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Deals wrap: Viewing Potash through the media | DealZone
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Deals wrap: Viewing Potash through the media

Oct 5, 2010 11:49 EDT

Rocanville Potash Corp underground production supervisor Dave Esslinger displays a sample of potash 3280 feet below surface at the potash mine in Saskatchewan September 30, 2010. REUTERS/David StobbeReuters blogger Felix Salmon looks at how the media covered a report of the effects of a takeover of Potash Corp. Felix finds the coverage often differed from the actual report. *View blog *View Reuters article

“The biggest merger in Australian business history is dead. The board of Rio Tinto is preparing to abandon a $120 billion iron ore deal with the rival mining giant BHP Billiton in the Pilbara,” reports The Sydney Morning Herald *View article

Doing the math on the AIG bailout and repayment isn’t all that hard, reports Andrew Ross Sorkin from the NYT. *View article

Dollar Thrifty shareholders rejected Hertz’s takeover bid last week. Avis continues to be interested in Dollar Thrifty. The NYT takes a look at where the three companies can go from here. *View article

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