(Translated by https://www.hiragana.jp/)
Mary, Queen of Scots : Biography
The Wayback Machine - https://web.archive.org/web/20120127113827/http://www.spartacus.schoolnet.co.uk/TUDmaryscots.htm

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Mary, the daughter of James V of Scotland and Mary of Guise, was born in Linlithgow, Scotland, in 1542. He father died a few days later and she was immediately made queen of Scotland. James Hamilton, Earl of Arran, was appointed regent. However, his proposal to marry Mary to Edward, son of Henry VIII, was rejected by the Scottish parliament.

Mary was now sent to France where she lived with the family of King Henri II. She was given a French education and in 1558 she married the king's eldest son, Francois. The following year Henri died and Mary's husband became king of France. When Francois died in 1560, Mary returned to Scotland.

The Protestants were not happy having a Catholic queen and a religious riot took place soon after her arrival in Scotland. Mary attempted to reduce tension by accepting two Protestants, William Maitland and James Stewart, Earl of Moray, as her chief advisers.

Elizabeth believed that Mary posed a threat to her throne. To counter this she suggested that her friend, Robert Dudley, Earl of Leicester, should marry Mary. Attempts were made to arrange this but in 1565 Mary married Henry Darnley, the son of Lady Margaret Douglas, the granddaughter of Henry VII. The marriage therefore strengthened her descendants' claim to the English throne.

In 1566 Mary gave birth to a son named James. The marriage was not a happy one and when Darnley was mysteriously killed while recovering from smallpox at Glasgow in January 1567, when the house in which he was in was blown up by gunpowder.

Suspicion fell on Mary and her close friend, the Earl of Bothwell. When Mary married Bothwell two months later, the Protestant lords rebelled against their queen. After her army was defeated at Langside in 1567, Mary fled to England. Mary asked Elizabeth for protection from her enemies in Scotland. However, Elizabeth was highly suspicious of the woman who in the past had claimed she was the rightful queen of England. Elizabeth feared that the arrival of Mary might encourage the Catholics in England to rebel against her rule.


Elizabeth I and Mary Stuart

David Rizzio and Mary


Elizabeth therefore decided to imprison Mary. During the next nineteen years while Mary was in prison, Elizabeth's officials discovered several Catholic plots that attempted to make Mary queen of England.

In December 1585, Gilbert Clifford was arrested in Sussex. While being interviewed, Clifford confessed that he had been involved in a Catholic plot to overthrow Elizabeth I. The man in charge of protecting Elizabeth was Francis Walsingham. He offered to release Clifford if he was willing to work as a double-agent. Clifford agreed and went to his contact in the French embassy telling him that he knew how to smuggle letters to and from Mary. He explained that every week a barrel of beer was sent from Burton to where Mary was imprisoned. Clifford arranged to have letters placed in a waterproof package inside the stopper of the barrel.

Another double-agent, Thomas Philips, who was inside the prison, told Mary how she would be receiving letters in her beer barrel. However, before they were placed inside the beer barrel, they were read by Walsingham. More importantly, Francis Walsingham was also able to read the letters that Mary sent to her Catholic friends in France and Spain. In these letters Mary explained how she wanted France and Spain to help her become queen by invading England.

Walsingham allowed the letters to continue to be sent because he wanted to discover who else was involved in this plot to overthrow Elizabeth. Eventually, on 25 June 1586, Mary wrote a letter to Anthony Babington. In his reply, Babington told Mary that he and a group of six friends were planning to murder Elizabeth.

Walsingham was now ready to act against what now became known as the Babington Plot. Babington was arrested and his home was searched for documents that would provide evidence against him. When interviewed, Babington made a confession in which he admitted that Mary had written a letter supporting the plot.

Anthony Babington and six others were executed for high treason on 18 September, 1586. An attempt to kill the monarch was the most serious crime in England and the punishment was to be hung, drawn and quartered. The men were tied face downwards on a hurdle drawn by horses. They were then dragged through the streets of London. At Tyburn they were hung for a short period. After being revived the men had their intestines cut out.

At the execution the crowd complained about the agonies the men had to suffer before they died. When she heard this Elizabeth gave instructions that the rest of the conspirators due to be executed the next day should be dead before they were cut down.

Elizabeth was also against Mary being executed for her part in the plot, and for six weeks refused to sign her death warrant. Walsingham and Parliament insisted that Mary should die. On 8 February, 1587 Mary was beheaded. Afterwards, Elizabeth claimed that she had not given permission for Mary to be executed. As a result, Davidson, the man responsible for the execution, was fined £6,000 and imprisoned in the Tower of London.

Mary was buried in Peterborough but in 1612 it was moved to Henry VII's chapel at Westminster.


Mary Queen of Scots

Mary Queen of Scots






(1) Letter sent by Anthony Babington to Mary Stuart (July, 1586)

We... will undertake the delivery of your royal persons from the hands of your enemies... For the dispatch of the usurper (Elizabeth)... six noble gentlemen, who, for the zeal they have to the Catholic cause... will undertake that tragical execution.


(2) Letter sent by Mary Stuart to Anthony Babington (July, 1586)

When all is ready, the six gentlemen must be set to work, and.... when it is accomplished, I may be in some way got away from here... then we will await foreign assistance.


(3) Letter from the Earl of Leicester to Francis Walsingham describing Elizabeth's response to Mary's letter asking to be spared (December, 1586)

There is a letter from the Scottish Queen, that hath wrought tears... the delay (in executing Mary) is too dangerous.


(4) H. Amold-Forster, History of England (1898)

While Mary was in England, plot after plot was made against Elizabeth by Mary's friends, and by men who looked to her as their rightful queen. Whether Mary knew of these plots is uncertain... Letters were found... but there were many who said then, and many who still believe, that these letters were forgeries - that is to say, that they were written by Mary's enemies for the purpose of making people believe she was guilty.


(5) In his chronicle, Robert Wynkfielde described the execution of Mary Stuart.

The executioners, kneeling, desired her Grace to forgive them her death: who answered, "I forgive you with all my heart, for now, I hope, you shall make an end to all my troubles."... Then she, lying very still upon the block, one of the executioners holding her slightly with one of his hands, she endured two strokes of the axe... Her lips stirred up and down a quarter of an hour after her head was cut off.


An Accidental Tragedy

Mary Queen of Scots





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