(Translated by https://www.hiragana.jp/)
The Economist
The Wayback Machine - https://web.archive.org/web/20120223000500/http://www.economist.com/report-abuse/comment/21547742/1271061?destination=node%2F21547742

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Dear Sir,

"Your experience with Greeks is mixed". Oh, Can you tell me exactly what's this "mix"?

Greece' coffer is empty, real taxpayers of Greece are fleeing the country as you said, so I guess there are only paid pensioners (dogs, cats ...) left in the country, then I guess further that Greece's state coffer has only cashoutflow, no cashinflow. While, debts and interests thereof is stacking day by day (see Greece's debt clock).

Exactly what the dear leaders of the EZ are thinking about? BTW, why Merkozy disappears recently, while I heared murmurs about Meronti (Merkel - Monti)?

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