Campaign 2012

Romney, Santorum rising in Iowa

(Chip Somodevilla / GETTY IMAGES)

  • Romney, Santorum rising in Iowa

    Romney, Santorum rising in Iowa 296 207
  • Energy shift a boon to Gingrich group

    Energy shift a boon to Gingrich group 296 197
  • Gingrich fights back as Iowa heats up

    Gingrich fights back as Iowa heats up 296 195
  • Romney’s stealth campaign for Iowa

    Romney’s stealth campaign for Iowa 296 197
  • Super PACs do candidates’ dirty work

    Super PACs do candidates’ dirty work 296 166

The Candidates

Debate 2012

Businessman Herman Cain and former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney during the debate.

Washington Post-Bloomberg #EconDebate

Full coverage of the Oct. 11 Republican presidential debate at Dartmouth College in Hanover, N.H.


Republican presidential candidate, former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney bows his head during applause while speaking at a town meeting at Saint Anselm College in Manchester, N.H., Wednesday, Sept. 28, 2011.  (AP Photo/Cheryl Senter)

GOP hopefuls hit the road

Republican presidential hopefuls are meeting voters in early primary states.

The Campaign 2012 Briefings

Ron Paul Video Biography

Ron Paul Video Biography

Rep. Ron Paul (R-Texas) made a splash in the 2008 presidential race, and is exploring another run in 2012. The Washington Post's Amy Gardner takes a look at Paul's career and his particular brand of conservatism.
Mitt Romney Biography

Mitt Romney Biography

Former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney is exploring a run for the presidency in 2012.
Jon Huntsman Video Biography

Jon Huntsman Video Biography

Former Republican Governor Jon Huntsman spent two years as Barack Obama's ambassador to China. Now he's eying a run for the Republican presidential nomination in 2012. The Washington Post's Dan Balz and Chris Cillizza explain.
The 2012 background briefing: Newt Gingrich

The 2012 background briefing: Newt Gingrich

Everything you need to know about former Republican House speaker Newt Gingrich.

Campaign 2012 tools

Campaign finance explorer

Presidential candidates are in a fierce competition for cash. Track their progress throughout the campaign.

GOP primary tracker

Explore the state of the 2012 race in key early states.

Campaign 2012 ads

Watch the latest 2012 campaign ads and track how much each candidate is spending.

GOP endorsement game

Guess which candidate each Republican insider will support, and come back later to track your progress..

Campaign 2012: What you’re saying

"Apparently, you can either tell the truth or run for president.  For some reason, you can't do both."

PostPolitics on Twitter


Alone in New Hampshire, Jon Huntsman waits for Republican presidential contest to come to him


Gingrich renews criticism of Ron Paul, calls him ‘a protest candidate’ #iacaucus


Perry ad hits Santorum for ‘feeding at the earmark trough in Congress’

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The worst case for war with #Iran | #ForeignPolicy .com | Stephen M. Walt #tcot #GOP #campaign2012 #ronpaul


Team Obama lays out electoral map strategy #campaign2012 #polling #

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Updated: My stmt with @GrahamBlog on the raids on NGOs in #Egypt


Help me finish fourth quarter fundraising! #sctweets #tcot


Be 1 of 75 to help fight $15 trillion in debt! #sctweets #tcot

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