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Beyond the Edge - National Geographic Adventure Blog
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Wild Love: Krissy Moehl from Andy Maser on Vimeo. Learn more about Krissy Moehl in the video Fringe Elements: Ultrarunning and Five Tips For Runners Hitting the Trail. See our Running Guide for training tips, gear, more. Krissy Moehl is an ultra-distance trail runner—meaning the longer the run, the better. But for a woman who…

By Casey Dean, NOLS Backcountry travel requires planning: route planning, anticipating weather, organizing gear with travel-mates, and much more. Meal planning doesn’t often get much attention, what with the relatively tasty and ridiculously convenient freeze-dried meals (and beer?) at our fingertips. Nonetheless, backcountry cooking is a wonderful way to spend an evening in the most…

You might think that the outdoor industry is a bunch of tree huggers, and to some extent that’s true. After all, we’re in this business because we love being outdoors, and protecting natural resources and quality places to play goes hand-in-hand with that. But what if I told you that this collective concern for the…

See our National Geographic Adventure Best Trails guide for hikes, gear, maps, and more. Running over 277 miles long, up to 18 miles wide, and over a mile deep, the Grand Canyon is one astonishing geologic feature. It’s exactly for that reason hiking the Rim-to-Rim trail, which takes you from one rim, down through the…

OF SOULS + WATER: THE WARRIOR from NRS Films on Vimeo. The latest release in the Of Souls + Water video series examines the life of Hawaii-born surfer Christopher Peterson. After experiencing extreme personal adversity, he found himself in riding waves—but this time on the river.  The poignant film speaks for itself, so watch it,…

Many kids in America stop riding bikes in high school. When splashing through puddles and racing around the park is no longer cool, two wheels get traded in for four. But for hundreds kids in northern California, the ride never stops—it gets faster. These are the student-athletes of the NorCal High School Cycling League. They…

Written and reported by guest contributor Casey Dean Skies across the nation have been darkened by smoke from forest fires. These same forests are the very destinations we set for adventures, so it is of utmost importance this summer to plan with particular attention to fire risk and wildfire danger. First and most simply, reconsider…

To tap into the heartbeat of a land, you have to get up close and personal with it. This isn’t the kind of experience you can glean from a bus or train window as the scenery rushes past you. No, to really dig into a place, there’s nothing so intimate as a walking pace. Meandering…

See more photos like this one in our Extreme Photo of the Week gallery. “There are thousands of miles of columnar basalt throughout the Columbia Plateau, but Trout Creek is special,” says climber Blake Herrington, seen here on an approximately 90-foot route called Purple Pinky Eater, rated a 5.12. “For just a quarter mile or…

My first sleeping bag was liberated from my dad’s musty military kit. With incisor-sized zipper teeth and a jumar for a slider, the M-1949 was more of a feather bed than a mummy bag. Weighing in just under eight pounds, it had the deadweight of a futon mattress and siphoned moisture like ShamWow®. Fortunately I…