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Poets, Novelists, Playwrights and Essayists
The Wayback Machine - https://web.archive.org/web/20120522201119/http://www.spartacus.schoolnet.co.uk/writers.htm


Poets, Novelists, Playwrights and Essayists


19th Century Poets, Playwrights & Essayists
Lord Byron John Stuart Mill
Samuel Taylor Coleridge John Ruskin
Thomas Carlyle George Bernard Shaw
William Cobbett Percy Bysshe Shelley
William Godwin Richard Sheridan
William Hazlitt George Sims
Leigh Hunt Robert Southey
Douglas Jerrold William Thackeray
Charles Lamb Oscar Wilde
Henry Mayhew William Wordsworth



Victorian Writers and Poets

Writers' Britain


18th & 19th Century Novelists
Charlotte Bronte Charles Kingsley
Wilkie Collins George Meredith
Daniel Defoe Emma Orczy
Charles Dickens Olive Schreiner
Henry Fielding Walter Scott
Elizabeth Gaskell William Thackeray
Thomas Hardy Frances Trollope
Thomas Hughes Mary Humphry Ward




Thomas Paine

20th Century Poets, Novelists & Essayists
Richard Aldington Storm Jameson
W. H. Auden James Joyce
Enid Bagnold Rudyard Kipling
Samuel Beckett Arthur Koestler
Quentin Bell D. H. Lawrence
Arnold Bennett John Le Carre
John Bernal Laurie Lee
Laurence Binyon Marie Belloc Lowndes
Robert Blatchford Rose Macaulay
Edward Blunden Hugh MacDiarmid
Mary Borden Compton Mackenzie
Vera Brittain W. Somerset Maugham
Rupert Brooke Ethel Mannin
John Buchan Alice Meynell
James Cameron Naomi Mitchison
May Wedderburn Cannan Jessica Mitford
Thomas Carlyle Nancy Mitford
Christopher Caudwell C. E. Montague
Henry (Chips) Channon George Moore
G. K. Chesterton William Morris
Claude Cockburn Malcom Muggeridge
Cyril Connolly Edith Nesbit
John Cornford George Orwell
Nancy Cunard Wilfred Owen
Norman Douglas Jessica Mitford
Arthur Conan Doyle J. B. Priestley
T. S. Eliot Herbert Read
Havelock Ellis Isaac Rosenberg
William Empson Vita Sackville-West
Ian Fleming Siegfried Sassoon
Ford Madox Ford Olive Schreiner
E. M. Forster George Bernard Shaw
Eva Gore-Booth Charles Sorley
John Galsworthy Stephen Spender
Robert Graves Howard Spring
Graham Greene Helena Swanwick
Walter Greenwood J. M. Synge
Julian Grenfell Edward Thomas
Ivor Gurney Violet Trefusis
John Haldane Robert Tressell
Radclyffe Hall Mary Humphry Ward
Stuart Hall Sylvia Townsend Warner
Cicely Hamilton H. G. Wells
Thomas Hardy Rebecca West
Richard Hoggart Raymond Williams
Winifred Holtby Humbert Wolfe
Alfred Edward Housman Leonard Woolf
Laurence Housman Virginia Woolf
Aldous Huxley W. B. Yeats
Christopher Isherwood Israel Zangwill



Siegfried Sassoon

The Poetry of Shell Shock



George Orwell: The Novels

George Orwell: The Essays


Herbert Aptheker Harold Laski
Joel Bainerman Richard Milton
Charles Bean Theodor Mommsen
Charles Beard John Morley
Mary Ritter Beard A. L. Morton
Francis Beckett Harold Nicolson
Teresa Billington-Greig George Padmore
Marc Bloch Sylvia Pankhurst
Arna Bontemps Francis Parkman
Arthur Bryant Roy Porter
Alan Bullock Eileen Power
Angus Calder George Rudé
Thomas Carlyle Raphael Samuel
E. H. Carr John Saville
G. D. H. Cole Ronald Segal
Margaret Cole Victor Serge
Robert Conquest James Silver
Isaac Deutscher David Shub
James DiEugenio Paul Sweezy
William DuBois David Talbot
Friedrich Engels A. J. P. Taylor
E. Franklin Frazier Richard Tawney
Peter Fryer E. P. Thompson
Barbara Hammond Arnold Toynbee
J. L. Hammond Heinrich von Treitsche
William Hazlitt George M. Trevelyan
Christopher Hill Hugh Trevor-Roper
Rodney Hilton James Walvin
Eric Hobsbawm Beatrice Webb
Thomas Hodgkin Sidney Webb
C. L. R. James Nesta Webster
Ralph Miliband Ida Wells
Stetson Kennedy Howard Zinn



Searching for the Secret River

Elizabeth Robins: Staging a Life


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