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Dead Island for PC Reviews, Ratings, Credits, and More at Metacritic
The Wayback Machine - https://web.archive.org/web/20120109035412/http://www.metacritic.com:80/game/pc/dead-island
  • Summary: A couple flying to the vacation of their dreams is torn apart by a violent plane crash. Take on a harrowing quest to find your lost wife. Enter into the dark world of a devastated tropical paradise now plunged into chaos. It's a place where the word "dead" has an entirely new meaning. Face the nightmare and fight for survival. Explore the secrets hidden in the darkest regions of the island and fight your way through. Survival is your main goal! Dead Island is a non-linear FPP (First Person Perspective) survival horror title. The ultra-realistic combat system will ensure that every confrontation is a thrilling experience. Use anything you find in your surroundings as a weapon. Make decisions that influence the entire world around you. Take advantage of opponent behavior and game physics. Dead Island is a mix of intense action and chilling horror environments in an engaging, strikingly realistic story. [Techland] Expand
Score distribution:
  1. Positive: 18 out of 24
  2. Negative: 0 out of 24
  1. Oct 19, 2011
    Dead Island is maybe rough around the edges, has things that could have been better and has some strange solutions to gaming mechanics, but really, who cares? The main thing, close combat with zombies on an open environment, is both exceptionally well done and most importantly, great fun. Even alone. In the land of blindingly pretty, but simplified tubeshooters the ugly zombie game is the king. [Sept 2011]
  2. Sep 12, 2011
    Ultimately, this isn't just a great zombie game. It's a great open-world game, a great action game, a great RPG, and a great co-operative multiplayer game. Being a masterpiece with a unique appreciation for zombies is just gravy.
  3. Sep 15, 2011
    Dead Island is a wonderful concept and the core gameplay is executed beautifully, but it really doesn't do anything new or interesting.

See all 24 Critic Reviews

Score distribution:
  1. Negative: 49 out of 227
  1. Despite the early whiners bashing the game on day 1, I've opted for a more long term view of it. Obviously first impressions count, so if you've got a nice rig you will be impressed at the gfx initially. I found the storyline very atmospheric and if you allow yourself to be carried along with the story you will be more than satisfied. Levelling up, quests and weapon crafting are the mainstay of this RPG, so if you prefer more genric plug'n'play games then you might be overwhelmed with the amount of UI interaction. But once you get a hold of how the system works, your enjoyment will increase and you will become more skilled at killing zombies and completing quests. There are around a dozen or so major irritations with the UI, key mapping, FOV and physics which should get fixed in future patches. But nothing that really stops or overly hinders the games atmosphere or enjoyment (unless you're experiencing crashes - in which case I suggest you save up for a better rig). The graphics are solid, the story is solid, the game play is solid. This game *is* worth buying. I'd given it 9/10 if the present irritations weren't there on release. Expand
    • 1 of 1 users said yes
  2. I got this game looking for a button-mashing, mindless fun, weekend of zombie killing and that is what i got and i have barley touched it since. It suffers from several graphical glitches and a lack-luster story. Towards the end of the game it starts to feel tedious as you are required to run from point A to point B and then back again. In summary if you spare cash and time to kill i would recommend it especially if you have friends who want to play the co-op with you, but don't expect this to win Game of the Year. Expand
    • 8 of 11 users said yes
  3. 0
    What happened to PC games? At some point along the line did the developers lose their way? Did they all get together and just make games for the console and then port them to the PC without bringing along any of the options that PC gamers have been used to for decades? Dead Island was released initially on PC extremely buggy, which shows how much time and effort these companies spend on the PC version of recent shooters. In particular it’s the First Person Shooters that have been degrading over the years when it comes to the PC version. Whether it's sloppy controls, nauseating Field of View that we can't alter, or unfinished code leading to bugs and horrible gameplay issues, you can be sure that no recent FPS game will have none of these problems. Up to a point we tolerated it, still having developer console and dedicated servers, we were able to fix and tweak game settings to suit our tastes. As soon as Modern Warfare 2 came along, that all changed. Shooters started becoming more and more locked down, developer consoles were removed from the games, dedicated servers were a thing of the past, and heaven forbid that we'd have options to customize the visual and audio settings in the actual in-game menu. Dead Island is the typical First Person Shooter made for the PS3/Xbox360 and then hastily ported to PC. It’s buggy, it’s Field of View is locked under 65 degrees, it’s user interface is horrible with a keyboard and mouse. There are just straight up too many technical problems alone to even give this game a single point. It doesn’t even have state of the art graphics by today’s standards, which is mostly all you get separating FPS games anymore. I wasn’t able to play more than 10 minutes of the game before I had to raid the data files of the game to make alterations just in order to make the game feel like an actual shooter. The controls were unresponsive, the motion blur was sickening, vertical sync had to be activated in the files rather than an option the same way the Field of View did (Which is ridiculous, PC Shooters NEED a Field of View option, 60-65 degrees is nauseating to play on a widescreen PC Monitor). On the technical side of things, this game was really rushed and it shows. Enough with the technical issues I guess, at this point the game already lost me by forcing a long time FPS player to go to such lengths just to enjoy a game. How does the game hold up purely as a game? Not so well. The AI in the game is pitiful, so unless you make stupid decisions or mistakes you’ll never really be in any danger. The difficulty scales up with additional people in game, so single player is incredibly easy and with each additional person that joins the game gets exponentially harder. By harder, I mean stuff won’t die with 1 well placed shot or swing, this means the game ends up being more ‘time consuming’ rather than an actual upgrade in the difficulty setting. I only ended up playing maybe 20% of the main storyline, even after my friends kept telling me “It gets better!†I just can’t devote my time to a game that took several hours to modify just so I could play for about the same time. The thrill of beating in skulls with an iron pipe gets pretty old after a few minutes, and the guns... well they don’t really exist in this game, at least you won’t be using them very often with the ammunition available. A lot of people are comparing this game to Borderlands, and they’re right to do so. Borderlands is a pretty solid game concept that undoubtedly influenced much of Dead Island and its development. Sadly, where Borderlands succeeds by giving us a comical and action packed extravaganza, Dead Island simply doesn’t. Instead we’re bombarded with boring enemies, repetitive gameplay, and a complete lack of anything unique or special. In short, Dead Island is a run of the mill Shooter (and I use the term ‘Shooter’ VERY loosely in this case, as you probably won’t fire a single bullet in the game) with zero redeeming features and less than acceptable gameplay. Expand
    • 5 of 7 users said yes

See all 227 User Reviews

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