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Debt News & Latest Debt Headlines - DailyFinance.com
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How do you avoid sending your kid off into the world without a pile of student loan debt? One key is to figure out the real, bottom-line price of a specific college -- before you apply. DailyFinance's Laura Rowley explains.
Stacy is on a fixed income. She could free up more cash if she paid off her credit cards and mortgage. Should she cash in an annuity to make that happen? DailyFinance's Laura Rowley explains the key factor Stacy should consider in making the decision.
Janet's a lawyer who's losing her home, and she knows: When it comes to foreclosure, bureaucracy and paperwork can be your friends. Her foreclosure process has lasted for nearly 900 days, and counting. For homeowners in dire financial straits, her story is a lesson in how to keep a roof over your head as long as possible.
One of the toughest days in many people's lives comes when they realize that their parents need financial help. Especially if your mom and dad were always there for you when you needed them, it's only natural to want to return the favor when they need you. Here's how you can help your folks -- and what you definitely shouldn't do.
Tiny Slovakia looked set on Tuesday to reject the expanded eurozone bailout upon which global investors were pinning their hopes -- and at this moment, the Slovak Parliament could veto the Continent's plan for economic salvation. How did it it come to this, and what could happen next?
American household incomes have fallen more since the recession ended than they fell during it, a new study reveals; EU leaders say they have a plan to solve the sovereign debt crisis; and Netflix has declared its big Qwikster plan dead on arrival.
In this cloudy economy, we're all constantly hunting through the news and statistics for silver linings. Here's one that looks promising: In the first nine months of 2011, personal bankruptcy filings decreased 10% compared to a year earlier -- but experts say it's nothing to cheer about.
After a long spell in which one or both spouses were unemployed, a couple with three kids finds themselves $50,000 in debt. Now, with wife and husband back at work, they're aiming to get all their financial pins in a row and bowl a strike. DailyFinance's Laura Rowley offers a strategy for success.
Habits are hard to break: Just when you think you're firmly in control, you backslide again. According to CardHub.com, U.S. consumers accumulated a staggering $18.4 billion in credit card debt in the second quarter -- 66% more than they accumulated in the same quarter a year ago.
For many households, it's a personal fiance dilemma: Should they try to pay down debt first, or build up savings? In the aftermath of the Great Recession, opinions have clearly tipped toward the ditch-your-debt side. But that's not always the right answer.

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