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FPRI Monographs and Essay Collections - FPRI
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FPRI Monographs and Essay Collections

Periodically, FPRI publishes web-based monographs and essay collections, drawing on the FPRI research and conference programs.

Russia’s Looming Crisis

Russia now faces a momentous political crisis. The abuses of the Putin regime are so fundamental that, without profound change, the protest movement is unlikely to be stopped. Putin, however, is unlikely to agree to reforms that would threaten his hold on power. The stage is therefore set for a protracted conflict between Putin and the opposition that it likely to touch on each of the corrupt aspects of the present regime’s policies – the authoritarian political system, the corrupt and criminalized economy, the war in the North Caucasus and threat of terrorism, and finally the aggressive foreign policy that has put Russia at odds with the West and made it an object of resentment and fear on the part of the former Soviet republics and former Warsaw Pact members that are its closest neighbors. And if the world’s largest country in terms of area is heading for a system crisis, the result could be a new round of tragedies for the Russian people and a serious danger for the whole world.

Risk and Re-org: Infrastructure Protection in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania

Eli Gilman is a Research Associate for FPRI’s Center on Terrorism and Counterterrorism. He served in various positions from 2007 to 2009 with the Pennsylvania Office of Homeland Security, in which his primary focus was the development and implementation of the Commonwealth’s Critical Infrastructure Protection Program. Currently pursuing a Master’s Degree in Public Policy at Drexel University, he received his B.A. in Political Science from George Washington University.

With support from the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, FPRI’s Center of Terrorism and Counterterrorism examined the Commonwealth’s overall state of readiness, as well as the state’s success and failures in using Homeland Security resources.

America's Wars: What American Students Need to Know

This E-Book is a collection of essays drawn from our History Institute programs.

The Religious Origins of Religious Tolerance

By Eric Nelson

This E-Book is an expanded version of Dr. Nelson’s Templeton Lecture, delivered in Philadelphia in November 2010.

Foreign Fighter Problem

Edited by Michael Noonan, Managing Director of FPRI’s Program on National Security. This report is the second volume of findings from an important series of FPRI conferences on the so-called foreign fighter problem.

2011 Yemen Stability Survey

Glevum Associates, a firm run by FPRI Senior Fellow Andrew Garfield, has just released a report of probably the most extensive survey to date of Yemen's population.

The survey dealt with how Yemenis feel toward their government, Jihad and violence, and the role of the United States in the Middle East.  The survey was conducted over a one week timeframe in late January and polled a representative sample of 1,005 Yemeni adults from eight city regions.

Toward A U.S.-Mexico Security Strategy:
The Geopolitics Of Northern Mexico And The Implications For U.S. Policy

By David J. Danelo, This project has studied security, economic and political trends in northern Mexico and the U.S. southwest in order to develop a strategy for actions the U.S. government can take at the federal level to best support state and local security partnerships between the four U.S. and six Mexican border states to defend and deter the violence and address enduring security issues on both sides of the border. David Danelo has spent extensive time on the ground in Mexico researching conditions in the six northern Mexican states and examining methods for increasing local partnerships between U.S. and Mexican authorities. His field research frames the recommended changes in U.S. policy.

Beyond The Summit

Edited by Jacques deLisle, director of FPRI’s Asia Program, this February 2011 collection includes eight essays on topics such as the Taiwan, North Korea, India and U.S.-China cooperation.

The Constitutional History Of U.S. Foreign Policy: 222 Years Of Tension In The Twilight Zone

By Walter A. McDougall, based on lectures given at the Annenberg Summer Institute, National Constitution Center, Philadelphia PA, July 27, 2010

Foreign Fighters, Sovereignty, and Counter-Terrorism: Selected Essays

Edited by Michael Noonan, Managing Director of FPRI’s Program on National Security, this monograph is a collection of essays from “The Foreign Fighter Progblem,” a program conference held July 14–15, 2009 at the National Press Club in Washington, D.C.

The Palestinian Islamic Jihad’s U.S. Cell [1988–95]: the Ideological Foundations of Its Propaganda Strategy

Tally Helfont, of FPRI´s Program on the Middle East, analyzes the content of the Palestinian Islamic Jihad U.S. cell´s propaganda as a means to explain its ideological foundations and the way in which it was used to further the PIJ´s goals of terror fundraising in the United States.

Reforming the Afghan National Police

The Foreign Policy Research Institute (FPRI) and the Royal United Services Institute for Defence and Security Studies (RUSI) completed a study on how best to reform the Afghan National Police and presented their findings in a report released at a September 17, 2009 briefing held at the Reserve Officrs Association in Washington, D.C.

The Hu-Obama Summit and U.S.-China Relations

Edited by Jacques deLisle, director of FPRI’s Asia Program, this November 2009 collection includes eight essays on topics such as the Taiwan Strait, North Korea, and U.S.-China cooperation.

The Sunni Divide: Understanding Politics and Terrorism in the Arab Middle East

Samuel Helfont, of FPRI’s Program on the Middle East discusses the distinctions between two extremist Islamist movements, Wahhabism and the Muslim Brotherhood.

What are We Fighting For? Western Civilization, American Identity, and U.S. Foreign Policy

This January 2009 monograph by James Kurth, FPRI Senior Fellow and Claude Smith Professor of Political Science at Swarthmore College, discusses the foundations of Western and specifically American civilization, the ideals which make them worth fighting for.

Abraham Lincoln: Leadership and Democratic Statesmanship in Wartime

Mackubin Thomas Owens, Professor of Strategy and Force Planning at the Naval War College and Editor of Orbis, writes of Lincoln’s record as a war president.

Latin America’s Terrorist and Insurgent Groups: History and Status

As Prof. Alberto Bolívar of the Lima, Peru-based Strategos Institute writes in this May 2006 monograph, the existence of radicalized mass movements in Latin America’s most populous countries remains a matter of some concern, particularly in this volatile region.

Radical Islam in the Maghreb - 2005

Carlos Echeverría Jesús is professor of international relations at Open University-UNED, Madrid. For additional background, see his earlier “Radical Islam in the Maghreb” (62K PDF), Orbis, Spring 2004.

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FPRI Wishes to Thank its 2011 Partners
Who help make all our programs possible.

On November 15th at the FPRI annual dinner Fouad Ajami was presented with the Seventh Annual Benjamin Franklin Public Service Award. The event was attended by over 360 people.
Dr. John M. Templeton, Jr. was dinner chairman.

FPRI 2011 Annual Dinner

Video of keynote address
Reflections on the Arab Spring

Fouad Ajami

Special Partner Event
Al Qaeda and Jihadi Movements After Bin Laden
Christopher Swift

Special Partner Event
The Longest War: The Enduring Conflict between America and Al Qaeda
Peter Bergen

FPRI Dinner Booklet and Annual report