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Chicago News and Culture by Richard Roeper of the Chicago Sun-Times
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Richard Roeper biography

Richard Roeper's column has been appearing in the Sun-Times for more than 20 years. The column has garnered numerous awards, including the National Headliner Award …Read More

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There’s nothing appealing about restroom romance

The great comedian Louis CK tells the harrowing and hilarious story of having to take his two little girls to the bathroom at the airport. “I can’t take them to the ladies’ room,” he says. “ ‘Go in there girls, into the public restroom of …

Incendiary film awful on many levels

The unfolding intrigue surrounding the anti-Islam movie making headlines around the world sounds like the blueprint for an infinitely better film than the actual movie in question. If you can even call it a movie, based on the 14-minute trailer on YouTube. You know about …

CPS, union wage battle for public opinion, but wherein lies the truth?

Can you believe those greedy teachers are turning down a 16 percent raise and demanding control over whether they get fired, no matter how poorly they perform? Can you believe those wealthy, out-of-touch one percenters on the school board are so callous they forced the …

Technology is a dramatic disconnect in movies

Technological limitations in a movie like “Argo” can open the doors to creating a Hitchcockian suspense puzzle that doesn’t depend on geeks using computers to obtain key information within seconds.

Unless you’re Bruce Springsteen, try to wrap it up before the three-hour mark

Let’s get the easy joke out of the way. When Bruce Springsteen was in concert last Friday and Saturday in Chicago, the Wrigley Field crowd finally had the chance to cheer for somebody spraying meaningful hits all over the field in September. Thank you. Thank …

Roeper: Drew Peterson not untouchable after all. That’s unanimous

Even in the circus known as the Drew Peterson trial, it seemed like a bad joke on Thursday afternoon when we heard the jury had sent a note to the judge asking for a definition of “unanimous.” My goodness. Twelve-year-olds that have seen a few episodes of “Law & Order” know what “unanimous” means. A short while later, it was pretty clear the jurors understood the meanings of “unanimous,” not to mention “verdict” and “guilty.”

One-star hotels and media don’t mix

CHARLOTTE—Members of the media whining? What?! That’s got to be an all-time first. Cough-cough. The city of Charlotte has been taking some hard body blows from some reporters who have been shuttling to the Time Warner Cable Arena from one-star hotels and motels 40 miles …

Roeper: Oh yeah, Obama nominated for president

CHARLOTTE — The business of the evening wasn’t complete. After Bill Clinton at first held the crowd captive and then seemed to be holding them hostage in the one of the most electric and one of the longest convention speeches you’ll ever hear, after Clinton …

Down at the CNN Grill ...

A number of media entities have taken over local establishments and turned them into TV studios — and restaurant/bar/lounges. The CNN Grill is normally a Mexican cantina. When the convention is over, Bloomberg will dismantle their sleek digs like a scene out of a modern-day version of “The Sting,” and Gold’s Gym will be back in business.

View from the seats: Controlled, but dry, chaos

CHARLOTTE — It took them a while to make the obvious and right choice, but the Democrats announced Wednesday morning they’re moving President Obama’s speech from the outdoor football stadium to the indoor basketball arena, because of the possibility of it raining so hard people …

Harold & Kumar & Barack

How in the world did Team Obama think it was a good idea to have the president of the United States doing telephone shtick with Harold & Kumar?

Stage is set for Democrats to take their televised party to Time-Warner Cable Arena

GOP or Dem, Tampa or Charlotte, you’re always struck by how much better it’ll look on TV than it does in person.

Roeper: Fear and loathing in ‘2016: Obama’s America’

Richard Roeper: “2016: Obama’s America,” the documentary by right-wing pundit Dinesh D’Souza, is equal parts anti-Obama infomercial, fear-mongering screed and psychoanalysis from afar. D’Souza pushes his theory that Obama is an anti-American, anti-colonialist whose father is the dominant guiding force in his life.

A season of blockbusters and bullets

We Marveled at “The Avengers.” We sunk that “Battleship.” We wondered how Mark Wahlberg and Channing Tatum could be funnier than Vince Vaughn and Ben Stiller. We paid too much attention to some loud mediocrities, in the meantime missing some beautiful gems. And we were …

Bears jerseys at the Drew Peterson trial? Where’s the respect?

RICHARD ROEPER: One of the most infamous figures in America is facing charges he killed his ex-wife and made it look like she had drowned in the bathtub. And jurors are wearing Bears jerseys, as if they’re in a sports bar. Kathleen Savio’s memory deserves more respect.

True tale ‘Compliance’ provokes visceral reaction from viewers

The Huffington Post said it “Might Be the Most Disturbing Movie Ever Made.” At a screening in New York, a woman yelled a profanity and walked out. A number of other theatergoers also headed for the exits. Time magazine called it “Torture Porn.” After a …

RICHARD ROEPER: One small step for a man and two giant leaps of logic

It was the ultimate “First!” If Foursquare had existed in 1969, Neil Armstrong would have had the rest of us playing for second place forever. Not since the apostles has there been a more exclusive club of a dozen men than the space pioneers that …