And organizers announced that former Secretary of State Madeleine Albright would co-chair the host committee for the summits, set for May 19-21 at McCormick Place. Former Sara Lee Chairman John Bryan, who led fundraising for the Art Institute's Modern Wing and for Millennium Park, is the other co-chairman.

Lori Healey, executive director of the host committee, again declined to disclose fundraising goals. She also played down the impact of protests when asked about a quote in the Chicago Sun-Times on Wednesday from Jerry Roper, president and CEO of the Chicagoland Chamber of Commerce, who said he expects operators of tony stores on North Michigan Avenue to have 24-hour security for the summits.

"All the focus on negativity is unproductive and just not a good way to focus our energies at this point," said Healey, emphasizing the business community is a full partner in the events.

Later in the day, the chamber issued a statement containing conciliatory remarks from Roper, who didn't respond to interview requests.

Asked about Roper's initial comments, Emanuel said the city will provide adequate security and "people that are in our city will continue to be able to access what goes on on Michigan Avenue."

Chicago officials say they are well-prepared to handle demonstrations. Police Superintendent Garry McCarthy has pointed to the orderly reaction to an Occupy Chicago demonstration in October when a color-coded system was used to separate demonstrators who were willing to disperse from those who wished to be arrested as an act of civil disobedience.

The total bill for hosting the summits could be between $40 million and $65 million, but Healey said officials are still not ready to "get down to the nitty-gritty and the details."

The city and the host committee are seeking federal reimbursement that comes with hosting what the government has designated a National Special Security Event, Healey said, adding "nobody knows Washington better than Mayor Emanuel."

Reporters John Byrne and Kristen Mack contributed.