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Europe - The Independent
The Wayback Machine - https://web.archive.org/web/20120104180805/http://www.independent.co.uk/topic/Europe

Gordon Brown is the convenient scapegoat, the chosen villain of the entire media and political class

The Independent
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E-break Time
Independent Crossword
After his Commons no-show on Monday it was back to business as usual for Nick Clegg yesterday

PM tells Clegg to 'pick up the pieces' in Europe

Stormy Cabinet session sees Lib Dem ministers attack Cameron for negotiating tactics

WARSAW (Poland) / National Stadium, capacity (for Euro 2012): 50,000 / Euro 2012 will open at Poland's new National Stadium, which has been built with £255million of government money on the site of the old 10th Anniversary Stadium. Close to the Vistula river, it resembles a wicker basket decorated in a waving Polish flag. Warsaw, despite a turbulent history, is a thriving capital and home to 1.7million people.

Euro 2012: Venue Guide

Euro 2012 will be co-hosted by Poland and Ukraine. Here, we guide you around the grounds being used for the tournament.

Unions hail public sector strike

Unions hailed a strike by up to two million public sector workers as "historic" tonight as they angrily rejected claims by the Prime Minister that the biggest walkout in a generation had been a "damp squib".

Ivory Coast Laurent Gbagbo charged by ICC

The International Criminal Court charged former Ivory Coast president Laurent Gbagbo with murder, rape, persecution and inhuman acts today, crimes allegedly committed as his backers fought to keep him in power last year.

Osborne can say what he likes, but this crisis is way beyond his control

The slog ahead has become longer. We live in a world where the mathematics of public finances dominate everything and the scope for politicians to do anything other than cut their deficits is just about zero.

Norway closes embassy in Tehran

Norway has closed its embassy in Tehran due to security concerns after Britain's embassy was stormed by Iranian protesters, a Norwegian government official said today.

Take the plunge: Therme Erding is the largest thermal spa in Europe

German spas: the naked truth

In Bavaria, anyone who fancies taking the waters should forget their swimming costume and dive right in

Leading article: No time for a winter of discontent

Today will see Britain's biggest strike for a generation, perhaps the largest since the General Strike of 1926. Two million public-sector workers look set to stop work for 24 hours in protest at government plans to reform their pensions. It is an understandable cry of rage from ordinary people bearing the brunt of a prolonged financial crisis which was none of their making. It is why so many, like the headteachers, who have never before voted to strike, will not be turning up for work.

Lafferty sent for scan on injured back

McCoist has new injury worry as Rangers look to bounce back from defeat against Kilmarnock

Athens row over German 'insult'

A German magazine is being sued in Athens over a cover that raised hackles in Greece with a picture of a goddess raising her middle finger to Europeans.

Simon Calder: Chance to rectify mistakes and ease the squeeze

Some of the world's greatest transport infrastructure began life as job-creation schemes: Highway 1 along the coast of California, Australia's Great Ocean Road and, arguably, the Baikal-Amur Mainline, the railway that opened up eastern Siberia. Compared with these mighty projects, George Osborne's plan to build the odd bypass and resurrect some stretches of railway may seem the feeblest of visions.

Retail: Crackdown on VAT dodge for CDs and DVDS from Channel islands

The Government is to close a loophole that cost it an estimated £100m in lost taxes and allowed retailers to ship CDs and DVDs to the UK without paying VAT.

Why the numbers refuse to add up growth, George?

It was George Osborne's idea to set up the Office for Budget Responsibility. But its report on the economy made grim reading for him

Bank levy: Complaints in the city as annual charge is raised

George Osborne's decision to increase his annual banking levy was met with a mixture of frustration and resignation in the City.

Day In a Page

Independent Appeal: A lesson in understanding: the former runaway bringing two worlds together

Independent Christmas Appeal

A lesson in understanding - the former runaway bringing two worlds together
The lawyer taking on Guatemala's criminal gangs

The lawyer taking on Guatemala's criminal gangs

Death threats are part of the job for the UN investigator scoring victories in a drug war – and setting precedents for battles elsewhere
Master of St Trinian's: The death of Ronald Searle

Master of St Trinian's

Ronald Searle, the cartoonist who parodied British life from scurrilous schoolgirls to curmudgeonly colonels, has died aged 91
Soprano finds her voice – as a teen-lit novelist

Soprano finds her voice – as a teen-lit novelist

'Outstanding' dystopian tale wins debut writer the children's prize in Costa book awards
Senegal's soul king sets sights on the presidency

Senegal's soul king sets sights on the presidency

Grammy-winner Youssou N'Dour says it is his 'patriotic duty' to challenge incumbent
Zooey Deschanel: 'I do try really hard to be normal'

Zooey Deschanel

'I do try really hard to be normal'
Family safaris: Look children, a zebra crossing

Family safaris

Look children, a zebra crossing
The Ten Best: Thermals

The Ten Best: Thermals

From tights for men to beanie hats
Military fitness: sun, sea and sweat

Military fitness

A new military-style fitness break in Fuerteventura is no boot camp
James Lawton: Liverpool do not retreat with honour but self-serving scorn

James Lawton

Liverpool do not retreat with honour but self-serving scorn
Plotting a route to London 2012

Plotting a route to London 2012

What lies between Team GB's athletes and a place on the podium six months from now?
When the drugs deny real winners their golden moment

When the drugs deny real winners

Asbel Kiprop runs in Edinburgh on Saturday having only just received his rightful 2008 Olympic medal. The fight goes on to avoid similar travesties in 2012
Vinyl destination

Vinyl destination

A new generation of buyers and sellers is dealing in ultra-rare collectables
Independent Appeal: 'Doing this job makes you realise how much we all take for granted'

'Doing this job makes you realise how much we all take for granted'

Independent Appeal: Ben Fewtrell's working week is filled with the kind of emotional stress many of us do our best to avoid
Dieting: Battle of the bulge

Battle of the bulge

A look at 20 centuries of bingeing, purging, snake oil and strange dieting fads