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Foreclosure: Does This Family Deserve To Lose Its Home?
The Wayback Machine - https://web.archive.org/web/20111019053023/http://www.huffingtonpost.com:80/2011/10/17/foreclosure_n_1015918.html

Foreclosure: Does This Family Deserve To Lose Its Home?


First Posted: 10/17/11 03:57 PM ET Updated: 10/17/11 04:19 PM ET

ALAMOGORDO, N.M. -- From next to the dead tree in his backyard, Ernie Soto can see the big house where he used to live. It's perched on the side of a mountain overlooking Alamogordo, a town of 36,000 on the eastern edge of New Mexico's Tularosa Basin.

In 2007 Soto moved downhill to a smaller house with his wife and son. They needed fewer rooms since their grown son and daughter had moved out, and Soto wanted to sell the big house and use the proceeds to start a mechanic business. He figured he'd be better off as an entrepreneur in case the economy worsened.

Their downward mobility has continued, thanks to both mistakes and misfortune. "We just couldn't backpedal fast enough," he says.

A guy moved into the bigger house in a rent-to-own situation, Soto says, but the guy died. Then Soto's daughter got sick. He gave up trying to start his business when financing fell through. Then he lost his job. And now he's fighting to keep the smaller house.

He's a conservative Republican, but he thinks he deserves a break, a little leniency, so he can keep his home even though he hasn't made a mortgage payment since 2009.

Soto's congressman, a conservative Republican who's voted to repeal the government's anti-foreclosure programs, has shown sympathy to his constituent by helping him apply for one of those programs.

Soto's struggling against unemployment and foreclosure, the same problems afflicting tens of millions of people across the U.S., problems that pushed more than 2 million into poverty in 2010. Like many who've lost their jobs and homes during the Great Recession, Soto harbors a grievance against the bankers who precipitated the crisis and paid themselves bonuses after taxpayers bailed them out.

While politicians regularly vow to fight for people who face the loss of their homes and jobs "through no fault of their own," reality is rarely that simple. And it's exemplified by the story of Ernie Soto, a hardworking, conservative family man who made questionable financial decisions in hard times, but who never got a bailout.

Soto asks, "Can I have just a tiny taste of the pie?"

* * * * *

Soto bought the smaller property, a one-story single-family home made from red bricks and white stucco, for $146,300 in June 2007. Inside there are three bedrooms, a huge stone fireplace in the living room and a sunken TV den next to the kitchen. Outside there's a spacious back yard with patchy grass.

The bigger house boasts two stories, four bedrooms and a more distinctive Southwestern style. Soto says that when a man moved into the house in 2008 and started paying rent, he expected the man to buy the place. But then the man died at age 57 that November. The man's obituary doesn't say how he died, and relatives did not return phone calls.

Soto says he heard the man had a heart attack and that in hindsight, "I should have made him pay for the property before I bought mine."

Soto found himself on the hook for two mortgages at the same time his daughter was going through a bad divorce and a cervical cancer scare that resulted in $5,000 worth of legal and hospital bills. With the business expenses, it added up to more than he felt he could handle.

"I was faced with a short-term financial tsunami of around $33,000," he says.

He used savings to stay current on both mortgages through the first half of 2009. He tried to convince his lenders that he couldn't keep it up for long when he asked for lower payments. He says they turned him down because he made too much money. And he says a loan he needed for working capital to start his business fell through.

He and his wife, Priscilla, who works as a house and office cleaner, together earned between $80,000 and $90,000 in 2007 and 2008. But he'd already borrowed $350,000 to launch the car repair company and owed $400,000 on the two houses. As business loan payments came due, Soto worried he'd have no money left for his family.

"Everything we pumped in, all the agreements we made with suppliers, leases for equipment, that house, this house, our existing bills," he says. "It was about three quarters of a million dollars almost, and I said, it's too much and now I need to hang to some of that money to help protect our daughter."

Soto says he told his lenders the same thing he told his own family: He feared he wouldn't be able to maintain his income.

"I warned [them] because of the car business, the car business was bad and I told [them] it's just a matter of time. And I told my wife we'd better hang on, I've got a feeling something's gonna happen, I'm gonna lose my job. I see it, I've been in it for so long."

A government-certified housing counselor advised him to consult a lawyer. He filed for bankruptcy protection in June of 2009. By that time he and his wife's average monthly expenses reached $6,338, outstripping their monthly income by $450, according to court documents from the bankruptcy. The Sotos were sinking in debt.

They kept their jobs though and continued trying to negotiate a mortgage modification. The process frustrated Soto: He says his loan changed hands three times, his lenders repeatedly asked him to resubmit the same documents, and he could never speak to the same person twice -- an utterly common set of complaints for a homeowner seeking a mortgage modification.

Not even thousand-dollar incentive payments from the government have been enough to encourage banks to treat homeowners decently when they seek loan mods; the Obama administration's signature foreclosure prevention program has helped fewer than 700,000. More than a million have been bounced out of the program, and the reasons for rejection are often unclear. In early 2009 President Obama said the program would help 3 to 4 million homeowners. Another refinancing initiative was supposed to reach 4 to 5 million. Both programs are failures; the foreclosure crisis rolls on.

A key reason Soto thought he deserved a break, aside from the bank bailouts, was that he owed more than his house was worth, a consequence of the housing bubble inflated and left shriveled by the financial sector. In 2009, Soto's home was worth at least 10 percent less than the amount he'd borrowed to pay for it. If Wall Street already got bailed out, Soto wondered why he should have to keep lining bankers' pockets with bubble-sized monthly payments?

The following December, he quit paying and moved to a nearby trailer park. Instead of sending money to banks, he started sending furious emails to news organizations.

"My modification went no where even with timely payments and mountains of paperwork sent to all of them," he wrote to HuffPost in 2010. "After several months of this I had enough, they can all kiss my @$$! I have always had great credit and paid my obligations on time, but where was everyone else when I need them."

Shame and fear prevent more homeowners from doing what Soto did. While nearly a quarter of all American mortgages are "underwater" like Soto's, one analysis puts the the rate of "strategic default" at just 2.5 or 3.5 percent. Soto's shame had given way to fury. Priscilla says she could sense her husband's anger just from the way he typed. She mimicked his hands going up and down on the keyboard with loud clickety-clack noises.

"I was mad. I was mad at the bankers, I was mad at the mortgage companies and everything," Soto says. "We couldn't stand for no more pain, no more humiliation, so we just discreetly got our things, moved out -- the neighbors were like, 'Whatโ€™s going on?' I've always been a good citizen, paid my bills. All I could say was just fuck everybody."

Soto lost his job at the dealership in April of 2010. He spent a couple months unemployed before finding another service manager gig at a dealership in Hobbs, nearly 200 miles away. At first, the company paid for his gas and motel stays, but he says those perks vanished when the place offered him a full time gig. The expenses, combined with the inconvenience of working so far from his distressed family, led him to quit.

* * * * *

Things got better this year. In April, Soto landed a job at a rent-to-own furniture store in El Paso. The drive from Alamogordo took longer than an hour, but Soto scored a new placement near his home after several weeks of training.

The job had a tremendous downside: Soto had to take people's stuff away when they failed to make payments. He recalls visiting a rundown trailer in El Paso during the springtime. The trailer looked so bad, Soto says he thought nobody could live inside.

"We got up there and knocked on the door and here comes out the guy and his daughter, a little cute two- or three-year-old girl, was holding a doll, and I'm thinking, 'Oh my God.' Here we are taking their furniture and washer and dryer. I walked in and the floor wasn't really a floor. I think they had a dining table. I donโ€™t know if they even had a TV. It was a pretty sad sight."

And it was a lesson for the man's poor daughter: "The little girl's asking the daddy, why are they here? He goes, 'This is what happens when you don't pay the bill.' "

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ALAMOGORDO, N.M. -- From next to the dead tree in his backyard, Ernie Soto can see the big house where he used to live. It's perched on the side of a mountain overlooking Alamogordo, a town of 36,000 ...
ALAMOGORDO, N.M. -- From next to the dead tree in his backyard, Ernie Soto can see the big house where he used to live. It's perched on the side of a mountain overlooking Alamogordo, a town of 36,000 ...
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Richard Zombeck
HuffPost Blogger
20 minutes ago (1:01 AM)
And the comments here, completely void of compassion and ripe with sanctimoni­ous self-pleas­uring are precisely the reason anonymous commenting should be done away with.
Dick Stone
My Andalusian works hard and loves his job
21 minutes ago (1:00 AM)
This is not a simple deserve to lose situation, it is about being unable to meet a financial obligation that he sought, agreed to, and accepted. He actually may be better off in the long run for the foreclosur­e to go through, and then he can start rebuilding his fanancial circumstan­ces, with a lot of lessons learned the hard way. His mistakes were not horrible, but the outcome of being on the hook for so much, had a very predictabl­e outcome. He is just a person that made one too many bad decisions, and we live in a country that is currently borrowing 43 cents of everything it spends for any purpose. Our country should start living up to the standards that individual­s have been held to for a very long time. Borrowing an amount that can only be repaid if circumstan­ces are perfect or improve is not the way to financial responsibi­lity. An individual and a country should always plan for bad times, because they will come to even the most fortunate people and the most prosperous countries.
my micro bio is empty because I went to the micro
6 hours ago (7:14 PM)
He can't be a real conservati­ve because everyone knows that real conservati­se do not lose their house.
Mark Montgomery
The forces of fear do not scare me
7 hours ago (6:15 PM)
He ought to hooke up with Walter White and start cooking
7 hours ago (5:54 PM)
This is the story of a guy who took risks to try to better his life. Those risks didn't pay off. This is a far different story from someone who had an appropriat­e level of debt and lost their job because of the recession. The fact that this guy calls himself a conservati­ve Republican is the icing on the cake.

Take some responsibi­lity.
8 hours ago (5:39 PM)
There is no leniency, no forgivenes­s. This is Republican nirvana; an economic Darwinism where the rich are free to feast on the poor and vulnerable­. And WHY have you been voting Republican­?

Anyone voting Republican in 2012 is dumber than a stump -- or in the richest 2%.
8 hours ago (5:03 PM)
According to republican­s bad things only happen to bad people. If they would just work the minimum wage jobs around the clock the republican­s couldn't out source and pull themselves up by the metaphoric­al boot straps they would become millionair­es too! It's easy! Everyone is doing it!
9 hours ago (4:42 PM)
He might have done better in Vegas.
Insert witty comment here:
9 hours ago (4:16 PM)
"...in hindsight, 'I should have made him pay for the property before I bought mine.'

He and his wife, Priscilla, who works as a house and office cleaner, together earned between $80,000 and $90,000 in 2007 and 2008. But he'd already borrowed $350,000 to launch the car repair company and owed $400,000 on the two houses. As business loan payments came due, Soto worried he'd have no money left for his family."

Two poor decisions have put him in the position he is in now. Granted, the economy didn't help, but he shouldn't have tried to start his own company while he was still responsibl­e for two mortgages.
8 hours ago (5:10 PM)
In addition to that who is the gate keeper on originatin­g the loans? The borrower or the lender? Who's the expert here? The bank shouldn't have given them a loan under those circumstan­ces. But if you can take a fiscal cr*p in a box throw it over the wall and the next guy chops the worthless junk up and creates a thing called a derivative which a rating agency gives a AAA rating to sell to unsuspecti­ng investors while the loan originator gets his fee and no accountabi­lity. All of this makes it the consumers fault right? So the patients run the asylum in your world? Sounds conservati­ve to me...
6 hours ago (7:39 PM)
That's not the Republican story. These poor banks were just doing what they were required to do and they were duped by all these ne'er-do-w­ell consumers who adeptly manipulate­d the system that the banks had put in play.
Insert witty comment here:
37 minutes ago (12:44 AM)
None of that impacts his ability (or inability) to pay his mortgage on time. Him deciding to purchase a second home while borrowing money to start a business stretched him too thin.
10 hours ago (3:12 PM)
The one thing that bothers me about this story is the bank took money from the program that was suppose to stop foreclosur­e. They shouldn't be able to receive the money unless they agree first to renegotiat­ing the loan and stop the foreclosur­e. Once again, the banks are ripping off tax dollars while taking property they aren't suppose to be taking. This is the only reason this family, like others shouldn't have lost their homes. Had he not gotten the assistance from the federal program, because of the mistakes he made yes he would have to accept loosing his home and have to start over. It is hard pill to swallow but it happens. It wasn't all his fault. Looks like he may have been able to stay in the home longer had he not made the mistakes but do to job losses probably would have ended up in trouble anyway like many other of his fellow Americans who have done everything right and have lost everything do to the economy. But the fact is he got help from the federal program which should have stopped a foreclosur­e and gotten a renegotiat­ed loan so no they should not have lost their home. The Justice Department needs to investigat­e the banks that are taking money and going ahead with foreclosur­es. They need to put a freeze on all foreclosur­es while they investigat­e, find the perpetrato­rs, start prosecutin­g fast, then fine the banks the amount of money they took.
10 hours ago (3:06 PM)
You know why I do not own any rental properties­? Becasue I would have to rely on the rent to cover the mortgage.

You know why I never quit my job to start my own business? Because I have a family to support and we cannot afford failure.

You know why I have never filed for bankruptcy­? Because I never let anyone else tell me what I can and cannot afford.

You know why I have not suffered, nor altered my lifestyle, during the recession? See the previous three statements­.

You know why I am a lifelong Democrat? Becasue I know that there are people who do not have the same opportunit­ies available to them as I do and therefore need to help every now and then. I also know that sometimes these people are preyed upon by unscrupulo­us "entrepren­eurs" and need rules and regulation­s put in place to prevent them from being made victims.

But this family? I don't think so...
11 hours ago (2:38 PM)
i feel bad for this man and everyone, so too many with this same story. but he and others need to understand that when they vote for republican­s, they are voting for Wall Street and corporatio­n to continue to write their own rules, they write the laws, not congress. the foreclosur­e help or lack thereof?? the banks are following the rules as much as they have to...but they are like a deadbeat dad putting thinks in homes, cars and all assets girlfriend­s name so they eliminate their responsibi­lity...unf­ortunately­, there is no law against it... so the banks continue to drag out refinance for people who they know are in trouble and need help asap, they ask you to resubmit paperwork they say they never received or they need one more form, or your file has been transferre­d to another department for review. until finally, it is too late and the home is lost.
But again, why would any non-millio­naire vote republican­? they are laughing all the way to the bank they own.
10 hours ago (3:13 PM)
voting for a republican didnt make him make dumb decisions and take out 400000 dollars worth of loans....i feel for him but he should have made better decisions.­..
11 hours ago (2:15 PM)
He is not as bad as many who need to be foreclosed upon, but he is responsibl­e for his decisions. Remember many responsibl­e people did not buy into the bubble and these want to buy an affordable home-inste­ad they were priced out buy the bubble buyers and other predators, and the ongoing attempt to keep prices up, bail out irresponsi­ble, and keep them as children. Every loan modificati­on is a kick in the teeth of responsbib­le home buying hopefulls and an ongoing support of immaturity and corruption­. Grow up, pay the cost of greed decisions, or America is lost.
11 hours ago (2:03 PM)
You shouldve just titled this story

"Consevati­ve Republican­s deserve to lose their home, dont they?"

Its funny how you used that phrase twice. Pandering possibly?

And although Mr Soto may self identify as a conservati­ve, his words actions and expectatio­ns definitely seem "Liberally Democratic­".

He should Occupy Alamogordo
8 hours ago (5:21 PM)
He was financiall­y irresponsi­ble and ow wants to blame the government while still getting bailed out...soun­ds like he's a republican to me
12 hours ago (1:45 PM)
MASSIVE Wall Street ponzi MBS "subprime" fraud:


They have NO legal "standing" to foreclose.­.. NOT "real party in interest".­..GET THEM ON SUBJECT MATTER JURISDICTI­ON...and STAY in your house. The banks are failing...­and they did this to themselves­...

They (servicers­) cannot show that your payments are going to an actual "mortgage"­---YOU ARE SIMPLY PAYING A DEBT COLLECTOR!­!! That's IT!!!