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EdMiliband - The Independent
The Wayback Machine - https://web.archive.org/web/20120118172811/http://www.independent.co.uk/topic/EdMiliband

Ed Miliband came under assault from Labour's union backers today, as fury over his decision to embrace austerity measures led to open discussions about the withdrawal of financial support for the party.

The Independent
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E-break Time
Independent Crossword

Unite union chief rounds on Miliband

The head of Britain's biggest union tore into Ed Miliband last night, warning that the Labour leader was taking the party to disaster – and risking his own survival – by alienating its most loyal supporters.

Call for more charitable bequests

A campaign for people to leave 10 per cent of their estate to charities and cultural organisations on their death claimed the backing of all three political parties yesterday.

Former Labour official Luke Bozier will defect to the Conservative Party today because he says that Ed Miliband (pictured) is proving a 'disaster' as Labour leader

Senior Labour adviser defects to the Tories

Blairite former e-campaigns manager says Labour is no longer a 'party of aspiration'

John Rentoul: This is new all right. It just isn't enough

Labour's acceptance yesterday of the Tory case for cuts is welcome, but Miliband and Balls still look like a losing team

PM and Miliband clash on rail fares

Prime Minister David Cameron and Labour leader Ed Miliband traded accusations today over who was responsible for rail fare hikes of up to 11 per cent.

Miliband's response to his critics, 'Don't declare the result of the race when it is not yet half-run'

Miliband: Rich might suffer under Labour

Opposition leader warns wealth tax may be used to help tackle Britain's deficit

Diane Abbott's comments may have been trite, but they were not offensive.

Politicians should be wary of the dangers of Twitter

Kelner's View

Leading article: Just talking about 'fat cat' pay is not enough

Fairness is said to be at the heart of the Coalition's economic recovery strategy. So it is only fair to acknowledge that David Cameron put his finger on the right issue when he proclaimed yesterday that things are unfair at the top. The growing disparity between the top 10 per cent and those at the bottom of British society makes a mockery of Chancellor George Osborne's suggestions that "we are all in this together".

Joan Smith: The difference between write and wrong

Sending messages in a hurry is not malicious

Stephen Twigg: It may be Opposition, but Ed is shaping the political lexicon

Opposition is never easy. It’s frustrating when you see people experiencing tough times up and down the country.

Vince Cable: The Business Secretary has been pushing for a tougher approach

Labour seeks to trump Cameron with curbs on excessive pay

Miliband’s tough talk could help Lib Dems as Coalition prepares to release its proposals

Tim Walker: Why must Ed make a Tweet of himself?

Presumably the Labour intern responsible for the Miliband (E) Twitter account is 22 years old, and has never heard of Blockbusters

Diane Abbott says sorry for race tweet

Labour frontbencher Diane Abbott apologised today after claiming "white people love playing 'divide & rule"'.

Ed Balls and Yvette Cooper have agreed to 'protect their children'

John Rentoul: No one to replace Ed Miliband? Try Yvette Cooper

Cooper's politics are not mine but she would be populist on law and order, and she would be noticed

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