A million-dollar wasteland revealed

(Tracy A. Woodward / The Post)

The Post examined every major project currently funded under the Housing and Urban Development program, analyzing a database of 5,100 projects worth $3.2 billion, studying more than 600 satellite images and collecting information from 165 housing agencies nationwide.

The hidden life of guns

The hidden life of guns

A Post investigation breaks years of secrecy on where region’s crime guns are sold and how they move through society.

Alaska Native Corporations

Alaska Native Corporations

After the attacks of Sept. 11, 2001, the Pentagon and other agencies awarded thousands of contracts without competition and proper oversight. In that rush, billions went to entities known as Alaska native corporations. Then the problems began..

Top Secret America

Top Secret America

“Top Secret America” is a project nearly two years in the making that describes the huge national security buildup in the United States after the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks.

Power Failure at Pepco

Power Failure at Pepco

One of Pepco's standard explanations for the frequency and duration of its outages -- dense tree cover -- does not hold up under scrutiny, a three-month Washington Post analysis has found. By far, Pepco equipment failures, not trees, caused the most sustained power interruptions last year, records show.

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The award-winning team behind the Post’s investigations.

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Investigative Multimedia

Top Secret Network

Explore the relationships between government organizations and the types of work being done in Top Secret America.

Police officers killed by guns

In a year-long investigation, the Post examined 511 killings of police officers by guns over the past decade.

Alaska native corporations

After 9/11, billions of dollars worth of contracts were awarded to entities known as Alaska native corporations. Then the problems began.