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The Assassination of John F. Kennedy
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The Assassination of John F. Kennedy


Important Figures in the Case


James Abercrombie Albert E. Jenner
Joseph Alsop Josefa Johnson
Gilberto Alvarado Jesse H. Jones
Ulius Amoss B. Everett Jordan
Robert Anderson Thomas H. Karamessines
Jacobo Arbenz Nicholas Katzenbach
Richard L. Armitage Estes Kefauver
Bradley E. Ayers Edward Kennedy
Howard Baker John F. Kennedy
Fulgencio Batista Jackie Kennedy
Ralph F. Beermann Robert Kennedy
Lawrence D. Bell Robert Kerr
Carmine Bellino Martin Luther King
Robert F. Bennett John Kinser
Carl Bernstein Mary Jo Kopechne
Paul Bethel Fred Korth
Chips Bohlen George Krutilek
Abraham Bolden Timothy Leary
Juan Almeida Bosch Carlos Lechuga
Chester Bowles Curtis LeMay
Thomas Braden Lyman Lemnitzer
Ben Bradlee Ilya Mamantov
George Brown Thomas C. Mann
Herman Brown Henry Marshall
David Bruce John J. McCloy
William F. Buckley Robert R. McCormick
William Francis Buckley James W. McCord
Al Burt Robert McCory
McGeorge Bundy Torbert Macdonald
George H. W. Bush Robert S. McNamara
Prescott Bush Phillip Melanson
Ed Butler Eloy Menoya
David Harold Byrd Cord Meyer
Waggoner Carr Mary Pinchot Meyer
Guillermo Hernández Cartaya Karl E. Mundt
Jimmy Carter Lucien Nedzi
Marshall Carter Paul Nitze
Fidel Castro Yuri Nosenko
William Casey Frank Nugan
Ricardo Chavez Larry O'Brien
Claire Lee Chennault R. Spencer Oliver
Clark Clifford Willem Oltmans
Ray S. Cline Harold Orr
John S. Cooper Lee Harvey Oswald
Tommy Corcoran Marina Oswald
William Corson Robert Owen
Cleveland C. Cram Michael Paine
Jack Alston Crichton John Paisley
Carl Curtis William Paley
Jean Daniel Ron Pataky
Deborah Davis Lee R. Pennington
Morgan Davis Walter Pincus
Everette DeGolyer David F. Powers
Thomas J. Devine William Proxmire
Douglas Dillon Sam Rayburn
Everett Dirksen Manuel Ray
Thomas J. Dodd Walter Raymond
Thomas N. Downing Abraham Ribicoff
Gerry Droller Sid Richardson
John Foster Dulles Nelson Rockefeller
Allen W. Dulles Ellen Rometsch
Silvia Duran Kermit Roosevelt
James Eastland Alexander Rorke



Don Edwards Eldon J. Rudd
Sheffield Edwards Enrique Ruiz-Williams
Dwight Eisenhower Richard B. Russell
Fabian Escalante Dean Rusk
Jake Esterline Pierre Salinger
Walter E. Fauntroy Terry Sanford
Patrick J. Frawley Arthur Schlesinger
Gerald Ford James Schlesinger
John K. Galbraith Richard Secord
Barry Goldwater Theodore Sorenson
Ernesto Guevara Hugh Scott
Anatoli Golitsin Wayne S. Smith
Henry Gonzalez Adlai Stevenson
Anne Goodpasture Grant Stockdale
Richard N. Goodwin Cecil Stoughton
Philip Graham Stuart Symington
Katharine Graham Maxwell Taylor
Albert Hakim J. D. Tippit
H. R. Haldeman Albert Thomas
Sam Halpern Homer Thornberry
Michael Hand John Tower
Averell Harriman Stansfield Turner
Gary Hart Alfred Ulmer
Jack Hawkins Coleman Wade
John Heinz Henry Wade
Hal Hendrix Earl Warren
Frederick P. Hitz Gene Wheaton
Tom Howard John M. Whitten
John F. Hull Whiting Willauer
Hubert Humphrey Edward Bennett Williams
Bobby Ray Inman Edwin Wilson
C. D. Jackson Alvin Wirtz
Walter Jenkins Frank Wisner
James J. Rowley Harris Wofford



Important Witnesses


Gordon Arnold Evelyn Lincoln
William Attwood Marita Lorenz
Judyth Baker Billy Lovelady
Domingo Benavides Helen Markham
Thornton Boswell Vaughn Marlowe
Lee Bowers Jack Martin
Howard Brennan Robert McKeown
John Brewer Mary Moorman
Madeleine Brown Angel Murgado
Warren Burroughs Harold Norman
George Butler Silvia Odio
Judith Campbell Paul K. O'Connor
Richard R. Carr Kenneth O'Donnell
Rose Cheramie Francis X. O'Neill
Acquilla Clemons Beverly Oliver
John Connally Ruth Paine
Nellie Connally Malcolm Perry
Roger Craig William Pitzer
Larry Craford Tosh Plumlee
Charles Crenshaw John L. Quigley
Jesse Curry Don B. Reynolds
Jerrol F. Custer Warren Reynolds
Dennis D. David Delphine Roberts
Harry J. Dean Earlene Roberts
Bill Decker Arnold Rowland
Silvia Duran Perry Russo
Adele Edisen Harold A. Rydberg
Pierre Finck James W. Sibert
Buell Frazier Earl E. T. Smith
William Greer Florence Smith
Jean Hill Terry Spencer
Clint Hill Saundra K. Spencer
Ed Hoffman Joe Tonahill
S. M. Holland Nancy Carole Tyler
Lisa Howard Gary Underhill
Joseph Humes James Wagenvoord
James C. Jenkins Carolyn Walther
Roy Kellerman Nathaniel Weyl
Irv Kupcinet Ralph Yarborough
Winston G. Lawson Rufus Youngblood
Janet Leddy Abraham Zapruder



Act of Treason

Betrayal in Dallas



Investigators, Researchers and Journalists


Gary L. Aguilar Daniel Marvin
Jean-Guy Allard Carl Marzani
Jack Anderson John McAdams
Hugh Aynesworth Laton McCartney
Howard Baker Barr McClellan
Russ Baker John McClellan
Joel Bainerman Alfred W. McCoy
Richard Billings Hugh McDonald
G. Robert Blakey David McKean
Thomas H. Boggs Gerald D. McKnight
Don Bohning Sylvia Meagher
Rex Bradford Joan Mellen
Pete Brewton Bonar Menninger
Walt Brown Dan E. Moldea
Thomas G. Buchanan Jefferson Morley
Nina Burleigh Arline Mosby
Robert A. Caro Lucien Nedzi
Anton Chaitkin Maurine Neuberger
Frank Church John M. Newman
Leslie Cockburn Chris Newton
William S. Cohen Carl Oglesby
Alex Constantine Vincent Palamara
Debra Conway Sam Papich
Alistair Cooke Greg Parker
David Corn Robert Parry
Gary Cornwell Drew Pearson
William R. Corson Lisa Pease
John Costella William F. Pepper
Walter Cronkite Clint Peoples
Nick Cullather Dave Perry
Leo Damore Jack Pfeiffer
Wim Dankbaar Otis Pike
John H. Davis Michael Collins Piper
Marcel Dehaeseleer Richard H. Popkin
James DiEugenio Gerald Posner
Ronald Dellums Thomas Powers
John Dinges Richardson Preyer
James W. Douglass Leroy Fletcher Prouty
Allan Eaglesham Robin Ramsay
Michael Eddowes J. Lee Rankin
Ron Ecker Dan Rather
Edward Jay Epstein Kenneth A. Rahn
George Michael Evica Norman Redlich
Bernard Fensterwald Dave Reitzes
Mary Ferrell Jack Revill
James H. Fetzer William Reymond
Gaeton Fonzi James Richards
Donald Freed Mark Riebling
Will Fritz Stephen Rivele
Jim Garrison Don Roberdeau
Donald Gibson Craig Roberts
J. Timothy Gratz Thomas Ross
Ian Griggs Bertrand Russell
Michael T. Griffith Dick Russell
Robert J. Groden Gus Russo
J. Evetts Haley Vincent J. Salandria
Larry Hancock Harold S. Sawyer
Billy James Hargis David E. Scheim
Gary Hart Daniel Schorr
Philip Hart Richard Schweiker
Thom Hartmann Peter Dale Scott
Edward T. Haslam Sterling Seagrave
David Healy Martin Shackelford
James Hepburn Gary Shaw
Seymour Hersh Daniel Sheehan
C. David Heymann John Simkin
Sander Hicks Sherman Skolnick
Warren Hinckle Matthew Smith
Barbara Honegger Mark Sobel
Daniel Hopsicker Arlen Specter
Douglas Horne Richard A. Sprague
Bill Hunter Richard E. Sprague
Henry Hurt Andrew St George
Lee Israel Rodney Stich
Peter Jennings John Stockwell
Joachim Joesten Louis Stokes
Priscilla Johnson I. F. Stone
W. Penn Jones Jr Oliver Stone
David Kaiser Anthony Summers
Steve Kangas Tad Szulc
Seth Kantor David Talbot
John Kelin Josiah Thompson
William E. Kelly Don Thomas
Ronald Kessler Evan Thomas
Dorothy Kilgallen William Torbitt
Jim Koethe Joseph Trento
Michael L. Kurtz Nigel Turner
Jonathan Kwitny William Turner
Mark Lane Noel Twyman
William Law Thayer Waldo
Victor Lasky Lamar Waldron
David Lifton Alan J. Weberman
Peter Maas Gary Webb
Gary Mack Cyril H. Wecht
Angus Mackenzie Harold Weisberg
Richard D. Mahoney Douglas Weldon
Norman Mailer Seymour Weitzman
William Manchester Jack White
David Mantik Ronald F. White
Victor Marchetti John M. Whitten
Ray Marcus John Williams
John Marks David Wise
Jim Marrs David Wrone
David C. Martin Ira David Wood III



Breach of Trust

Hear No Evil



JFK and the Unspeakable

Our Man in Mexico



Possible Conspirators


James Jesus Angleton Edward Lansdale
Manuel Artime Meyer Lansky
Bobby Baker Jack Lawrence
Bernard L. Barker Frederick LaRue
Tracy Barnes Raymond Leddy
Guy Banister James Arthur Lewis
Eddie Bayo Peter Licavoli
Alan H. Belmont Marita Lorenz
William C. Bishop Clare Booth Luce
Richard Bissell Henry Luce
Fred Black Robert Maheu
Louis M. Bloomfield Carlos Marcello
Orlando Bosch Eugenio Martinez
Jim Braden John Martino
Wernher von Braun Roland Masferrer
Harvey Bright Matthew H. McCloskey
Carlos Bringuier Gordon McLendon
George Butler John McCone
Charles Cabell Lewis McWillie
Earle Cabell Daniel Mitrione
Richard Cain David Sanchez Morales
Gordon Campbell Robert J. Morris
Clifford Carter Robert Morrow
Frank Castro Clint Murchison
Joseph Civello Charles Murret
Edward A. Clark Richard Case Nagell
Ramsay Clark Ricardo Morales Navarrete
Thomas G. Clines Charlie Nicoletti
John Cofer Richard Nixon
Roy Cohn Gordon Novel
William Colby Guillermo Novo
Edwin Collins Richard Ober
Lucien Conein Manuel Orcarberrio
Rolando Cubela Alton Ochsner
Tony Cuesta Lenny Patrick
Irving Davidson William Pawley
Howard K. Davis Manuel Pena
Thomas Davis David Atlee Phillips
Cartha DeLoach Luis Posada
George De Mohrenschildt Anthony A. Poshepny
Jeanne de Mohrenschildt Carlos Prio
Marshall Diggs Rafael 'Chi Chi' Quintero
Wickliffe P. Draper Frank Ragano
Allen W. Dulles Jose Rivera
Tom Dunkin William (Rip) Robertson
Alfredo Duran Edward Roderick
Robert W. Easterling Felix I. Rodriguez
Armando Lopez Estrada Charles Rogers
Billie Sol Estes Johnny Roselli
Loy Factor John Rousselot
Desmond FitzGerald Jack Ruby
David Ferrie Felipe Vidal Santiago
James Files Lucien Sarti
Abe Fortas Larrie Schmidt
Herminio Diaz Garcia Winston Scott
Mark Gayn Barry Seal
Sam Giancana George Senator
Virgilio Gonzalez William Seymour
Porter Goss Ted Shackley
Sidney Gottlieb Gordon Shanklin
Donald P. Gregg Clay Shaw
Antoine Guerini Mary Sherman
Loran Hall John Singlaub
Dennis Harber Charles Siragusa
Roy Hargraves George Smathers
Charles Harrelson Sergio Arcacha Smith
William Harvey Jean Souetre
Henry Hecksher Frank Sturgis
Paul Helliwell William C. Sullivan 
Richard Helms Tony Sforza
Gerry P. Hemming Kerry Thornley
George Hickey Bernardo De Torres
Jimmy Hoffa Michael V. Townley
Chauncey Holt Santo Trafficante
J. Edgar Hoover Eladio del Valle
James Hosty
Tony Varona
Lawrence Howard Antonio Veciana
E. Howard Hunt Rafael Villaverde
Haroldson L. Hunt Edwin Walker
Nestor Izquierdo Malcolm (Mac) Wallace
Carl E. Jenkins Buddy Walthers
George Joannides Bernard Weissman
Lyndon B. Johnson Robert Welch
Robert Emmett Johnson Mitchell WerBell
Grayston Lynch Roscoe White
Nikita Khrushchev Charles Willoughby
Henry Warner Kloepfer Steve Wilson
Mario Kohly Dave Yarras



Reports on the Assassination
The Warren Commission CBS: The Warren Report
Select Committee on Intelligence Activities House Select Committee on Assassinations
Kennedy Assassination Issues
Deaths of Witnesses Grassy Knoll
Zapruder Film Dealey Plaza



Blood, Money and Power

Who's Who


Primary Sources: Key Issues
Lee Harvey Oswald in 1963 Assassination of JFK
Murder of J. D. Tippit Jack Ruby and the Mafia
Mannlicher Rifle Kennedy's Autopsy
Primary Sources: Theories
Oswald the Lone Assassin The Mafia
Soviet Union/Cuba Anti-Castro Activists
Texas Oil Industry John Birch Society
Central Intelligence Agency Secret Service/FBI
Student Activities
Overview of the Assassination of JFK Theories: Who Killed Kennedy
Assassination of JFK: Primary Sources Research Project: Who Killed Kennedy?



JFK Assassination Debates

The Road to Dallas




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A Farewell to Justice


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Peter Dale Scott: JFK and 9/11

Pat Speer


Praise from a Future Generation


On the Trail of the JFK Assassins







Legacy of Secrecy


Family of Secrets


Mary Ferrell Foundation, Wikipedia: Assassination of John F. Kennedy, History Matters, Assassination Archives and Research Center, Crime Library: Assassination of John F. Kennedy, JFK, JFK Assassination, John McAdams: JFK Assassination, JFK Assassination: The Bush Connection, BBC Assassination of John F. Kennedy, John F. Kennedy, John F. Kennedy Assassination Archives, Martin Shackleford Archive, Warren Commission Report, John McAdams: An Assessment, JFK Lancer, Assassination of John F. Kennedy, John F. Kennedy Assassination: Information, Kennedy Assassination, John F. Kennedy, John F. Kennedy Assassination, History Place: JFK Assassination, John F. Kennedy Quotes, John Fitzgerald Kennedy, John F. Kennedy Presidential Library and Museum,President John F. Kennedy, House Select Committee on Assassinations, Assassination of John F. Kennedy, History Matters Archive, Assassination of John F. Kennedy, The Murder of President Kennedy, JFK Assassination Testimony, Dealey Plaza Revisited, Nook of Eclectic Inquiry, Electronic Assassinations Newsletter, Deep PoliticsReal History Archives, JFK: Breaking the News, Unconventional Warrior, Academic JFK Assassination, The Kennedy Assassination, The Taking of America, Prouty Reference Site, Assassination Science, Dealey Plaza, JFK Murder Solved, Exhumation of Lee Harvey Oswald, The Men Who Killed Kennedy, JFK and Cuba, JFK Assassination, Dealey Plaza UK, Fair Play Magazine, Kennedy Assassination, Reopen the JFK Case, Ron Ecker's JFK Website





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