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Panel Endorses HPV Vaccine for Boys of 11 - Readers' Comments - NYTimes.com
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Readers' Comments

Panel Endorses HPV Vaccine for Boys of 11Back to Article »

The vaccine will protect against cancers that can result from sexual activity, a federal advisory committee said.

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HIGHLIGHT (What's this?)
October 25th, 2011
1:07 pm
My 15 year old son has received all 3 doses of the vaccine. When his twin sister was getting her first shot, I asked our pediatrician if he would vaccinate boys. He hadn't yet, but said it was a good idea. So I asked my son about it, and told him it would prevent the spread of HPV to his future sex partners and possibly protect against oral and anal cancers. He rolled his sleeve right up and wondered aloud why everyone didn't get the vaccine.
HIGHLIGHT (What's this?)
Norman, OK
October 25th, 2011
1:08 pm
I'm glad someone finally figured out that STDs can by carried by both men AND women. Sheesh.
HIGHLIGHT (What's this?)
October 25th, 2011
3:02 pm
I am saddened to see comments like # 16. This is not a recommendation to protect boys from consequences of gay sex. It will protect heterosexual male's future female partners, as well. As a nurse and educator, with two daughters of my own (one fully vaccinated and headed to college, the other in the middle of the series), I am grateful to see comments like #6-and know that young men and women are being taught to think, and act as members of a larger community. The 'medical industry' can indeed be 'profit churning', but vaccines against cancer should always be weighed appropriately against the consequences of non-treatment.
HIGHLIGHT (What's this?)
Portland Oregon
October 25th, 2011
8:14 pm
I had HPV. Male, straight, serial monogamist, safe sex haver. Wish they'd have brought this vaccine out earlier. Girlfriend came back from yearly doctor visit, brought the wonderful news. HPV can sit dormant for a while, it doesn't put up neon signs. Yes, there are hundreds of strains. The vaccine protects against the ones that cause warts which are the ones that cause cancer. Cancer. Your GOD will not protect you. Condoms will not protect you. There's more to sex than what a jimmy hat covers. 80% of Americans WILL get this disease. Be stupid in any facet of your life you like except this one. GET YOUR KIDS VACCINATED.
HIGHLIGHT (What's this?)
October 25th, 2011
9:08 pm
My daughter died from cervical cancer. There is no argument I have read against this that doesn't come down to a variation of "never trust anyone over 30." Go to a nearby hosptial; pay a visit to a young person in the last stages of cervical or the other cancers; and, then come back and make the ignorant, pseudo-political comments that are being included here. You were lied to by your British hero before; don't let these idiots give you the "privilege" of watching your child die a very bad death.
HIGHLIGHT (What's this?)
October 26th, 2011
11:12 am
No argument against what vaccine should do, 100% of the time. However, it is relatively new and there are reports of serious side affects even if they only happen to a minority. Where is the hard data on adverse affects and problems, along with the positive information?