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The Wayback Machine - https://web.archive.org/web/20120630182433/http://www.gameinformer.com:80/b/news/archive/2012/06/28/2026427.aspx
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Nintendo Isn't Planning On Charging For Wii U Online Service

At a recent shareholders meeting in Japan, Nintendo president Satoru Iwata said the company has examined the possibility of an Xbox Live-style for-pay online service, but doesn't think it's the right course.

According to Andriasang, a shareholder asked about the possibility that Nintendo would charge for membership to the Wii U "Miiverse." Iwata said that the company is thinking about a service that would allow both the Wii U and other devices to connect to the consoles' online network, but feels that a subscription fee would impede the potential growth of the platform.

Source: Andriasang

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  • Well dress me up and call me Sally.
  • Kinda expected this
  • Who didn't see this coming?

  • Good job Nintendo now just don't make it horrible.
  • Thank goodness. Hopefully Nintendo's new online service will rise above its current generation's online model that's plagued with the dreaded friend code system.
  • Great, now the only thing I I have to worry about is whether or not the online sucks
  • They shouldnt, if they do they lean away from their soft core demographic
  • I would be so happy with an online network service that connects the Wii U and 3DS!!! They should certainly not charge either, I'll spend more money that way ;)

  • While it's was pretty obvious that this was going to happen, I'm still glad none-the-less! Smart move Nintendo, smart move! Now onto the topic of those supposed hour long message filters...

  • Good. Very good. Now I won't have to pay monthly for this service, nor PSN. Unlike XBLA... You pay monthly, every year for your 360.
  • Good job, Nintendo. You are on the right path towards pleasing your volatile fans.
  • as long as it is psn worthy performance im good and could do somthing along the lines of plus instead of a full pay to play service
  • That's because nobody would pay for it.
  • If you dont renew your membership for xbox and cancel every time after you purchase more months you get great deals, one dollar for one month or two dollars for three, etc. Honestly thats not that bad of a deal for what you get.
  • *** good

  • Yeeeeeeesssssssss...

    Now, time for phase two of our plan for world domination...

  • I would like to know where everyone thinks Microsoft Screwed up with there online service. Oh yeah that's right they charge you $50 for a one year subscription. That gives you access to tons of Download able games and great discounts on classic games. Plus tons of apps for Music and Video entertainment. Plus the added Security that you get from a paid service(Not saying that they can't get hacked!). The only complaint i would have is that, Microsoft should change the Gold/sliver accounts. I think that all gamers should be allowed to access the full content on there games,But gold members just get extra content for free. While sliver members have the option to choose to pay get the extra addon's. Now onto Nintendo. online gaming is one area that Nintendo seems to lack in experience. Hopefully they can make a decent online service. I would really like to play some Nintendo games online for once. Hey maybe if they get it right Nintendo might make a Online game that can compete with the Big ones. Good luck Nintendo and I Hope to Play your New System in the near Future.
  • good

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