(Translated by https://www.hiragana.jp/)
The Battle Hymn of the Tea Party - Roger Ebert's Journal
The Wayback Machine - https://web.archive.org/web/20120919185158/http://blogs.suntimes.com/ebert/politics/the-battle-hymn-of-the-teepees.html

The Battle Hymn of the Tea Party




Well I can't wait until they run the country. It will be good to know you can walk out in public looking like that with no worries.

I'm constantly amazed that these people don't realize how insane they are. Even Manson must have had moments of self-doubt, no?

This is seriously scary.

This would be hilarious if it weren't so scary! I'm from Australia and travel the internationally regularly. People all over the world are more perplexed by Sarah Palin than they were by GWBush. The less enlightened just put it down to "Americans are morons", but others see it as an insidious trend sweeping the West that has simply started in the US. A willful collective ignorance, like an allergic reaction to the access to information the internet facilitates. Its already well underway in Italy with Berlusconi...

And how is this foolishness any different than this cringe-worthy Barack Obama "hymn:" http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R3TKMKbifgQ&feature;=related. Really, Roger. Who is it you wish to taunt? Every uneducated dope who makes a bonehead song for their friends, or just dumb conservative Americans who pen foolish songs? A bully needs to declare himself.

oh my... this leaves me at a loss for words... oh my...

the poor battle hymn of the republic... we need to take it back...

Words, words, words. I'm completely without words. Egads.

Seriously. That's the best I can do. My brain hurts and I can tell my IQ dropped a point or two in a span of three minutes.

I would laugh, if it wasn't so sad and scary. What can one say? They believe it all so whole-heartedly, one can hardly criticizes them. It's the people who exploit their beliefs that make the situation so frightening. The cynical, hateful people in the media who work them up are the main problem.

Sarrie's huntin' skunk.

Pepe Le Pew, be very, very afraid - a skunk AND French.

Wonder how she cooks 'em?

If you're going to sing to the tune of something, at least pretend to care about matching the meter. I mean, that's just about standards.

Also, the coldness descending is traditionally associated with I can't believe I'm trying to explain this to them, it's not like they'll ever read this.

Julie Ward Howe is rolling in her grave! How pathetic!

in a sentence: holy ****.

is that a complete sentence?

Oh. My. God. This is chilling. Weren't there paeans written to Hitler?

truly awful. I appreciate, and understand why you put this up. I surely hope that this just represents a very small minority, but although it is good to know what this woman who could have been one heartbeat away from the presidency is doing, our country would be better off if it let the quitting governor fade into the obscurity that she surely deserves to be in.
Thanks for your work, and all you do.

a defining trait of fascism is portraying one's self as both powerful and power-less. In other words, an "everyone is trying to destroy us" vibe in which tea party leaders claim there is a "blood libel" against them, a "pogrom," and that they are being threatened by a "lynch mob," to portray themselves as powerless.

Yet at the same time, talking about "second amendment solutions," marching on washington with guns, and bringing guns to public events to portray how much power they have.

What we are seeing is the 1940s in action all over again, only starting in the US instead of elsewhere.

Sarah Palin is nothing more than a seat warmer who can only draw crowds because of her shrill idocy and great legs. On that alone, throngs of weak and feeble minded gather to GAWK at her show.
The above couple -need a tune-up.

Well, the Left selected Obama as its messiah. Now, the Right has Palin as its messiah.

I'm not claiming that the two politicians are the same, but I am asserting that apparent need for a superhero in a time of (perceived) hopelessness seems to be the same.

Why so many idiots setting themselves up for massive disappointment? Sarah Palin spent $400,000 on clothes during the 2008 election campaign--she doesn't care about respecting your money. Why are so many Americans so vulnerable to the vicious cycle of belief/disillusionment in the politicians?

Tea Party=All Talk, No Responsibility.

What about Social Security and Medicare? Are they on that drug, too?

Who said "I am the Way, the Truth and the Life. No one comes to the Father but by me?" Where are you headed after THIS life? Shouldn't that concern You on the eve of 2012, the prophesied End of Days? TTC

hey man, freedom of speech & all...right. on. i for one am glad for it, this kind of humor does not come along every day!!!

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