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Topic: Pharmacoepidemiology - Folkehelseinstituttet
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English Norwegian

Topic: Pharmacoepidemiology

In the course of a year, two-thirds of the Norwegian population will have been dispensed a prescribed drug. Drug treatment plays an important role in preventing and reducing disease and death, but drugs can also cause unwanted effects and problems. Research into drug consumption is a prioritised area for the Norwegian Institute of Public Health.
  1. WHO Collaborating Centre for Drug Statistics Methodology

    WHO logoThe Anatomical Therapeutic Chemical (ATC) classification system and the Defined Daily Dose (DDD) as a measuring unit have become the gold standard for international drug utilisation research. The system is developed and maintained by the WHO Collaborating Centre for Drug Research Methodology.

    Read more [27.05.2011]

  2. Complete drug statistics from NIPH:

    Decline in sales of anxiolytics and hypnotics

    Illustration photo: tabletsAfter many years of gradual increase followed by a three-year levelling off period, sales of addictive anxiolytic and hypnotic drugs decreased by just under two per cent in 2010.

    Read more [22.03.2011]

  3. Chronic pain prevalence in Norway – fact sheet

    Chronic pain affects about 30 per cent of the adult Norwegian population and is the main cause of long term sick leave and disability. Prevalence increases with age, and women are more susceptible than men.

    Read more [15.03.2011]

  4. Decrease in suicide not linked to newer antidepressants

    illustration photo: pillsMany researchers have studied the relationship between the increase in sales of new antidepressants in recent decades and a simultaneous decline in the suicide rate. In a study based on figures from the Nordic countries, researchers at the Norwegian Institute of Public Health found no evidence that increased sales of the new medicines could be linked to a lower suicide rate. The researchers also did not find any relationship between reduced sales of the older and more toxic antidepressants and a reduction in suicide rates.
    Read more [29.09.2010]

  5. Strong increase in use of drugs for ADHD

    illustration photoConsumption of stimulant drugs used for ADHD has risen significantly in recent years. Last year nearly 14 000 children were treated. 75 % were boys. The five year old Norwegian Prescription Database at the Norwegian Institute of Public Health allows us to follow drug use in different group and to comment on trends in use over the last 5 years.
    Read more [23.04.2009]

  6. New study

    Insulin-dependent drivers have slightly higher risk of involvement in traffic accidents

    illustration photoDiabetic drivers who use insulin have a slightly increased risk of being involved in road traffic accidents. Users of medicines for certain digestive problems have a similar increased risk. Users of blood glucose-lowering tablets do not have an increased risk. This is shown in a new study from the Norwegian Institute of Public Health.

    Read more [03.04.2009]

  7. Large users of zopiclone assessed as impaired

    Illustration photoA new study from the Norwegian Institute of Public Health shows a positive link between the amount of the hypnotic (sleeping medicine) zopiclone in the blood and the chance of being assessed as impaired in a clinical examination. The study also included drivers who only showed alcohol in their blood test.
    Read more [26.03.2009]

  8. Codeine use and accident risk

    Illustration photoThe risk of being involved in a traffic accident with personal injury is significantly higher among codeine users than non-users. However, sporadic or moderate use of codeine alone does not carry an increased risk, according to a newly published study from the Norwegian Institute of Public Health.
    Read more [24.03.2009]

  9. Pharmaceutical use in Norwegian fish farming in 2001-2008

    Ilustration photoThe Norwegian Institute of Public Health has published an overview of sales of various drugs used in fish breeding in Norway from 2001-2008. The sales are shown in kilograms of active ingredient; antibacterials, anaesthetics, anthelmintics and treatments for sea lice and fungi. The figures are based on sales from wholesalers to pharmacies and from feed mills to breeders.
    Read more [09.02.2009]

  10. Norwegian Prescription Database celebrates 5th anniversary

    Norwegian Prescription DatabaseThe Norwegian Prescription Database was established on the 1st January 2004 by the Norwegian Institute of Public Health with an aim to improve knowledge of pharmaceutical drug use in Norway. You are invited to the 5th anniversary celebrations.
    Read more [27.01.2009]

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