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London Mayor Boris left dangling in Olympic tangle | Reuters
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London Mayor Boris left dangling in Olympic tangle

Mayor of London Boris Johnson recites a poem at the opening of the 124th IOC session at the Opera House in London July 23, 2012. REUTERS/Paul Hackett

Mayor of London Boris Johnson recites a poem at the opening of the 124th IOC session at the Opera House in London July 23, 2012.

Credit: Reuters/Paul Hackett

LONDON | Wed Aug 1, 2012 3:12pm BST

LONDON (Reuters) - London Mayor Boris Johnson was left dangling in the air on Wednesday when he got stranded on a zip wire while trying to make a dramatic entry to an Olympic party in one of London's parks.

In his trademark black suit and shoes, helmeted and holding two Union Jack flags in the drizzle, the portly Johnson shouted for help after his zip wire - an attraction favoured by school children - got into a tangle in London's Victoria Park.

"We are glad the mayor is safe and can only apologise for keeping him hanging on the line," a BT spokesman said on behalf of the telecoms company who sponsored the event.

A spokeswoman for Johnson said the mayor remained unbowed.

"Clearly the judges are likely to mark him down for artistic interpretation and, unlike Team GB, he won't be bagging any gold medals today."

Rumours on Twitter that the British archery team would move venues to take aim at their mayor appeared to be unfounded.

(Reporting by Kate Holton and Guy Faulconbridge. Editing by Patrick Johnston; patrick.johnston@thomsonreuters.com; Reuters Messaging: patrick.johnston.thomsonreuters.com@reuters.net; +442075427933; Reuters Messaging: For all the latest Olympic news go to here)

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