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Comments: Factbox: The world's largest social network | Reuters
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Factbox: The world's largest social network

Comments (1)
paintcan wrote:

How much employment is this capitalization going to create? As I understand it. Most of the stock – over 90% of it is in the hands of the founders? The founders will get stinking rich and have their dreams come true but that won’t do more than boost the sales of luxury homebuilders and carmakers. It’s not like they will be building factories, employee housing and towns etc. Facebook is touted as a kind of super democracy but the wealth it is creating is anything but. These guys make the old robber barons like Vanderbilt and Carnegie; look like they worked too hard for too little.

I suppose this also means that the idea that long tern shareholders could expect even a small return when the company goes bankrupt is very out of date? 850 million free users served by 3200 employees. It makes every other employer that is actually producing a good or service look grossly inefficient. But it suggests that if countries had nothing but Facebook type “industries”, they would be bankrupt with enormously high unemployment, unless governments taxed their profits so highly they could support all the out of work.

Feb 03, 2012 9:53am EST  --  Report as abuse
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