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The Planetary Society Weblog Webcasts - The Planetary Society Blog | The Planetary Society
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The Planetary Society Weblog

Archived Webcasts and Other Video Fare

I'm collecting links here to The Planetary Society's Ustream webcasts and other video offerings. With Ustream webcasts, there is an active chat room in which viewers ask questions, so when possible I'll also post the chat logs as text files so you can follow along with the discussion.

You may also be interested in my video image processing tutorials.

February 18, 2010: Ustream: Lou Friedman and Bill Nye on the New NASA Plan: Seventy minutes in which Planetary Society Executive Director Lou Friedman and Board Vice President Bill Nye on the proposed 2011 NASA budget. The show starts 2:19 into the recording (sorry about that). Here's the chat log. You might also be interested in the Planetry Society's Statement on the proposed 2011 budget and the Roadmap for Human Space Exploration in the 21st Century. N

September 17, 2008: Ustream: Mars Science Laboratory Landing Site Selection: An hour on the process, currently underway, of selecting a landing site for the next Mars rover, Mars Science Laboratory. There's a presentation here (Powerpoint, 3.2 MB), and here's the chat log. Also relevant are my various blog entries on the September 15-17 site selection meeting, beginning with this one.

September 10, 2008: Ustream: Rosetta at Šteins: An hour on the recent flyby of asteroid Šteins by Rosetta. Here's the chat log. There is an occasional bit of breakup of audio that happens when I rapidly move the mouse around some of the images on my screen -- it seems that was too much data for my connection to handle. In the future I'll try to be more on the ball with having a downloadable presentation prepared.

September 3, 2008: Ustream: Questions and Answers: About 40 minutes of Q and A on Phoenix, Cassini, and a few other random space topics. Here's the chat log.

August 27, 2008: Ustream: Space Policy with Lou Friedman: in this chat I discovered that Ustream cannot record "cohosts," people who I bring on to the show through their own Webcams. So instead of a recording of Lou, there was a recording of me sitting mutely listening to Lou for half an hour, which I deleted. Sorry. I'll try another format for Lou next time.

August 13, 2008: Ustream: Cassini Encounters Enceladus: an hour long, with a brief intro about recent Phoenix activities, then close examination of some of Cassini's images from its August 11 close flyby of Enceladus. No presentation this time; I had images on screen and moved around them with the mouse. The chat log contains links to higher-resolution versions of the images.

August 6, 2008: The Phoenix Flap: About 45 minutes giving some background on the non-story of possible perchlorate detection by MECA, unconfirmed by TEGA. Here's the Chat log and the presentation. Unfortunately, the original version of my slides contained a couple of errors, transposing TEGA and MECA in two spots on slide 14 and putting MECA where I should have said TEGA on slide 17. The downloadable version of the presentation has these errors fixed, but I can't go back and fix it in the recorded presentation. To be very clear: TEGA's two samples are called Baby Bear (taken near Dodo-Goldilocks) and Wicked Witch (taken in the bottom of Snow White). MECA's two samples are called Rosy Red (taken next to Snow White) and Sorceress (taken in the bottom of Snow White). Sorry for the confusion.

July 30, 2008: What I've learned about Enceladus: Full hour chat, covering what the Cassini mission has and hasn't told us about Enceladus, followed by a question-and-answer session. Here's the Chat log and the presentation. Note that the video starts without sound -- I forgot to turn on the mic -- but was reminded to do so after about 20 seconds.

July 23, 2008: Ustream: Phoenix, Phobos, and more: 45-minute chat, covering Phoenix activities, new Mars Express and Venus Express activities, and other stuff. Here's the Chat log

July 9, 2008: Ustream: Phoenix, Cassini, and more: 55-minute chat, covering Phoenix activities, Cassini extended mission, and other stuff. Here's the Chat log

July 2, 2008: Ustream: Be an armchair planetary scientist: 55-minute chat, in which I give a talk on how you can use raw images from planetary missions, and then answer questions. Here's my presentation, and here's the Chat log

June 25, 2008: Ustream: Phoenix sol 30 update: 50-minute chat, with the first half-hour being devoted to the status of Phoenix (up to sol 30), and then going on to other places in the solar system. Chat log

June 17, 2008: YouTube: 3-part interview (total only about 8 minutes) with TalkingHeadTV, here, here, and here.

June 6, 2008: Ustream: Sadly, I forgot to record this one, but here's the chat log anyway.

May 27, 2008: Ustream: Phoenix post-sol-2 chat and question-and-answer session: After the "runout" day on Mars due to the first MRO telecommunications problem. Here's a link to the even better version of the MRO photo, and one to the chat log.

May 26, 2008: Ustream: post-sol-1-press conference question-and-answer session: See here and here for related blog entries.

May 25, 2008: Ustream: Live stream of post-landing informal press briefing: Pardon the low quality of video and audio but this was an opportunity I could not pass up. Barry Goldstein, phoenix project manager; Ed Weiler, associate NASA Admin; Ed Sedivy, project manager; Peter Smith, principal investigator; Doug McCuistion, from NASA HQ, in the first triumphant press briefing, an informal, non-televised one, following the successful Phoenix landing.

May 25, 2008: Ustream: Brief post-landing question and answer session

May 25, 2008: Ustream: Pre-Phoenix landing #2, live from JPL: just a couple of hours before the landing

May 25, 2008: Ustream: Pre-Phoenix landing, live from JPL: Half-hour chat, getting ready for the evening landing of Phoenix. Chat log

May 14, 2008: Ustream: First webcast: 1-hour chat on a wide variety of topics. I didn't have moderators yet so it was a bit messy but the experiment seemed to work okay. Chat log