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Deus Ex: Human Revolution – Three-Way! | PC Gamer
The Wayback Machine - https://web.archive.org/web/20120108214423/http://www.pcgamer.com:80/2012/01/04/deus-ex-human-revolution-three-way/

Deus Ex: Human Revolution – Three-Way!

Tyler Wilde at 11:46pm January 4 2012

In this recurring video segment, three editors go head-to-head-to-head as they take on the same section of the same game with dramatically different strategies and play styles. Once they’ve put their methods to the test, the editors reconvene to survey their colleagues’ trials and exercise their inalienable right to copious wisecrackin’.

In this edition, Evan, Logan, and Dan “Former Reviews Editor” Stapleton attack Deus Ex: Human Revolution as a stealthy vent-crawler, a persuasive chatterbox, and a gun-slinging murder machine, respectively. Check out the introduction above, and watch the team’s attempts in the videos that follow!

Dan: The Psycho Killer (qu’est-ce que c’est?)

Evan: The Vent Crawler

Logan: The Chatty-Pants


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