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Yeah, Kony. But what about all the other bad guys? | News.com.au
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Last updated: March 13, 2012

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Yeah, Kony. But what about all the other bad guys?

Joseph Kony

Ugandan warlord Joseph Kony was the first man indicted by the ICC. But what about the nine who followed? Picture: AP Source: The Daily Telegraph

LAST week an American filmmaker's 29-minute documentary about a campaign to bring a Ugandan warlord to justice stopped the planet.

Jason Russell's provocative and divisive KONY 2012 captured global attention, sparking a viral social media movement and attracting the eyes and ears of media outlets everywhere.

At time of writing, the film that aims to make Joseph Kony famous, has drawn 72.9 million views on YouTube and 16.3 million on Vimeo.

OK. So essentially the world now knows all about Kony, the outlawed leader of the Lord's Resistance Army, a guerilla group responsible for the abduction, enslavement and rape of tens of thousands of children.

As the manhunt for Kony continues (he's believed to be hiding in the Central African Republic), news.com.au takes a look at nine other notorious figures under the watch of the International Criminal Court.

Kony was the first man indicted by the ICC, in 2005, and the other nine names on this list round out the first 10 targets of the Hague-based justice body.

Raska Lukwiya
Indicted: July, 2005
Country: Uganda
Charges: 4 - Crimes against humanity (enslavement); War crimes (cruel treatment, attacks on civilians)
Status: Dead. Lukwiya was third in command of the LRA, led by Kony. He was killed in 2006 by Uganda's military, amid faltering peace negotiations. His death prompted the ICC to terminate its case.

Okot Odhiambo
Indicted: July, 2005
Country: Uganda
Charges: 10 - Crimes against humanity (murder, enslavement); war crimes (murder, intentionally directing attacks against civilian populations, pillaging, forced enlisting of children)
Status: Unknown. Odhiambo defected from the LRA in 2009 after a serious gunshot wound. This story is disputed by the LRA, which claims it was concocted by Uganda's military. A senior member of the guerilla group, he's also known as Two Victor. His whereabouts are unknown. The ICC's case remains open, despite rumours of Odhiambo's death.

Dominic Ongwen

Dominic Ongwen

Dominic Ongwen
Dominic Ongwen is wanted by the ICC on seven charges. He was abducted at age 10 and became a child soldier of the LRA. Picture: Interpol
Source: news.com.au

Indicted: July, 2005
Country: Uganda
Charges: 7 - Crimes against humanity (murder, enslavement, inhumane acts of inflicting serious bodily injury and suffering); war crimes (murder, cruel treatment of civilians, intentionally directing attacks against civilian populations, pillaging)
Status: Fugitive. Interpol demanded his arrest in June 2006. Ongwen was reported to have been killed six years ago, but a DNA test proved that to be false. He's a former child soldier, abducted by the LRA when he was 10.

Vincent Otti
Indicted: July, 2005
Country: Uganda
Charges: 32 - Crimes against humanity (murder, sexual enslavement, inhumane acts of inflicting serious bodily injury and suffering); (rape, intentionally directing an attack against a civilian population, forced enlistment of children, cruel treatment of civilians, pillaging)
Status: Dead. Otti was a founding member of the LRA and the second-in-charge to Kony. He was killed in 2007, though this was not confirmed until January 2008. It's reported he was executed by firing squad at Kony's request, for conspiring against the LRA leader. Awaiting his death, he's rumoured to have said:

Vincent Otti

Vincent Otti
Vincent Otti, right, died in 2007. A former right-hand man to Joseph Kony, he was reportedly executed for conspiring against the LRA leader. Picture: AP
Source: AP


"What crime have I committed? Are you really going to kill me? All along, I have been so good to you. Why can't you tell me my mistake? May God help you."

Thomas Lubanga Dyilo
Indicted: February, 2006
Country: Democratic Republic of Congo
Charges: 3 - War crimes (conscripting and enlisting children under the age of 15 years and using them to participate actively in hostilities)
Status: Arrested and undergoing ICC trial. The ICC will hand down the findings of the trial on March 14. That will be about a week after Australia was gripped by KONY 2012. Stay tuned for the results of the ICC's first ever criminal trial, which has heard from 129 of Dyilo's alleged victims.

Bosco Ntaganda
Indicted: August, 2006
Country: Democratic Republic of Congo
Charges: 3 - War crimes (enlisting and conscripting children under the age of 15 years and using them to participate actively in hostilities)
Status: Fugitive. Ntaganda is the military chief-of-staff of armed militia group CNDP which operates in the DRC, and has allegedly taken a part in massacres. He's a Rwandan native and fought with the RPA, helping to overthrow the country's regime in 1994.

Ahmed Haroun
Indicted: April, 2007
Country: Sudan
Charges: 42 - Crimes against humanity (murder, persecution, forcible transfer of population, rape, inhumane acts, imprisonment or severe deprivation of liberty, torture); War crimes (murder, attacks against the civilian population, destruction of property, rape, pillaging, outrage upon personal dignity)
Status: Fugitive. The governor of South Kordofan, and has appointed several military personnel to his government to secure his state's area in the south of Sudan. He's accused of playing a key role in the brutal Janjaweed militia, but the Sudanese Government will not surrender Haroun to the ICC. Previously he was Minister of State for the Interior and Humanitarian Affairs in Darfur.

Ali Kushayb

Ali Kushayb

Ali Kushayb
Ali Kushayb, a fugitive wanted for 50 counts of crimes against humanity and war crimes from the Darfur conflict.
Source: news.com.au

Indicted: April, 2007
Country: Sudan
Charges: 50 - Crimes against humanity (murder, deportation or forcible transfer of population, imprisonment or other severe deprivation of physical liberty in violation of fundamental rules of international law, torture, persecution, inhumane acts of inflicting serious bodily injury and suffering); War crimes (violence to life and person, outrage upon personal dignity in particular humiliating and degrading treatment, intentionally directing an attack against a civilian population, pillaging, rape, destroying or seizing the property)
Status: Fugitive. A senior commander who instructed thousands in the Janjaweed militia, and took an active role in attacks against townships that led to murder, rape, torture and pillaging. Reportedly arrested by Sudanese Government in 2008.

Germain Katanga
Indicted: July, 2007
Country: Democratic Republic of Congo
Charges: 9 - Crimes against humanity (murder, inhumane acts, sexual slavery); War crimes (wilful killing, inhuman treatment or cruel treatment, using children under the age of 15 years to participate actively in hostilities, sexual slavery, intentionally directing attacks against civilians, pillaging)
Status: Arrested in 2007 and surrendered by Congolese officials to the ICC. Katanga's trial began on November 24, 2009 and remains ongoing. He's alleged to have commanded an "indiscriminate killing spree" as the top commander of the FRPI, a Congolese militia group, massacred 1200 people at a hospital in 2002, and held connections to the murder of UN peacekeepers.

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