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  1. Almost everyone looks like a winner with the decision to name Joachim Gauck as Germany's next president econ.st/wbyVMz
  2. Maryland's governor is looking to adjust the state's petrol tax according to inflation to econ.st/zo5iXL
  3. #Linsanity is a problem for Chinese soft power, especially with Jeremy Lin being proud of his Taiwanese descent econ.st/yrfYhQ
  4. The Economist sits down with Irving Welsh, author of "Trainspotting", to discuss drugs and the glamour of cinema econ.st/y4Q8FQ
  5. Britain's Lib Dem leader, Nick Clegg, is urged to air distinctive views, but not all his views are popular econ.st/xymM6x
  6. Payroll-tax cut legislation in America has been met with huge cheers from wireless firms hungry for airwaves econ.st/xstazS
  7. On February 13th Barack Obama issued his fourth budget, but politics has tied budget-making in knots econ.st/yVS1Ks
  8. Whatever happens to Greece, which is on the brink of a bail-out, the failings of the euro zone have not been addressed econ.st/A1cBm4
  9. A Jesuit priest is running an impressive anti-crime programme in central Los Angeles econ.st/x83sl3
  10. In Mumbai, a city of extremes, grim stories of poverty are now edged with hope econ.st/wMP497
  11. Greeks have grown used to street protests, but they were still shocked by the damage on the night of February 12th econ.st/xYq4ZD
  12. Value creation in urban development plays a big role in economic growth. Our presumption should be in its favour econ.st/zaSFui
  13. At least one of China’s economic imbalances is narrowing, as its surplus shrunk to less than 2.8% of GDP in 2011 econ.st/zIEYIy
  14. The Byzantine academic community finds itself in a state of turmoil about where to hold its quinquennial conference econ.st/zcSSm1
  15. A new book on the relationship between Nancy and Lawrence Durrell reveals its complexity and its problems econ.st/zV6XbV
  16. A new book argues that Haiti's troubles result from a long legacy of leaders ignoring the aspirations of the majority econ.st/yiFR12
  17. Hit by investors’ redemptions and diminishing performance fees, many hedge funds are throwing in the towel econ.st/yyGcZq
  18. Pierre-Auguste Renoir’s exhibit at the Frick Collection demonstrate his mastery of the full-length vertical canvas econ.st/zTDRXt
  19. Controversy brews over whether to hold a Formula One Grand Prix in Bahrain, which has a history of human rights abuses econ.st/yUUNuV
  20. Who did Kellogg’s offer to buy for $2.7 billion? Take our weekly quiz via our website at econ.st/w48qc1