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Hitching a Ride

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Encyclopædia Britannica
Hitching a Ride:Seed Dispersal by Animals in the Panamanian Rainforest

Barbados cherry (Malpighia glabra).
[Credit: Douglas David Dawn]Numerous plants depend on animal dispersers to transport seeds either internally or externally. Birds generally disperse seeds internally by eating the fruits, which are often small and red and the numerous seeds of which easily pass through the birds’ digestive systems. Some seeds actually have higher rates of germination after passing through animal gut; others benefit from being deposited in nutrient-rich dung. Fruit bats such as the Jamaican, or common, fruit bat (Artibeus jamaicensis) are important seed dispersers in Panama, feeding on many fruits, including those of figs (genus Ficus) and cecropias (genus Cecropia), and distributing some seeds internally and others externally. The bat homes in on the smell of ripe fruit and transports it to a feeding roost away from the source tree. Small seeds are eaten and later excreted in flight, whereas larger seeds are discarded at the feeding site.

Cashew apples (hypocarp) and nuts of the domesticated cashew tree (Anacardium occidentale).
[Credit: W.H. Hodge]Other examples of external seed transport by animals are also common. Some trees provide rich fruit that is attractive to foraging animals. As a consequence, organisms ranging from ants to bats to rodents such as the agouti unwittingly disperse the trees’ seeds. For example, the wild cashew (Anacardium excelsum) bears nuts on a sweet, green stem enlargement (hypocarp) that is a favourite food of many bats, which disperse the nuts while feeding.

The seed dispersal process can be complex, involving the activity of more than one animal, or it may depend on specific animal behaviours. The bright orange fruits of the black palm (Astrocaryum standleyanum), for example, comprise a seed covered by a tough woody layer forming a nut, or stone, which is in turn covered by a layer of pulp. When the fruit ripens and drops to the forest floor, many animals come to eat the sweet pulp, sometimes moving the seeds about in the process. Since weevils lay eggs on nearly all black palm fruits, unless agoutis peel the orange flesh from the palm nuts and bury them, the newly hatched weevil larvae destroy the seeds. Therefore, despite the fact that they eat large numbers of the seeds themselves, agoutis provide a net benefit to the palm. In the absence of agoutis it is likely that a tract of forest with Astrocaryum would offer few prospects for new trees.

Agoutis are also important to the almendro tree (Dipteryx panamensis), which attracts many dispersers because it fruits at the end of Panama’s dry season, when fruit is in short supply. A single seed is encased in a thick, hard wooden pod covered with a thin layer of green pulp. When a fruit crop ripens, numerous arboreal animals flock to it, including kinkajous, bats, monkeys, coatis, and squirrels. In addition, ground dwellers such as agoutis, peccaries, pacas, spiny rats, and tapirs seek out fruits that fall to the forest floor. Most of these animals simply eat the sweet pulp covering the fruit, but for the almendro seed to germinate it must first be carried far from its parent tree and buried. In the case of the almendro, the process is initiated by 70-gram (2.5-ounce) fruit bats (Artibeus lituratus), which first disperse a large number of fruits by carrying them off to feeding roosts away from the parent tree, where they chew off the pulp and drop the seeds. Then agoutis, which are less likely to bury almendro seeds found near parent trees, carry off seeds that the bats have dropped and bury some of them. Normally, agoutis consume most of these seeds or eat the seedlings when they germinate, but in a year of abundant fruit buried seeds will often germinate and grow. Thus, the almendro may need two animals, the fruit bat and the agouti, to give its seeds the opportunity to become new trees. Such findings strongly suggest that, in order to conserve many of the tree species in a tropical forest, it is also important to protect animal populations.

Allen Herre


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"Hitching a Ride." Encyclopædia Britannica. Encyclopædia Britannica Online. Encyclopædia Britannica, 2011. Web. 19 Oct. 2011. <http://www.britannica.com/EBchecked/topic/1673040/animal-dispersal-in-rainforests>.

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Hitching a Ride. (2011). In Encyclopædia Britannica. Retrieved from http://www.britannica.com/EBchecked/topic/1673040/animal-dispersal-in-rainforests

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