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'Everyday hero' on the TTC - thestar.com
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'Everyday hero' on the TTC

2010/08/24 14:53:50
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TheStar.com Staff

Small things can often mean a great deal. If you'd like to tell us your story, please use the form.

I still can't believe it was recovered.

My cousin visiting from Sweden had lost her wallet on the TTC with all her Swedish credit cards and her driver's licence (difficult to replace from Canada), as well as my newly purchased TTC monthly pass she had borrowed. I am pleasantly surprised that everything was recovered and I thank the "everyday hero" that turned it in to the Lost and Found.
Linn Strandberg, Toronto

I was working a gig at a mall a few weekends ago that required many hours of standing and talking non-stop. I talked to these two young boys (early teens, my guess) who had balloon swords and the like with them. I chatted with them for a bit and after a few minutes they walked off, presumably back to their shopping.

Around half an hour later, while I was resting my feet for a few minutes, they came back and gave me a balloon flower, one that I had said I wanted to get during my break. It was such a small thing to do, but it just made my whole day, and brought a huge smile to my face.

Thank you so much for putting the sunshine back into my otherwise dreary and exhausting job.
Karen Chen, Toronto

On Aug. 3 at around 4 p.m., I left work and took out money to buy a Metropass. When I arrived at the York Mills subway station to buy it, I was 50 cents short.

I let people behind me go ahead while I looked for change. When I realized I was only 50 cents short, I told the TTC employee at the collector booth I would be back with her change. When I was leaving to go find an ATM, a very kind lady behind me asked if I needed change. That about made my day knowing I wouldn't have to turn back.

I know I thanked you, but if you read this, thank you again. That really brightened my day. These last few months have been difficlt and it's things like this that make it all seem better.
Paula Henriques, Toronto

At the beauty salon where I go there is a hairdresser who has a very elderly customer. This customer uses a walker and moves very slowly. She usually goes to the washroom while she is at the salon.

This hairdresser, T.J., is so kind and understanding. She usually has to go the the washroom to see if the customer is all right. Thank goodness there are people like T.J.
Kay Malins, Toronto

It was moving day and the rental company that I booked a truck had complications and they did not have a truck for me. I was alone in the city with my 10-year-old daughter and our puppy and we didn't know anyone well enough to ask for help.

We had moved to the city with the intention of moving back home after a year so that I could finish my schooling. The entire experience was quite smooth until this day.

Frantically, I called every rental company but it seemed hopeless. One of my classmates dropped by to say farewell and I broke into tears and shared my dilemma. She quickly took control and within three hours her husband had borrowed a moving trailer and he moved us home.

I always wondered what would have happened if she didn't stop in. I am so lucky she did because that day I knew I made a real friend.
Melanie Daybutch, Blind River

I lost my wallet somewhere in Quebec City on my way to Toronto while on vacation recently. I noticed after I stopover at gas station almost 300 km past Quebec City.

When I arrived home around midnight, I had message waiting on my home phone from Andrew, the person who found my wallet in the middle of the road. I must have put on top of my car roof when putting stuff in the trunk and forgot it there.

Coincidentally, he also lives in the GTA (Brampton). He gave me his address so I could pick up my wallet. When I checked, everything was there, even $40 cash. He didn’t even touch anything.

The world will always be a better place as long as we have these kinds of people. Thank you so much, Andrew, for returning my wallet. God will certainly reward you for the good this good deed.
Muhammad Bukhari, Scarborough

One recent morning I was at Starbucks trying to buy a coffee when the person behind the counter surprised me with an act of kindness.

I was using my debit card and it was denied. Of course, I started to panic because at Starbucks they start to make your drink as soon as you order it.

After a few more attempts, the person behind the counter smiled at me and said, don't worry about it, just go ahead and take your coffee. It was a $4 cappuccino! Most places would just let you walk out of the store, embarrassed and upset, but this girl gave me a good start to my day. I am very grateful.
Katie DeClerq, Toronto

I'm a Mississauga Transit operator and currently working the morning rush hour lines. The other day, the bus was packed with passengers as usual. An elderly lady got on with her shopping cart. As I watched through my rear view mirror, she struggled to grab on to something for balance while at the same time trying to keep her cart out of the way of others.

Finally one of my regulars, a young man dressed in a suit, offered his seat. She thanked him and sat for the remainder of her ride.

Such a small gesture, but one that confirms that good people still exist. Thanks again.
Paul Bokum, Mississauga

Recently I dropped my wallet and a kind man let me know that his son picked it up and was handing it over to customer service inside Loblaws. I got my wallet back.

The next day I dropped my cellphone and a kind person picked it up and put it on the steps of a house. When I called my cellphone, the resident answered and I got it back. How kind is that!

We live in a great city with really great people.
Diane Galic, Toronto

I just want to send a huge thank you to the girl who rescued me from the cheap seats and gave me her floor ticket at the Bon Jovi concert recently. I don't know her name, but her very kind gesture is much appreciated; I had a great time!
Sharon Donchev, Toronto

I deliver papers and enjoy the work very much. One morning just as the sun was rising I made my delivery and noticed a small envelope attached to the mailbox. It had "Paper Girl" written in bold black letters.

Inside was a handwritten note and a complimentary coffee gift certificate. I enjoyed the coffee but it was the note that made my day. It read: "I really appreciate that every morning when I wake up my paper is waiting for me. Have a coffee on me!"
Emily Fox, Mississauga

As a Toronto nightlife lover, it wasn't an unusual day when I was at a club downtown. I looked down into my clutch to see that it was open and contents no where to be found.

It must have unzipped while I was dancing and to my dismay my new BlackBerry, driver's licence, debit card, Visa card, car keys, and my friend's iPhone, driver's licence, and car keys were gone.

After visiting the DJ booth and two bouncers, all of the contents were returned. It is rare that all of those very valuable items would be turned in at a nightclub downtown.

Kudos to the nightlife scene, and to all the skeptics that think it's nothing but trouble.
Victoria Di, Mississauga

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