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Technology News - Personal Tech - The New York Times
The Wayback Machine - https://web.archive.org/web/20111024205516/http://www.nytimes.com/pages/technology/personaltech/index.html?src=busfn

Monday, October 24, 2011

Personal Tech

Featured Personal Tech Videos »
Insu Lee

A host of new tools and services can help you make sense of the abundance of music available on the Web.

App Smart

Tracking Your Car’s Performance (or Lack of It) by Phone

Apps like Dynolicious measure your car’s horsepower, speed and braking power and let you share those statistics with others.

In a Battle of the E-Readers, Booksellers Spurn Superheroes

Amazon struck a deal for the exclusive digital rights to a hundred graphic novels by DC Comics, leading Barnes & Noble and Books-a-Million to remove the novels from their shelves.

State of the Art

Facebook Changes Inspire More Grumbling

Any time a company with 800 million active customers makes the slightest shift, there’s bound to be howls of protest. Let’s review the latest changes and see if they’re worth the teeth-gnashing.

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Search Engines for Phones

The mobile-search market; a streaming service for British TV shows; tech news.

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Tricking Out Your iPhone Photos

A sample guide to photo manipulation by Brian Roberts, a master of iPhone photography.

Tablets, Compared

2010 was supposed to be the Year of the Tablet, a prediction that did not quite pan out. So, once more, with feeling: 2011 will be the Year of the Tablet. Sort through the offerings.

Browse all the mobile app coverage that has appeared in The New York Times by category, and see what Times writers have on their phones and tablets.

All Apps
News and Amusements
Social and Communication
Travel and Food
Tools and Resources

From Opinion
Room For Debate

Have We Become More Willing to Pay for Content?

Have consumers changed their expectations about what media will be free or cheap, as the Napster era has yielded to iTunes?


