Health Care

Supreme Court schedules health-care arguments

(Andrew Harrer / BLOOMBERG)

The Supreme Court announced Monday that it will use an unprecedented week’s worth of argument time in late March to decide the constitutionality of President Obama’s historic health care overhaul.

States slow to transition

States slow to transition

As many state legislatures have finished their work for the year, fewer than one-fourth have taken concrete steps to create health insurance marketplaces.

Partisan fights stall primary health care panel

Partisan fights stall primary health care panel

A commission to help match the supply of health care workers with the need cannot convene, converse or hire staff because $3 million that it needs for its initial year has been blocked.

Administration courts new Medicare providers

Administration courts new Medicare providers

The White House is trying to hasten the spread of new arrangements to coordinate and pay for the health care of older Americans.

States grapple with insurance exchanges

Health-care reform may have cost the Democrats control of the House in the midterm elections last year, but it is the Republicans in statehouses around the country who are feeling the heat now.

Health-care law tools

What it means for you

This tool estimates what the health-care law could mean for your health coverage and taxes based on your income, family size and current insurance status.

Sphere of influence

A breakdown of 41 health care lobbyists connected to the Finance Committee.

Legal challenges

Follow the legal challenges mounted across the country against the health-care law.

What’s in the bill

Ways different people and businesses will be impacted.

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