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Trey Gunn - Blog
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Original Voice

My presentation on "Original Voice" that I gave for the Seattle Office of Film and Music mixer.


Mali, West Africa (Part Two)


It has been a fantastic day. After breakfast we had a superb two-hour djembe lesson with Madou at the Palais de Culture just around the corner from our hostel. Alonso had met this women eating breakfast at The Sleeping Camel, Tina from Slovakia, who had come to study with Madou. We figured this guy must be something as Tina has come to Mali four times just to work with him. We got his number and completely butted into her lesson. We played outside among the big trees next to the Niger River. A perfect setting.

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I have a bias

I have a newly noticed bias.

I realized, during a coaching session yesterday, that I was working with a personal bias.

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Mali, West Africa (part one)

We left for Paris uneventfully. Though it was our first day of taking malaria pills.

After having had no vaccinations for about 30 years I opted for the full dose of everything. Which meant 10. Many shots and oral solutions later, I was ready to combat the elements. I have no doubt growing up in Texas in the 1960s and 70s had hardened my system to pesticides and questionable food sources, but I didn’t feel like wrecking this big trip by spending it doubled-over in some kind of obscure agony. We are armed with three means of purifying water, several types of antibiotics, a full on first-aid kit and our daily does of malaria pills, pro-biotics, neem and pepto-bismal.

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David "Fuze" Fiuczynski & the Musical Toolbox

A friend of mine passed this over to me and I send it out to one or two people. But seeing part two now, I think everyone should check it out:

Part one:

Guitarkadia Session: David "Fuze" Fiuczynski

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Tapping Workshop in Europe

Trey Gunn and Markus Reuter
Music and The Tapping Technique
For all tapping instruments and all levels

Innsbruck, Austria
June 18 - 23, 2012

I'm very please to announce this tapping workshop I'll be doing with Markus Reuter in Europe this summer.

To get involved and reserve your space head over to HERE


This has been a long time coming for me. For years and years

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into West Africa

I'm heading into a journey of a lifetime next week. I'm going to Mali, in West Africa.

The big picture:

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Invisible Rays (of Antarctica)

The latest disc is now out. Invisible Rays with guitarist Henry Kaiser and drummer Morgan Ågren.

In addition to his guitar wang-fanglings, Henry is also a research diver in Antarctica. He took some of his incredible diving footage and merged it with one of our tracks:

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