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Are You Desperate Enough For Skyrim To Read Its Leaked Manual? - News - www.GameInformer.com
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Are You Desperate Enough For Skyrim To Read Its Leaked Manual?

Achievement leaks? Those happen all the time. Screenshot leaks? Yep, we get those. Sometimes even videos. But leaks of a game's manual? That's reserved solely for games that fans are going crazy waiting for. Case in point: Skyrim.

Someone has posted an image gallery containing pictures of the inside and outside of a supposed leaked copy of Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim's game manual. We were sent a link to this gallery as a news tip (thanks, Chase!), so we're not really sure where it originated from, but the pictures definitely seem real and believable. Still, consider it rumor for the time being.

The text of manual contains everything from a description of how to cook to some lore from in-game texts. If you're obsessed enough to be poring over a game's manual prior to release, then this is all probably stuff you already know, but maybe it will help cool your burning desire for a night at least.

My only question: Does the person who posted these pictures have a copy of the actual game? And if so, how do we track him or her down to steal it post-haste?

  • It could be those *** Germans.

  • God i hope this game doesn't turn into a giant flop... Pretty sure every gamer in the world is going to riot in the streets..

  • I must admit, I am going a little bit crazy waiting for Skyrim. I hate waiting...
  • At least this game has a manual. It seems games nowadays have forgotten what that word means.

  • Reading this excited me more so than I already was...which I thought was impossible. Sounds like they kept a lot of what worked from Oblivion and mashed in some Fallout (lockpicking screen cap!!)...

    Next month needs to hurry up!

  • I want this game so bad, but I also want to graduate college. Dilemma
  • "once you purchase a horse, you can furnish it" :D
  • Must...not...click...link

    Oh wait, it's a 360 manual.
  • so many gsmes so little time and even less money
  • Absolutely not! I won't be doing this. I want to remain blissfully unaware.

    Tries not to see picture of manual. >_<

  • OMG the game tells you when the quests is through a door this gives it plus 10 to direction plus 50 to making me...oh it's everywhere.  EWWWW.

  • I'll tear off limbs to read that manual.

  • NO I AM NOT.................ok yes I am.

  • Okay, I admit it. I AM that desperate.

    "When you activate a book or document, you can read it." - Good to know they're maintaining that true-to-life feel. XD

  • I'm glad this manual actually has information about the game as well as some lore scribblings.  

  • Some things I noticed on here:

    Brawls:To get people to tell you things

    Shields:Can only be used in left hand

    Shouts:Recharge over time

    Witnesses:Tell guards but if killed you won't be caught

    Followers:Can commit crimes and you'll be blamed

  • "My only question: Does the person who posted these pictures have a copy of the actual game? And if so, how do we track him or her down to steal it post-haste?"

    I agree completely, give me a yell before you go hunting.

  • instead of having a good titlle about skyrim manual they should have "Ur going to  *** ur pants SKYRIM manual."

  • Yes, I certainly am.

  • lol theres too much traffic on the site

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