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What's In Our Trash | Consumer's Handbook for Reducing Solid Waste | Wastes | US EPA
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General Overview of What's In America's Trash

For updated percentages and figures, please see Municipal Solid Waste in the United States: Facts and Figures

 a pie chart showing percentages of trash

Table of Trash Types and Percentages
Trash Type Percentage Tonnage
paper 40.4% 71.6 million tons
yard trimmings 17.6% 31.6 million tons
metals 8.5% 15.3 million tons
plastics 8.0% 14.4 million tons
food scraps 7.4% 13.2 million tons
glass 7.0% 12.5 million tons
other 11.6% 20.8 million tons (e.g., rubber, leather, textiles, wood, miscellaneous inorganic wastes)

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