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Op-Ed Columnists - The New York Times
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Loading the Climate Dice

Yes, weather fluctuates, and that variability is making climate change even harder to fight.

July 22, 2012, Sunday
The Launching Pad

Making America into the place everyone wants to go to create their start-up, their social movement — that is what the presidential campaign should really be about.

July 21, 2012, Saturday
At the Olympics, Women’s Time to Shine

In London, men have no monopoly on guts and glory. Girl power gets its sweaty, sinewy due.

July 21, 2012, Saturday
Head for the Cliff

President Obama has real leverage before the fiscal cliff. Does he dare to use it?

July 21, 2012, Saturday
Paterno Sacked Off His Pedestal

“Faust” comes to Beaver Stadium: A saint in cleats sells his soul to the devil.

July 21, 2012, Saturday
The Way We Fear Now

We are confronting villains who lack political motivations, who are nihilists, who “just want to watch the world burn.”

July 21, 2012, Saturday
Financial Scandal Scorecard

Have you been keeping up with the latest financial scandals? There’s a lot to sort through. Fraud, money laundering, rate-rigging. We’ve got it all.

July 20, 2012, Friday
Mourning and Mulling

As America heals from the tragedy in Aurora, Colo., we will be called to question our values and laws, especially our gun laws.

July 20, 2012, Friday
Guns and the Slog

If anyone, gun control advocates know what it’s like to go from one tragedy to the next in order to push for sensible laws.

July 20, 2012, Friday
Pathos of the Plutocrat

The very rich don’t just have more money. They expect a level of deference the Average Joe never experiences. And that has become a major factor in America’s politics.

July 19, 2012, Thursday
Where Obama Shines

In a world characterized more by anxiety than overt conflict, President Obama’s situation-specific foreign policy strategy has been nimble and effective.

July 19, 2012, Thursday
Veeps Wielding Pens

With Mitt Romney deep in the process of choosing a running mate for the Republican ticket, it’s time for a meeting of the vice-presidential book club.

July 18, 2012, Wednesday
Who’s on America’s Side?

Mitt Romney’s banking on harsh attacks to help him in his White House bid, but, unfortunately, it’s a Swiss account.

July 17, 2012, Tuesday
Individualism in Overdrive

Putting a starter pistol in your luggage is a gimmick that values personal advantage over the public good.

July 16, 2012, Monday
The Capitalism Debate

The argument between President Obama and Mitt Romney has turned into a broader attack on the logic of global capitalism. Romney must now define his capitalist vision.

July 16, 2012, Monday
Throw the Book at Penn State

It’s time for the N.C.A.A. to step up and deliver an appropriately harsh punishment for Penn State’s football program after the Sandusky scandal.

July 16, 2012, Monday
Five Obamacare Myths

The slogans and scare stories have taken over the discussion. The Affordable Care Act is humane, fiscally viable and Democrats should be out there defending it.

July 15, 2012, Sunday
Policy and the Personal

There’s a lot of tut-tutting about the focus on Mitt Romney’s personal history. But it’s not a diversion; it’s a way to bring real policy issues to the forefront.

July 15, 2012, Sunday
In Urban Parks, Our Newly Lush Life

In New York and other cities, there’s a verdure that defies the dark times.

July 14, 2012, Saturday
The Boy Who Wanted to Fly

Rory Staunton always aimed for the stars. Before a strep infection, discovered too late, cut his life short, the 12-year-old from Queens soared.

July 15, 2012, Sunday


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Kristof Blog

Nicholas D. Kristof's blog.

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David Brooks's blog.

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Douthat Blog

Ross Douthat's blog.

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Thomas L. Friedman From Tahrir Square

The Op-Ed columnist on American foreign policy and the new reality in Egypt.

Thomas L. Friedman in Jordan

The Op-Ed columnist Thomas L. Friedman discusses the resentment felt by educated and unemployed young men in Amman, Jordan.

Nicholas D. Kristof in Cairo

The Op-Ed columnist Nicholas D. Kristof talks about what to expect from Tuesday's protests in Cairo.

Win-a-Trip With Nicholas D. Kristof

The columnist invites students and those over the age of 60 to enter a contest for a reporting trip to Africa in 2011.

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