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21 Apr

Choosing The Right Keywords

Internet marketing and search engine optimization hinge on knowing what keyword or keywords web search surfers are searching for on the web. By doing extensive keyword analysis you can zero in on the best keyword terms to use when setting up pay per click advertising, writing keyword articles, and optimizing web pages.

Not only is it necessary to know what keywords are searched for the most but also how many times particular keywords have been searched. There are a number of effective tools available for keyword analysis and keyword suggestion.

Yahoo Search Marketing

Yahoo has an excellent tool for helping webmasters and Internet marketers determine what keywords people are searching for on a monthly basis. This tool, located at http://searchmarketing.yahoo.com/srch/index.php is powered by Yahoo Search Marketing that was previously known as Overture.


One of the more popular tools for doing keyword research is Wordtracker.
WordTracker can be found at http://www.wordtracker.com/. Keyword results provided by Wordtracker are compiled from Dogpile and Metacrawler. Wordtracker is not free but with the ability to do targeted keyword research the results can quickly pay for the software.

Once you have done some preliminary research you will need to decide which keywords or keyword phrases to target in your Internet marketing campaign. It is best to choose keywords that have a good amount of traffic without too much competition for placement.

For example, let’s say you are marketing a variety of photography books and you search on photography only to find that it had more than 1,000,000 searches last month. The competition for placement with this keyword is probably going to be pretty tough. Try researching on more targeted phrases such as nature photography, landscape photography, photography books, etc.

You will likely find that these terms have less monthly searches and much less competition. There will be a lower search to competition ratio. Generally, a keyword with 30,000 to 50,000 monthly searches is going to be one that you can compete for in terms of placement and being found on the search engines. Instead of spinning your wheels marketing for those who are searching for photography instead create multiple campaigns that market to more targeted keyword phrases.
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15 Apr

A Career In Webinar Hosting? Why Not?

If you’re still marinating the thought of a second income generating project, how about a career in webinar hosting? Your ebullience and charisma will carry the whole thing, even if you failed a screen test at Fox Pictures. How about trying it?

What is Webinar Hosting?

If you’re beginning to be confused about all that jargon calling a webinar by many names then stick to this definition – a webinar is just like your face-to-face seminar but it’s on the web. A palette of software tools make it possible to use webinar hosting features like sharing files and exchanging ideas on real time.

What actually goes on during a webinar? During the web based activity, participants or presenters can use audio conferencing just using their computer speakers, show off their computer screen for product live demos and use the recording mode for playback.

Webinar hosting becomes easier when the tools allow for registration and presentation of survey polls and animation. In the workplace, knowledge about the variegated features of web hosting can earn you the admiration and envy of techno-phobics. You can shop around for small and medium businesses needing techies to manage their webinars. See the potential?

For starters, you can tell your potential customers that they need to have a computer, Internet access, and a phone line just for the webinars. Suggest headphones so they can free their hands during the live discussions. At this point, you can also encourage them to avail of promotional discounts on gadgets to save them money – if there are offers flooding the market.

Starting Your Career

Don’t be intimidated by the big companies providing hosting services for webinars. Not that you are going to invent a software, you’ll just provide technical service for those starting out or testing the viability of web conferencing.

You can smuggle a slice of the pie into your own plate. But how? Enterprising people have great ideas. First, you’ll market yourself after you’ve mastered the software, then sell your ability to small and medium businesses struggling in the technical fog.

You can serve as the webinar facilitator to relieve workers from having add-ons to their already long list of to-dos. Talk to the company head about the advantages of having you around. You can help them reach a larger audience, help them reduce travel cost, and spruce up their PowerPoint presentations.
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13 Apr

Choosing Search Optimized Domain Names

Choosing a good domain name for your business website can be very hard but it is also essential to get it right, after all you want it to work for you. In this article I explore the many different aspects that you should be considering when deciding on a suitable domain name. I also take you through the steps I follow when choosing an appropriate domain name for my websites.

All things considered what we are trying to achieve is a website domain name that adequately describes your product or service, is broad enough to allow for some growth and scope in product or service, is simple enough for a person to recall and contains your most important keywords/phrases. From an Internet marketing perspective there are also considerations of company and product branding that may be brought into this specification. From an SEO perspective it may be better to use an older or established domain name that has been registered and known by the search engines for over a while, these tend to be rated more highly by Google in a respect point of view.

In this article I shall cover choosing the best new domain name that you can without considering your individual marketing or brand requirements.

To do the following tasks I like to have a couple of browser windows open and a spreadsheet program. It may be required that you signup and login to certain websites, but these are all well known and respectable websites and do this at your discretion.

1. Load up overture inventory keyword volume checker in your browser window. Type in your product name or service and submit. Copy the results across into your spreadsheet.

2. load WordTracker in your browser, either using the free trial account or if you have a normal account, login. Now using the wizard type in the same product or service you type in the previous step. Run through the wizard and again, highlight and copy your results across into a new space in the spreadsheet.

3. Load up Google Adwords in your browser. Navigate to tools->keyword tool and type in the same keyword we used in the previous two steps. Ensure use synonyms are checked. Copy all words across into selected keywords and click estimate search traffic. Copy all results into a new space on the spreadsheet.

4. Using the spreadsheet we should have three columns and what we are looking to do is this step is weed out all items that are unrelated or irrelevant by deleting them from the spreadsheet.
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11 Apr

A Business Wine Gift Can Strengthen Your Business Relationships

You are probably familiar with the traditional fruit baskets and flower settings used as business gifts in today’s modern corporate world. But a new trend is developing in corporate gift giving that adds a whole new dimension to business relationships – the business wine gift.

As it is customary for business associates to exchange gifts on occasion, an alcoholic gift has been frowned upon in the American business scene. But as business relationships become closer and on a more personal level, a wine gift is becoming much more acceptable.

Is a Corporate Wine Gift Appropriate?

Because of business teachings in America, the mixing of work and alcohol has never really been accepted as an appropriate practice. Of course, the endorsement of intoxicated employees at any corporate level is never a good or practical idea. But as business relationships have changed over time, from short term arrangements to longer term partnerships, the view of the appropriate gift has also changed.

The European business community has been of different opinion merely due to cultural differences. A glass of wine at a business lunch is an everyday occurrence and an acceptable practice. The European business lunch is treated very similarly to an American business dinner.

Therefore, a business wine gift is considered to be an appropriate and personal display of gratitude between business associates. This philosophy is permeating the American business scene and is now becoming a “chic” way to make a favorable impression on clients and customers.
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