Debunking the Myth of the 'Freshman 15'

Contrary to college folklore, the dreaded "freshman 15" — the notion that students gain 15 lbs. during their first year at school — is a myth, according to a study from Ohio State University. READ MORE

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AGING45 mins ago

Clearing Away Old Cells Delays Aging in Mice

Could the effects of aging be delayed or even prevented simply by clearing the body of old cells? Scientists report in Nature that they were able to do just that in a study of mice. Read More

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DRUGS4 hours ago

Study: Legal Medical Marijuana Doesn't Encourage Kids to Smoke More Pot

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Despite warnings from opponents of medical marijuana, legalizing the drug for medical purposes does not encourage teens to smoke more pot, according to new research that compared rates of marijuana use in Massachusetts and Rhode Island after the latter state changed its laws. Read More

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ADHD16 hours ago

Study: ADHD Medications Don't Increase Heart Risks

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In the largest safety study conducted to date, researchers have found that drugs used by millions of children to treat attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, or ADHD, do not raise the risk of serious heart problems. Read More

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AIDS19 hours ago

Pediatricians Group Urges Routine HIV Testing for Teens

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This week the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) released a policy statement called "Adolescents and HIV Infection." The title alone garners attention. Teens and HIV? Read More

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ADDICTION20 hours ago

Are Doctors Really to Blame for the 'Overdose Epidemic'?

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Forty people die each day from what Dr. Thomas Frieden, the director of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), calls an "epidemic" of prescription drug overdose. Frieden largely attributes the rise in overdose deaths, which have tripled since 1999, to overprescribing by doctors. But the reality is much more complicated. Read More

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OBESITY21 hours ago

Debunking the Myth of the 'Freshman 15'

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Contrary to college folklore, the dreaded "freshman 15" — the notion that students gain 15 lbs. during their first year at school — is a myth, according to a study from Ohio State University. Read More

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EXERCISE23 hours ago

Gym vs. Genes: How Exercise Trumps Obesity Genes

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Our genes may have a lot to do with the way we look and behave, but they certainly don't dictate our destiny. That's true when it comes to our weight too. Read More

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CANCER1 day ago

Just a Few Drinks a Week Boosts Breast Cancer Risk

Tom Schierlitz / Getty Images

A new study should give women pause before filling their wine glass. Researchers found that women who regularly drink a small amount of alcohol — less than a drink a day — may increase their lifetime risk of breast cancer. Read More

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Squeezing Blood From a Grain of Rice?

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Billions of people rely on rice as a staple crop. Now here's another reason to grow it: scientists have figured out a way to use the grain to produce a key component of human blood. Read More

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Tracing an Infectious Virus Through the NBA

Gary W. Green / Orlando Sentinel / Getty Images

If, or when, the NBA season does resume after the lockout, teams will have to address another important off-the-court issue: infectious illness. Read More

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