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Archive for February, 2008

MUSE3, public displays, NV08 & Fusion recap

Wednesday, February 27th, 2008

I'm chin-deep in MUSE3 planning (excuse the outdated site at them thar preceding link - that's part of what I'm working on), gearing up for our Showcase Proposal Forum this Friday (check back on Friday morning with that link for the webcast), adjusting my Web 2 specs after all the ...

Northern Voice 2008 Day Two – accreted notes

Saturday, February 23rd, 2008

13:30-14:10 Alan Levine. cogdogblog. voicethread. the internet is really big. Lost in Vancouver really hilar cinderella story told through PPT. http://cogdogroo.wikispaces.com/StoryTools jumpcut=imovie in a web browser googlemaps api with Flickr, blabberize.com --------- 14:15-15:00 - Kris Krüg and Alex Waterhouse Hayward. "The Other Side of Two Dimensions" lots of pictures. thinking in 3D is what we do with digital photography and ...

Northern Voice 2008 – accreted notes

Friday, February 22nd, 2008

Rough notes from today's conference... 13:30-14:00: An afternoon discussion with a Vancouver City Planner, a rep from mag.no.lia, some guy from Portland, and many others. the challenges for cities=adopting social media for public participation initiatives. how do people get something back? more than just "thanks for coming". stewardship is important. but how do ...

Torrent Tracking on Open Networks 101

Friday, February 22nd, 2008

Today is Northern Voice (I'm presenting tomorrow, but today is the unconference, most of which I hope to catch!), but right now I'm riveted to my laptop (poring over comments about torrent tracking) before I head out to UBC. Really good back n forth over at Nicholas Weaver's Random Thoughts ...

Next Nature :: cyber-implants running amok, and branded butterfly GMOs

Thursday, February 21st, 2008

Wow. Mieke Gerritzen gives a very provocative presentation on "Next Nature" - which, in its prophetic look at nature and culture combined, is one part Haraway, two parts Latour. Is the Lift Conference always this interesting? Gerritzen breathes from the same bong as Ray Kurzweil. Who'da thunk it?

Why mobile services are not being adopted :: Apptrigger

Wednesday, February 20th, 2008

Survey results paid for by Texas-based company AppTrigger (the study itself was conducted by LM Research & Marketing) suggest that UK mobile operators could be doing much more to promote adoption of advanced mobile services among their subscribers. The data purportedly support the conclusion that mobile phone operators are largely locked ...

The Internet Is Filesharing :: On ISP Levies and Creators’ Rights to Remuneration in Canada

Tuesday, February 19th, 2008

I was recently asked by the Songwriters' Association of Canada (SAC) to submit a briefing on why file sharing is inevitable, and why a levy system for ISPs makes sense. (The SAC is in the process of submitting a proposal along these lines to the Canadian government, in light of ...

Interesting Textures

Monday, February 4th, 2008

I bring this in from my LJ - which is sadly even more out-of-use than this blog. Dupobs got sampled for a PSA for a local noise show that apparently never plays our music. Cool! Listen to it here. It's clearly "Introducing Le Barf Ball", from our Shindig show last Autumn. The ...