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Monetary policy: Easier does it | The Economist
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Monetary policy

Easier does it

Feb 3rd 2012, 18:34 by R.A. | WASHINGTON

WRITING on the surprisingly strong January jobs report, my colleague says:

Will the better tone to the jobs market deter the Federal Reserve from further monetary easing? Not yet. Ben Bernanke, the Federal Reserve chairman, acknowledged the moderately better tone to economic data yesterday, but the last official Fed statement and press conference strongly suggested the Fed is inclined to do more quantitative easing; we’d have to get more, and better, reports like this one to take that option off the table.

I agree that this report probably isn't enough to change the Fed's outlook. The jobs numbers beat expectations, but labour market improvement isn't a surprise to anyone; the private sector has been adding nearly 200,000 jobs a month for the past six months. When the Fed met in late January it knew things were better than they'd been in a while, if not quite this good. The report certaintly shouldn't deter the Fed from taking additional action. Even if the natural rate of unemployment has risen as high as 6.5%, the present unemployment rate of 8.3% implies quite a lot of labour market slack. Inflation has been falling in recent months, and the latest employment report shows that earnings growth has been muted, even as the pace of hiring has increased.

At the same time, I am a little concerned. The Fed's latest economic projections—which, remember, assume that the FOMC is following an appropriate monetary policy—have a central tendency for the unemployment rate of 8.2% to 8.5% in 2012. It's only February, and the figure is already at the low end of that range. Future inflation, as implied by 2-year breakevens, is up noticeably for the week, and rose above 2% on today's good news.

If we were to take the Fed at its word when it says that its projections imply optimal monetary policy, then we'd have to conclude that absent a deterioration in the labour-market situation in February any new easing would be off. The FOMC might even find itself walking back some of its commitment to low rates through 2014.

That would be a bad thing. Because rates are stuck near zero, an increase in inflation expectations is precisely what is needed to facilitate labour-market clearing. To get that, the Fed needs to signal that it's prepared to tolerate a bout of catch-up inflation. Ben Bernanke came close to doing so in the press conference after the January meeting. It might find the question impossible to dodge in March. I'm sure there will be a strong temptation to back off plans for new purchases; Mr Bernanke took significant flak for previous purchase programmes, and those weren't announced in the months prior to a presidential election.

I hope the Fed can stick to its plan. Because what we're observing now is an increase in the effectiveness of accommodative monetary policy. The problem, as I see it, has been that policy has not been loose enough to clear labour markets, mostly because it's hard to move the policy rate down to the market-clearing real interest rate when the market-clearing real interest rate is negative. As the labour market improves, however, the market-clearing real interest rate becomes less negative and inflation expectations rise, making the policy rate more negative. That's the technical way of putting it. The not-so-technical way of putting it is simply that the outlook for income and spending growth is improving. That means that businesses don't need to be prodded as hard to hire and invest, and because they're hiring and investing more the outlook for income and spending growth is improving. 

We could have gotten here long ago, given suitably aggressive Fed action. It would have been a little harder. Earlier in the deleveraging process, for instance, the market-clearing real interest rate was more negative: more households were struggling with debt burdens, which meant that more spending and investing was required of the economy's relatively few financially healthy institutions. To gin up that spending and investing, a much more negative return on savings was required—too negative, it seemed, for the Fed to feel comfortable targeting it. That's a shame.

Happily, however, things have moved in a useful direction and the Fed has responded appropriately. It would be an even bigger shame—a tragedy, really—if the Fed took the possibility of smoother sailing as a chance to duck hard choices rather than to finally allow the American economy the recovery it deserves.

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Steve Thompson

The decline in unemployment in the United States provides a conundrum for the Federal Reserve. Its current ultra-low interest rate policy is predicated on stimulating the economy which will ultimately result in job creation, however, as shown here, if interest rates remain low for too long, the Fed's current policy could result in uncontrollable inflation, an issue already raised by a FRB President:


The law of unintended consequences in action once again.

Jasiek w japonii

As for the negative impact that the aggregate-demand control agenda has on the supply side (i.e. productivity growth or MEC improvement, through changes in capital stock) at dealing with inflation when it is about to become higher than what the authorities and public regard as acceptable, Richard Kahn says that the economic waste is particularly great if the aggregate demand is regulated in the form of restricting productive investment – existing or potential, and then the growth in productivity (i.e. the schedule of the MEC in Keynes’ terminology) and the permissible limit of wage rise will be curbed correspondingly to increase the amount of unemployment required to secure observance of the limit. He says that those will be the main result of relying on monetary policy to control the aggregate demand.

Ryan appears to be underestimating the issue of supply-side impacts the agenda he advocates has. The demand-side impacts will cause no problem in harmonising inflation and output, on which we readers know Ryan always concentrate. But, at the same time we should not overlook the fact that the supply-side impacts of the same agenda will exacerbate conflict between inflation and output. That will become a big problem, as Kahn explains, after the phase of relation, when inflation is about to exceed the upper limit of the target (or what Ben Bernanke considers to be the upper limit in case of his present version of inflation-targeting within not a range but at a rate – 2 per cent) and the authorities have to fight inflation – like the 1970s. As Kahn rightly calls it an economic waste, it is not easy to make up for the waste that will require a huge cost.

I wouldn’t contend against Ryan’s view if he believed that a long phase of stagflation followed by a short phase of (crazy) supply-side deregulations that would end up facing a public-finances trouble was a necessary condition to eventually form a public consensus for the TEFRA-style tax increase, because I take my position in favour of such a tax increase program.

I think Mr Obama could implement one without such a lengthy process of forming a public consensus for it, though.

Doug Pascover

Well, as one of the counter-datapoints, I'm glad for things to hold steady.


The January jobs number surprised all mainstream economists and that is partly why business cycles happen. Mainstream forecasts of job growth and inflation will continue to lag behind the improving economy until it's too late. By the time the Fed recognizes it has a problem on its hands with inflation, probably some time in 2013, rising commodity prices caused by Fed credit expansion will choke off the recovery.

Commodity price increases, including oil, don't happen randomly. They result from credit expansion. People noticed the spike in oil prices in 2011 that contributed to the decline in the economy to the end of the year, but all commodities rose at that time.

The Fed proposes, but commodities dispose.

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