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Gonyaulax catenelladinoflagellate


Aspects of this topic are discussed in the following places at Britannica.

Assorted References

  • paralytic shellfish poisoning ( in poison: Protistan poisons )

    ...Certain species of dinoflagellates are capable of producing some of the most toxic substances known. The two species of dinoflagellates most commonly involved in human intoxications have been Gonyaulax catenella along the Pacific coast of North America and G. tamarensis along the eastern coast of North America. Intoxications from these organisms are known as paralytic shellfish...


MLA Style:

"Gonyaulax catenella." Encyclopædia Britannica. 2008. Encyclopædia Britannica Online. 01 Jul. 2008 <http://www.britannica.com/EBchecked/topic/238565/Gonyaulax-catenella>.

APA Style:

Gonyaulax catenella. (2008). In Encyclopædia Britannica. Retrieved July 01, 2008, from Encyclopædia Britannica Online: http://www.britannica.com/EBchecked/topic/238565/Gonyaulax-catenella

Gonyaulax catenella

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More from Britannica on "Gonyaulax catenella"
Gonyaulax catenella (dinoflagellate)

Aspects of this topic are discussed in the following places at Britannica.

  • paralytic shellfish poisoning poison

    ...Certain species of dinoflagellates are capable of producing some of the most toxic substances known. The two species of dinoflagellates most commonly involved in human intoxications have been Gonyaulax catenella along the Pacific coast of North America and G. tamarensis along the eastern coast of North America. Intoxications from these organisms are known as paralytic shellfish...

Gonyaulax (dinoflagellate genus)

genus of dinoflagellates (single-celled aquatic organisms) that inhabit fresh, saline, or brackish water. Members are covered by closely fitting cellulose plates and have two flagella: one extends backward from a longitudinal groove in the armour, and the other, in an encircling groove, may help to keep the animal afloat. There is no eyespot (stigma), and the pigment-containing chromatophores are yellow to dark brown. G. catenella, a toxic planktonic form, is sometimes abundant enough to colour water and cause the phenomenon called red tide, which may kill many fish and other animals. Human beings may be poisoned by eating mussels that have ingested large quantities of G. catenella.

poison (physiology)

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