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New Metal Gear Rising Trailer A Cut Above The Rest

We've heard little about Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance since its announcement back in 2009. But now that Platinum Games has taken over, the game appears to be on the right track.

A new pre-E3 trailer shows off some of the impressive combat moves players can expect to do. We also get a look at that cutting mechanic. An in-depth video interview also gives a closer look at the game's development.

Konami will have more on Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance next week at E3.

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  • I'll enjoy it, if its well made. For people who think it will ruin the series, Hideo Kojima pretty much declared he was working on mgs5 because of the mixed fan reaction to the changes made to the product. Game Informer even posted concept art of Big Boss with a dog so you can hold out for that product as the "true" successor to the MGS franchise and take this as a spinoff in the meanwhile. I'm more enthusiastic since the trailer gave a better sense of how the game will play. I'm expecting a more distinctly japanese game, where I'll feel disconnected from the story because the animelike characters with stylish haircuts and voices that don't resonate with me well.
  • The gameplay looked amazing and it seemed like there are still some stealth elements in this game(which is a relief) but the story......well im afraid of what they will do too the Metal Gear story ive said it once and ill say it again...IT SHOULDNT TAKE PLACE AFTER MGS4 MGS4 had the perfect ending!!!!
  • !

    Looks great! I'm really digging that slow motion precision slice thing........
    I just hope it controls well.............
  • Game looks bloody. The big guy executing the man at the beginning was brutal. And I like Raiden with his mask off.
  • Okay... this looks flippin' sweet. Doubts erased!

  • Game looks insane. In a good way. Raiden still looks like a ***... japs and their pretty boys...

  • Gameplay looks promising and really exciting. The graphics seem a bit dated though, although I suppose that should be expected with the consoles being as old as they are. Not a traditional fan of MGS, but may check it out.
  • He looks like Sylvester stallone's ex wife, the Russian woman from rocky 4.

  • Raiden looks SO awesome.

  • It's official, I'm totally looking forward to this beauty.

    When I first found out they were outsourcing I was a bit disappointed and skeptical, but now after seeing this. This game can't come out soon enough!!!

  • I was a little wary of this title before this trailer. I'm definitely excited for it now. The work they've been putting in looks to be paying off.

  • If this game had any other title than Metal Gear, I would probably be interested. Maybe if this was a brother to DMC I'd be straight with this. But seeing as how it's Metal Gear, and Raiden had redeemed himself as a beast character in 4, I can't support this mockery of the MGS name. The execution was cool though.
  • Now I'm just wondering what the story of MGS5 will be...
  • Looking good, real good. I saw in the pre-show, Raiden tried to cut a cat or a dog but it jumped away.

    Probably a cat....anybody else saw that???


  • I just laughed @ myself because I thought they said this game was not yet Raiden in the beginning of the video....God that was bad on my part xD

    This is looking like it's going to be a lot of fun. Maybe a lil more polish overall but Platinum Games is solid in my book.

  • The gameplay just looks amazing.

  • *** love depeche mode out of nowhere XD

    Somebody in marketing at konami has good taste in music. Love how the lyrics make sense, too. Can't wait for this game!
  • Adding one of my favorite bands with one of my favorite game series now made by one of my favorite developers? IS this real life?
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