Jumping into lucha libre

Jumping into lucha libre

The colorful and visceral expression of lucha libre suffuses in "La Quebradora," which features multi-media works by 12 artists.

Summer equals Shakespeare

Summer equals Shakespeare

Shakespeare companies come and Shakespeare festivals go, but the man's plays are as popular as ever — especially in summer.

'Bruja' at Magic Theatre

'Bruja' at Magic Theatre

The world premiere of Luis Alfaro's "Bruja" illustrates the playwright's talent for creating inventive stories within familiar idioms.

A trans-Atlantic alliance

A trans-Atlantic alliance

"Des Voix ... Found in Translation" is a theater project created by organizations in S.F. and Paris that wants to change how we think about modern French theater. 

Theater Video

Performance Features

Melding athleticism, artistry

The genial Scott Wells discusses the evolution of his choreographic style over the last 20 years.

Aiming for violent laughs

Actor Rod Gnapp says that just because the play is called "A Behanding in Spokane" doesn't mean it's all blood and gore.

Timely and tragic

Authentic storytelling and the exploration of culture and family are the heart of "My Tia Loca's Life of Crime."

'Girl in, But not of, the 'Hood'

Genevieve Jessee's one-woman show, part of this year's DIVAfest, is a funny, insightful work based on her own experiences.

Calling it a career

The 99th Mountain Play in Mill Valley will be the 30th directed by Jim Dunn — and his last before calling it a day.

Theater Reviews

A fertile mix

Luis Alfaro's "Bruja" rides deep currents of indigenous magic to conjure the wrath of a woman wronged.

Voca People: Novelty wears thin

They come in peace, but it doesn't take long before the visiting octet from Planet Voca starts to outstay its welcome.

Musical lays lampoons on thick

"Xanadu" at Center Repertory Company is very silly and very entertaining.

Hilarious shocker

"Behanding," at SF Playhouse, is often shocking, terribly funny and a great workout for some very good actors.

Swept up into the action

Thanks to We Players, Angel Island is the centerpiece of an extraordinary 5 1/2-hour experience called "The Odyssey on Angel Island State Park."

Dance Reviews

Dance just like Louis XIV

The Berkeley Festival did right by including "300 Years On: A Dance Collection From the Reign of Louis XIV" in its 2012 edition.

Kinetically delightful

Kristina Bethel-Blunt and Leonides Arpon mix ballet and modernist moves in Karole Armitage's "Three Theories" at Yerba Buena Center.
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