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Thursday 7atSeven: amazing corn - Abnormal Returns | Abnormal Returns
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Thursday 7atSeven: amazing corn

Here are seven (or so) links at 7AM Eastern.  We will see you later with the daily linkfest.  Good luck out there.


The chase for yield illustrated.  (Stock Sage)

How much longer can stocks and bonds rally together?  (Dynamic Hedge)


Why is the Pimco Total Return ETF ($BOND) trouncing its open-end cousin?  (Felix Salmon)

Are the excess returns to high yield bond funds largely illusory?  (Morningstar)


Corn prices hit record highs.  (FT)

Are futures-based ETPs an alternative to futures trading?  (IndexUniverse)


US economic momentum: pros/cons.  (FT Alphaville)

How much more can housing recover if jobs growth is stagnant?  (Real Time Economics)

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