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Roger Ebert's Journal: November 2010 Archives
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November 2010 Archives

Where I draw the line


TSA.gifIt appears that not a single TSA agent has declined to perform a full-body pat down of airline passengers. That includes patting down small children. They're not patted down on a routine basis, but on some occasions they can be and they are. A child under 12, sometimes way under 12, may be required to remove outer clothing and be touched on such areas as the genitals.

Would you take this job? I don't believe I would. But it's worth reflecting that employment as a TSA agent is a good job in these hard times of high unemployment. The starting pay is $12.85 an hour, better than Wendy's for an employee who doesn't need a high school diploma. Wages go higher. The 40 hours of training are paid for by the government. Agents are given uniforms, badges, "a choice of health care plans," and power.

Midnight at the oasis


npr_logo.jpgEverywhere I go, as much as I can, I listen to National Public Radio. It's an oasis of clear-headed intelligence. Carefully, patiently, it presents programming designed to make me feel just a little better equipped to reenter the world of uproar.

A meeting of solitudes


3793422516_aa35ae4036.jpgI had no idea. For days I've been reading waves of messages from the lonesome, the shy, the alone, the depressed. Some who live as virtual hermits. Some who have few or no friends. Some who rarely speak with their families. Some who have never dated, or ever had sex. Some who consider it a good day when they never speak to anyone. Some who are sad to be alone. Some who are relieved. Some who can't do it any other way.

Day after day these posts arrived after

All the lonely people


6a00d83451901a69e20105365a0fb9970c-800wi.jpgLonely people have a natural affinity for the internet. It's always there waiting, patient, flexible, suitable for every mood. But there are times when the net reminds me of the definition of a bore by Meyer the hairy economist, best friend of Travis McGee: "You know what a bore is, Travis. Someone who deprives you of solitude without providing you with companionship."

What do lonely people desire? Companionship. Love. Recognition. Entertainment. Camaraderie. Distraction.

The Webby Awards
Person of the Year

Best Blog: Natl. Soc. of Newspaper Columnists

One of the year's best blogs -- Time

Year's best blog: Am. Assn. of Sunday and Feature Editors

Roger Ebert

Roger Ebert
Ebert's latest books are "Life Itself: A Memoir," "The Great Movies III," "Roger Ebert's Movie Yearbook 2012." Volumes I and II of "The Great Movies" and "Awake in the Dark: The Best of Roger Ebert" can also be ordered via the links in the right column of RogerEbert.com

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