equipment

Posted by: Rod Kurtz on September 04

One of the fastest-growing forms of waste in the U.S. is electronic equipment. Unfortunately, only 15% to 20% of outdated electronic equipment is recycled properly. The remaining 80% to 85%...

Develop a Green IT Policy

Posted by: Rod Kurtz on September 03

From multinational corporations to small businesses, everyone seems to be taking steps to operate more efficiently and reduce energy consumption. While the positive effect on the environment is unmistakable, many...

Listen to Your Customer's Stories to Improve Your Business

Posted by: Rod Kurtz on September 02

Social media are here to stay, and businesses of all sizes can take advantage to better serve customers, inform product development, and strengthen marketing. So how do companies start leveraging...

It's Time For Your Brand to Get Social

Posted by: Rod Kurtz on September 01

Social media has revolutionized the way brands engage their audiences. Smart advertisers know consumers live their lives online and increasingly are flocking to conversational media platforms—not just as a means...


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To submit a tip for consideration, first check our archive of previous tips to make sure you're not repeating a tip someone has already contributed. Then send the tip to Small Business channel contributor Michelle Dammon Loyalka. Because of the volume of material she receives, she may not respond to each individual.

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