Nostalgia alert! "Dirty Dancing" turned 25 on Tuesday, prompting many to scratch their heads and mutter something about time flying while reminiscing about the timeless love story. And though Patrick Swayze passed away almost three years ago, his performance -- and that of a young Jennifer Grey -- lives on, both on screen and in the minds of the movie's many fans.

jane brucker dirty dancing

Grey and Swayze weren't the only stars of the show. Devotees will remember Jane Brucker's turn as Lisa Houseman, the ever-confident singer/dancer and older sister of Grey's character Baby. Brucker went on to star in a few other projects, appearing on the small screen in "Wiseguy" and "Ellen" and in theaters in the film "Stealing Home." Eventually, however, she decided to go into semi-retirement and focus on raising her two daughters. She still occasionally acts.

jennifer grey dirty dancing

As Baby, Jennifer Grey captivated audience with her powerful transformation from an insecure young lady into a bold woman. She looks a bit different now, due primarily to a nose job which she later admitted regretting. Grey, however, did go on to win a season of "Dancing With The Stars" and is lined up for "In Your Eyes," a Joss Whedon project. (Whedon directed Grey's husband, Clark Gregg, in a small art film known as "The Avengers.")

For more of the cast, be sure to head over to Snakkle's extensive gallery. For the backstory on the film, including why the movie almost didn't happen, read our interview with producer Linda Gottlieb.

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  • A resort in North Carolina stood in for Kellerman's Mountain House.

  • This montage of Jennifer Grey to the song "Wipe Out" was unplanned; the filmmakers added it in the edit room. Because of the minimal budget, Grey didn't have enough wardrobe changes to make a longer, slow montage possible.

  • Grey and Swayze practice a lift in their dance routine in a lake. The film was shot in the fall and the water was freezing; the actors had to be wrapped in warm towels between takes.

  • "I've Had The Time Of My Life": The leap in the film's final number.

  • Patrick Swayze and Jennifer Grey at the premiere of "Dirty Dancing" in 1987.

  • Jennifer Grey and Patrick Swayze at the 60th Annual Academy Awards.

  • The 25th Anniversary Of 'Dirty Dancing'

    Jennifer Grey gets emotional talking about the 25th anniversary of "Dirty Dancing."

  • 'Nobody Puts Baby In A Corner.'

  • 'I Carried A Watermelon.'

  • 'Love Is Strange'

  • 'I'm Out, Baby.'

  • 'Hungry Eyes'

  • 'Dance With Me.'

  • 'I'm Sorry I Lied.'

  • 'Johnny Didn't Do It.'

  • 'Dirty Dancing' Dance Scene

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